Happy Birthday this week Lewa Adebayo, Jemma Bash, Jessie Concannon, Mark Cunningham, Alexander Dikeocha, Shadine Duquemin, Bella Goodman-Spears, Claire Hobson, Glasford Jones, Jade Kashi, Billy Kelsey, Ted Ntibazonkiza, Alina Ripanu, Richard Samuel, Antoni Seferi, Trecia Smith, Aimi Weightman
KYLE LANGFORD– Congratulations to KYLE who received from England Athletics the U20 Athlete of the Year award. He received his award at the 8th England Athletics Hall of Fame and Volunteer Awards gala evening, which was held on 17 October. Please use this link showing a group photo of the recipients, and at the bottom KYLE with his award and the England Lion. http://www.englandathletics.org/england-athletics-news/our-national-volunteer-award-winners-are-announced?nid=354&userId=-1
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