Shaftesbury Barnet Harriers Weekly Newsletter Thursday 13 March 2025

Happy Birthday from Thursday 13 March to Wednesday 18 March – Carole Brown, Hannah Foster, Amy Goddard, Robbie Lightowler, Finn MaCarthy, Fellan McGuigan, Ethan Moss, Lina Nielsen, Daniel Nichols and Emmanuella Owusu-Bempah

HELP WANTEDPARENTS – we need your help to ensure your child can compete at all their events this season!
Volunteering to help on the track or field at just a couple of our home and away fixtures in 2025, will give us certainty early on that the meetings can go ahead. It’s a fun way to be involved on the day, you will still be free to watch your child’s events, lunches and refreshments are always provided at our home fixtures and at most away ones too.

Please contact either GERALD ALTERMAN or ROSALIND ZEFFERTT for further information or complete this form SBH 2025 Summer Availability.
GERALD: (SBH Officials Secretary; 07956 825781)
ROSALIND: (SBH Officials Co-ordinator: 07973 822874)

NEW CLUB RECORDS – The following are Indoor events that started from 2024, and are currently not included in the SBH Club Records, the events are the 100m, 200m and 600m which were all at Lee Valley.
Congratulations to the following – 100m U11B KENDRICK OGANYO (14.69i) 10-03-24, U13B LUCAS DAVIS (13.53i) 10-03-24, U13G DAMI ADENKUNLE (13.86i) 09-03-25, U15G AARA KAMARA (12.71i) 10-03-24, U17M TYLER HOLDEN-AIKHOMU (11.55i) 09-03-25, U17W HOLLY RYAN (12.32i) 09-03-25, U20M ANGEL-GIFFORD MIYA (11.48i) 09-03-25, U20W TAMI GEORGE (12.10i) 09-03-25 – 200m U13G DAMI ADENKUNLE (28.66i) 09-03-25 – 600m U13G KEENYAH ADELISE (1:49.52i) 09-03-25

NEW CLUB RECORD – Congratulations to HOLLY RYAN who set a new Under 17 Women 400m Indoor Club Record (59.74i) at the Be Fit Today Indoor Meeting at Lee Valley on 9 March 2025. The previous record was (61.71i) by MIA HIGSON at Lee Valley on 20 March 2022.

EUROPEAN INDOOR CHAMPIONSHIPS – Took place at Apeldoorn, Netherlands on 6-9 March
60m – SM H3 JOHN OTUGADE 4th (6.63i) in Semi Final 3 JOHN finished 5th (6.67i)
4x400m Mixed Relay – SX GB&NI won the Bronze Medal (SB 3:16.49i)
4x400m Relay – SW GB&NI won the Silver Medal (SB 3:24.89i)
Shot 7.26kg – SM Qualification SCOTT LINCOLN (HCA) 5th (20.54mi) in the Final SCOTT finished 4th (20.73mi)

60m JOHN OTUGADE in his debut for GB&NI, equipped himself well in his first major championships. Running the heats and semi-final with a few hours of each other he was very happy on his performance. This is the link to his video on the SBH instagram  in which he reflects on the championship, especially as JOHN works as a full time solicitor.

4x400m Mixed Relay – Both EMILY NEWNHAM U23 and LINA NIELSEN were both selected in the relay squad. The mixed relay was on the first day, with ALASTAIR CHALMERS on the opening leg, who handed over to EMILY in 4th place over 5m behind, EMILY ran an outstanding leg closing on the leaders after 200m, and handed over to JOSHUA FAULDS in a close 3rd place, JOSHUA handed over to LINA in 2nd place, the handover was a bit sloppy, which meant LINA was in 4th place after some 20m, LINA ran a solid race and took the team home winning the Bronze Medals. Finishing ,30 of a second behind Belgium. Unfortunately I have had problems trying to find the individual splits.

Shot 7.26kgSCOTT LINCOLN competing in his first European Indoor Championships, starting the qualification early on the final day, he had a good series of throws to finish in 5th place (20.54mi), qualifying for the final later in the day. In the final SCOTT improved his performance with a put of (20.73mi) to finish in 4th place. SCOTT will now compete in the World Championships in 2 weeks’ time, and will be looking at a higher place than his 16th in the 2022 Championships.

4x400m Women’s Relay – The penultimate race of the Championships, in which the team was LINA NIELSEN, HANNAH KELLY, EMILY NEWNHAM U23 and AMBER ANNING. LINA running the first leg ran a well-controlled race to hand over to HANNAH a fraction behind the Dutch runner, HANNAH manages to stay with Dutch, and handed over to EMILY a couple of metres adrift, EMILY running with confidence gave the Dutch woman a hard time, and handed over to AMBER almost level, AMBER has FEMKE BOL in front her, and matched her until the final 50m, when BOL eased away to the gold medal, and AMBER finished, giving the team the Silver Medals.

WORLD INDOOR CHAMPIONSHIPS – Takes place at Nanjing, China, from 21-23 March.
GB&NI are sending a team of 13 athletes, included in the team is SCOTT LINCOLN, following his outstanding 4th place at the recent European Indoor Championships.

NORTH WEST LONDON LEAGUE – The fifth and final fixtures took place on 1 March. We wish to thank all our athletes, including many of our recent new members, who made it another successful season for the club. Also many thanks to those parents, team managers, officials and helpers for their support throughout the season.

The results of the 1 March and the recently published fixture of the 18 January are in the results section.
These are the final league positions for all age-groups – Under 11 Boys League Champions, Under 11 Girls 2nd place, Under 13 Boys 3rd place, Under 13 Girls 4th place, Under 15 Boys 6th place, Under 15 Girls 10th place, Under 17 Men 8th place, Under 17 Wonen 8th place

The aggregate of the 4 age-groups for the season is as follows – Boys 1st London Heathside (158 points), 2nd Highgate Harriers (152), 3rd Ealing, Southall & Middlesex (135), 4th SBH (128) Girls 1st London Heathside (165 points), 2nd Highgate Harriers (151), 3rd Windsor, Slough, Eton & Hounslow (148), 7th SBH (113)

SHAFTESBURY BARNET HARRIERS SUBSCRIPTIONS – Our new Club year started on 1 October 2024. The current SBH annual subscription is £85 (following the recent 2024 SBH AGM) and the current England Athletics annual registration from 1 April 2024 is £19. The current total is £104 and should be paid NOW to; ACCOUNT NAME: SHAFTESBURY BARNET HARRIERS, BANK: HSBC, ACCOUNT NUMBER: 41308378, SORT CODE: 400426 – Please advise GEOFF MORPHITIS by email ( when payment has been made.

Just to clarify, that the results I publish can be different to those that are shown on the Power of 10. The differences relate to seasons and personal best performances. For example in the recent EYAL results, an athlete in the 200m ran (24.1), and on his profile his season’s best was shown as (23.88) indoors. As the 200m indoors and outdoors are totally different type of events, I had shown the (24.1) as a season’s best. Regarding Master athletes any personal best performances relate to their current age-groups, as Club Records for Masters age-groups are in 5 year periods.

High Jump – SM LEWIS MCGUIRE won the Silver Medal (1.99mi)
High Jump – SW CLAIRE MCGARVEY won the Bronze Medal (SB 1.64mi)

BE FIT TODAY TRACK ACADEMY INDOOR MEETING – Took place at Lee Valley on 9 March
100m – SM A02 SHAAYUN RANMAL U11 5th (PB 15.34i), A03 MICHAEL OBIWULU U13 2nd (PB 13.73i) taking .83 of a second off his 2024 time, and is ranked UK No.4 U13 in 2025, SETH SAUNDERS U13 4th (PB 13.90i), A04 IMIKAN EDOHO U13 4th (PB 14.40i) taking .68 of a second off his 2024 time, A09 ANGEL-GIFFORD MIYA U20 1st (PB 11.52i) taking .68 of a second off his 2024 time, EYTAN POSNER U17 5th (PB 13.46i), A10 ASHER ESCOBAR U17 2nd (PB 11.88i) taking .36 of a second off his 2024 time, EESA ADEKUNLE-ALI U17 3rd (PB 11.98i) taking .36 of a second off his 2024 time, A11 TYLER HOLDEN-AIKHOMU U17 2nd (PB 11.55i), A16 MIKO BRAI-ALOYE U20 1st (PB 11.61i), A20 SAVAN MALIK U20 2nd (PB 11.72i), B07 ANGEL finished 1st (PB 11.48i) taking .04 of a second off his A09 time, and is ranked UK No.10 u20 in 2025, B08 TYLER finished 3rd (11.63i), B09 MIKO finished 4th (11.68i), B10 SAVAN finished 3rd (11.76i), B12 ASHER finished 4th (PB 11.86i) taking .02 of a second off his A10 time, B13 EESA finished 2nd (12.04i), B22 MICHAEL finished 1st (PB 13.58i) taking .15 of a second off his A03 time, and is ranked UK No.4 U13 in 2025, B23 SETH finished 1st (PB 13.83i) taking .07 of a second off his A03 time, and is ranked UK No.8 U13 in 2025, B25 IMIKAN finished 3rd (14.46i), B26 SHAAYUN finished 4th (15.39i)
100m – SW A10 SIENNA DARCY U13 3rd (SB 14.06i), AVERY ANDOH U15 4th (SB 14.25i), GEORGINA WARMATE U13 5th (PB 14.56i), A13 DAMI ADENKUNLE U13 5th (PB 13.87i) taking .38 of a second off her 2024 time, A17 SHENEL OKRAH U17 4th (PB 13.49i), A19 HOLLY RYAN U17 2nd (PB 12.32i) and is ranked UK No.1 U17 in 2025, A23 TAMI GEORGE U20 1st (PB 12.10i) taking .04 of a second off her 2024 time, and is ranked UK No.1 U20 in 2025, MAKAYLA BRAI-ALOYE U20 2nd (PB 12.25i), B01 MAKAYLA finished 3rd (PB 12.24i) taking .01 of a second off her A23 time, and is ranked UK No.2 U20 in 2025, TAMI finished 4th (12.60i), B10 SHENEL finished 1st (PB 13.44i) taking .05 of a second off her A17 time, B12 DAMI finished 1st (PB 13.86i) taking .01 of a second off her A13 time, and is ranked UK No.7 U13 in 2025, B13 SIENNA finished 2nd (PB 13.93i) taking .13 of a second off her A10 time, and is ranked UK No.8 U13 in 2025, B15 AVERY finished 1st (PB 14.01i) taking .24 of a second off her A10 time, B17 GEORGINA finished 4th (14.65i)
200m – SX 3 SIENNA DARCY U13 1st (PB 29.15i) taking 1.27 seconds off her 2024 time, 4 DAMI ADENKUNLE U13 2nd (PB 28.66i) taking 1.44 seconds off her 2024 time, GEORGINA WARMATE U13 4th (PB 29.73i) taking .07 of a second off her 26 January time, 10 KEENYAH ADELISE U13 4th (30.34i), 11 DINA SILVERMAN U20 1st (27.16i) taking .65 of a second off her 2022 time, 17 MICHAEL OBIWULU U13 5th (PB 29.83i) taking .66 of a second off his 2024 time, 21 TYLER HOLDEN-AIKHOMU U17 2nd (PB 24.03i) taking .16 of a second off his 12 January time, 24 SAVAN MALIK U20 4th (24.91i)
400m – SX 1 HOLLY RYAN U17 1st (PB 59.74i), 2 ADANNA MAZINWOSU U20 3rd (60.44i)
600m – SX 1 KEENYAH ADELISE U13 1st (1:49.52i) taking 4 seconds off her 2024 time, and is ranked UK No.5 U13 in 2025

CAMBRIDGE HALF MARATHON – Took place at Cambridge on 9 March
DANIEL NICHOLS V40 198th (PB 1:18.10) taking 1 minute and 8 seconds off his 2024 v40 time, THOMAS MILLER 253rd (PB 1:19.26), MARK COTTLE V35 636th (SB 1:25.32) 13,574 runners finished

UK CAU INTER COUNTIES CROSS COUNTRY CHAMPIONSHIPS – Took place at Wollaton Park, Nottingham on 8 March
Under 13 Boys – BEN KASPAR (Middlesex) 28th (11.34), DENNYS PASCAL (Middlesex) 45th (11.47) the winner was Jack Shingler of Gloucestershire (10.59) 313 runners finished
Team Result – 1st Berkshire (102 points), 2nd Kent (103), 3rd Middlesex (124), 9th Hertfordshire (222) 41 teams finished

Under 13 Girls – The winner was Madison Kindler of Essex (11.58) 308 runners finished
Team Result – 1st Surrey (46 points), 2nd Merseyside (66), 3rd Berkshire (111), 20th Middlesex (392), 24th Hertfordshire (487) 40 teams finished

Under 15 Boys – BEN KASPAR (Middlesex) 28th (11.34), DENNYS PASCAL (Middlesex) 45th (11.47) the winner was Ewan Withnall of Derbyshire (13.36) 313 runners finished
Team Result – 1st Surrey (75 points), 2nd Yorkshire (82), 3rd Sussex (115), 5th Hertfordshire (124), 12th Middlesex (273) 42 teams finished

Under 15 Girls – AIMEE PORTER (Hertfordshire) 56th (16.36) the winner was Kitty Scott of Surrey (14.53) 304 runners finished
Team Result – 1st Surrey (35 points), 2nd Scotland East (91), 3rd Essex (170), 14th Middlesex (276), 28th Hertfordshire (533) 43 teams finished

Under 17 Men – The winner was Alex Lennon of Surrey (18.56) 290 runners finished
Team Result – 1st Surrey (65 points), 2nd Yorkshire (66), 3rd Scotland West (91), 10th Hertfordshire (231), 11th Middlesex (240) 42 teams finished

Under 17 Women – POSIE SHAW (Middlesex) 53rd (20.33) the winner was Katie Pye of Surrey (18.29) 273 runners finished
Team Result – 1st Surrey (57 points), 2nd Yorkshire (96), 3rd Scotland East (98), 10th Middlesex (223), 36th Hertfordshire (670) 39 teams finished

Under 20 Men – TOMMY NARVAEZ-WHITE (Hertfordshire) 75th (28.08) 56th the winner was Aron Gebremariam of Warwickshire (25.00) 169 runners finished
Team Result – 1st Essex (54 points), 2nd Suffolk (102), 3rd Warwickshire (104), 16th Hertfordshire (383) 24 teams finished

Under 20 Women – CHARLOTTE HARRIS (Middlesex 2nd Claim) 67th (26.03), EMMA MCCLUSKEY (Middlesex) 95th (27.31) the winner was Freya Bradley of Avon & Somerset (21.51) 144 runners finished
Team Result – 1st Kent (83 points), 2nd Berkshire (96), 3rd Surrey (98), 7th Middlesex (217), 13th Hertfordshire (343) 15 teams finished

Senior Men – The winner was Brett Rushman of Hertfordshire (29.45) 277 runners finished
Team Result – 1st Northern Ireland (149 points), 2nd Surrey (218), 3rd Yorkshire (223) 30 teams finished

Senior Women – INDIRA PATEL (Hertfordshire) 130th (33.11) the winner was Jessica Gibbon of Oxfordshire (27.01) 266 runners finished
Team Result – 1st Surrey (120 points), 2nd Yorkshire (215), 3rd Lancashire (290), 6th Hertfordshire (438) 31 teams finished

800m – W45 LISA WEBB V55 7th (2:54.39i)

GC FOSTER CLASSIC – Took place at Spanish town, Jamaica on 8 March
100m – SW PARIS KING U23 3rd (SB 12.17 w1.9) and is ranked UK No.1 U23 in 2025
200m – SM 1 ZHARNEL HUGHES 2nd (SB 20.41 w1.2) and is ranked UK No.1 in 2025

NORTH WEST LONDON LEAGUE – Took place at Brent Country Park on 1 March
There were our top 5 finishers – Under 11 Boys WILLIAM STOCKDALE 2nd and ARI RUBENSTEIN 3rd – Under 13 Boys HENRY COWAN 4th

Under 11 Boys (2000m)WILLIAM STOCKDALE 2nd (6.49), ARI RUBENSTEIN 3rd (6.57), DANIYAL JANMOHAMED 6th (7.12), LUCAS XIE 8th (7.14), PRINCE-MOSES JOHN 9th (7.14), JAKE MICHALIK 15th (7.29), RIAN VARIA 17th (7.38), HUGO COWAN 29th (8.12), MARKO BIRD 43rd (8.45), IVAN BIRD 47th (8.55), T BETTRIDGE 48th (8.56), RAFI RUBENSTEIN 49th (9.02) the winner was Harry McDonald of Dacorum (6.45) 55 runners finished
Team Result1st SBH A (19 points), 2nd Windsor, Slough, Eton & Hounslow (58), 3rd SBH B (70), 13th SBH C (187) 13 teams finished
Final Team Result After 5 Fixtures1st SBH A (60 points), 2nd London Heathside (49), 3rd Highgate Harriers (48), 5th SBH B (34), 21st (1) 21 teams finished

Under 11 Girls (2000m)KEENYAH ADELISE 7th (7.42), LILY JANMOHAMED 11th (7.56), AMELIA WILKES 13th (8.04), LILA POWELL 20th (8.31), ELSIE BETTRIDGE 23rd (8.41), HARRIETT COWAN 25th (8.42), CATHERINE SMITH 30th (9.01) the winner was Sophia Davies of Thames Valley Harriers (7.01) 38 runners finished
Team Result – 1st Windsor, Slough, Eton & Hounslow A (22 points), 2nd SBH (47), 3rd Windsor, Slough, Eton & Hounslow B (58) 9 teams finished
Final Team Result After 5 Fixtures – 1st Windsor, Slough, Eton & Hounslow (60 points), 2nd SBH (51), 3rd Thames Valley Harriers (42) 14 teams finished

Under 13 Boys (3000m)HENRY COWAN 4th (10.58), LEWIS WARD 7th (11.04), ROAN PARKES 10th (11.21), TAHA COCKERELL 23rd (12.16) the winner was Filip Kounoupas-Prasato of London Heathside (10.33) 39 runners finished
Team Result – 1st Windsor, Slough, Eton & Hounslow (54 points), 2nd SBH (44), 3rd Highgate Harriers (55) 11 teams finished
Final Team Result After 5 Fixtures – 1st Highgate Harriers (22 points), 2nd Ealing, Southall & Middlesex (51), 3rd SBH (49) 14 teams finished

Under 13 Girls (3000m)GRACE ROONEY 12th (12.41), LUCIA CASELENUOVO 15th (12.53), SIENNA DARCY 18th (12.59) the winner was Capree Cooper of Barnet & District (11.26) 32 runners finished
Team Result – 1st Ealing, Southall & Middlesex (34 points), 2nd Windsor, Slough, Eton & Hounslow (61), 3rd London Heathside (64),7th SBH (78) 10 teams finished
Final Team Result After 5 Fixtures – 1st Ealing, Southall & Middlesex (53 points), 2nd London Heathside (48), 3rd Barnet & District (45), 4th SBH (40) 13 teams finished

Under 15 Boys (3800m)SAM DARCY 15th (13.45), SAM CLEMENTS 16th (13.54) the winner was Adam Falkowski of Trent Park (12.19) 27 runners finished
Team Result – 1st Highgate Harriers (33 points), 2nd Trent Park (43), 3rd Ealing, Southall & Middlesex (53), 7th SBH (87) 10 teams finished
Final Team Result After 5 Fixtures – 1st Highgate Harriers (56 points), 2nd London Heathside (45), 3rd Trent Park (43), 6th SBH (32) 14 teams finished

Under 15 Girls (3800m) – No SBH runners, the winner was A Johnson of Ealing, Southall & Middlesex (13.27) 30 runners finished
Team Result – 1st Harrow (36 points), 2nd Ealing, Southall & Middlesex (39), 3rd Thames Valley Harriers (54) 10 teams finished
Final Team Result After 5 Fixtures – 1st Thames Valley Harriers (53 points), 2nd Ealing, Southall & Middlesex (55), 3rd Harrow (54), 10th SBH (13) 14 teams finished

Under 17 Men (5000m) – No SBH runners, the winner was I Metzey of Ealing, Southall & Middlesex (16.53) 19 runners finished
Team Result – 1st London Heathside (22 points), 2nd Ealing, Southall & Middlesex (30), 3rd Maidenhead (58) 8 teams finished
Final Team Result After 5 Fixtures – 1st London Heathside (46 points), 2nd Ealing, Southall & Middlesex (46), 3rd Maidenhead (34), 8th SBH (16) 12 teams finished

Under 17 Women (5000m) – No SBH runners, the winner was L Delvendahl of Highgate Harriers (20.37) 8 runners finished
Team Result – 1st Highgate Harriers (17 points), 2nd Queens Park Harriers (29), 3rd Maidenhead (30) 4 teams finished
Final Team Result After 5 Fixtures – 1st Highgate Harriers (56 points), 2nd London Heathside (48), 3rd Dacorum (46), 8th SBH (10) 9 teams finished

Boys Overall Team Result After 5 Fixtures, For All 4 Age-Groups (A Teams Only) – 1st London Heathside (158 points), 2nd Highgate Harriers (152), 3rd Ealing, Southall & Middlesex (135), 4th SBH (128)

Girls Overall Team Result After 5 Fixtures, For All 4 Age-Groups (A Teams Only) – 1st London Heathside (165 points), 2nd Highgate Harriers (151), 3rd Windsor, Slough, Eton & Hounslow (148), 7th SBH (113)

NORTH WEST LONDON LEAGUE – The fourth of five fixtures took at Hampstead Heath Extension on 18 January.
There were our top 5 finishers – Under 11 Boys DANIYAL JANMOHAMED 4th and LUCAS XIE 5th – Under 13 Boys ROAN PARKES 5th – Under 17 Men AIDAN MCAVOY 5th

Under 11 Boys (1700m)DANIYAL JANMOHAMED 4th (6.07), LUCAS XIE 5th (6.07), PRINCE-MOSES JOHN 8th (6.12), ETHAN SLUTZIK 13th (6.26), RIAN VARIA 23rd (6.46), OLLIE REDWOOD 32nd (7.05), MARKO BIRD 42nd (7.43), IVAN BIRD 43rd (7.44), THEO BETTRIDGE 45th (7.57) the winner was Harry McDonald of Dacorum (5.54) 50 runners finished
Team Result1st SBH (23 points), 2nd London Heathside (45), 3rd Highgate Harriers (89) 15 teams finished

Under 11 Girls (1700m)KEENYAH ADELISE 7th (6.38), LILY JANMOHAMED 13th (6.53), ELSIE BETTRIDGE 19th (7.19), GEORGINA WARMATE 23rd (7.28) the winner was Jemma Watson of Windsor, Slough, Eton & Hounslow (5.56) 48 runners finished
Team Result – 1st Windsor, Slough, Eton & Hounslow (21 points), 2nd Highgate Harriers (60), 3rd SBH (62) 14 teams finished

Under 13 Boys (3000m)ROAN PARKES 5th (11.38) the winner was Filip Kounoupas-Prasato of London Heathside (11.11) 30 runners finished
Team Result – 1st Highgate Harriers (35 points), 2nd Ealing, Southall & Middlesex (37), 3rd London Heathside (60), 7th SBH (98) 10 teams finished

Under 13 Girls (3000m)SIENNA DARCY 16th (14.04) the winner was Mami Keam-George of Thames Valley Harriers (12.25) 34 runners finished
Team Result – 1st Ealing, Southall & Middlesex (54 points), 2nd London Heathside (61), 3rd Barnet & District (65), 11th SBH (121) 11 teams finished

Under 15 Boys (3800m)LADDIE SHAW 14th (15.34), SAM CLEMENTS 15th (15.45), OMAR MIAH 18th (16.01, SAM DARCY 23rd (16.39), AARON HILDALGO-HUDI 29th (17.01) the winner was Alfred Chen of Thames Valley Harriers (13.41) 27 runners finished
Team Result – 1st London Heathside (37 points), 2nd Highgate Harriers (41), 3rd SBH (61) 8 teams finished

Under 15 Girls (3800m)OLIVIA ABBOTT 12th (17.48) the winner was Sonny Allen of Highgate Harriers (14.45) 29 runners finished
Team Result – 1st Ealing, Southall & Middlesex (29 points), 2nd Thames Valley Harriers (44), 3rd Harrow (59), 7th SBH (102) 9 teams finished

Under 17 Men (4800m)AIDAN MCAVOY 5th (15.52) the winner was Sam Turner of London Heathside (14.55) 17 runners finished
Team Result – 1st Ealing, Southall & Middlesex (41 points), 2nd London Heathside (41), 3rd Barnet & District (50), 7th SBH (59) 9 teams finished

Under 17 Women (4800m) – No SBH runners, the winner was Lily Johnson of Dacorum (16.39) 8 runners finished
Team Result – 1st London Heathside (27 points), 2nd Highgate Harriers (24), 3rd Dacorum (21) 3 teams finished, the team results appear to be incorrect

PARKRUN – Can you make sure that you are registered as ‘Shaftesbury Barnet Harriers’, as the link I use to select all results only shows SBH athletes. If anyone is also officiating can you please contact me and advise me where and when.

PARKRUNS MILESTONE VESTS – You can purchase these from 50 to 500, this is the link –

PARKRUNS IN THE UK – Last Saturday at parkruns in the UK, there were…
1,282 events – 263,574 walkers, joggers, runners and volunteers – 13,524 first timers – 34,744 PBs

PARKRUN 5KTook place at Aldenham on 8 March
ETHAN SLUTZKIN U11 6th (22.56) this was his 121st Parkrun, CLAUDIA SLUTZKIN V40 16th (PB 26.00) this was her 197th Parkrun

PARKRUN 5KTook place at Battersea on 8 March
ARTHUR PHILLIPS U17 6th (16.30) this was his 69th Parkrun, EUAN PHILLIPS U17 15th (16.47) this was his 49th Parkrun

PARKRUN 5KTook place at Canons Park on 8 March
LENARD MICHEL V55 23rd (23.18) this was his 137th Parkrun, SHONA MICHEL V50 102nd (28.58) this was her 140th Parkrun

PARKRUN 5KTook place at Cassiobury on 8 March
PAUL LEWIS V50 169th (25.09) this was his 249th Parkrun,

PARKRUN 5KTook place at Hull on 8 March
KAYLA MICHEL U23 104th (24.29) this was her 53rd Parkrun

PARKRUN 5KTook place at Oak Hill on 8 March
DANIYAL JANMOHAMED U13 3rd (18.51) this was his 9th Parkrun, BRADLEY SINGER V35 40th (22.22) this was his 313th Parkrun, STUART SINGER V60 75th (24.19) this was his 460th Parkrun

PARKRUN 5KTook place at Panshanger on 8 March
RUSSELL DEVITT V75 352nd (60.12) this was his 338th Parkrun

PARKRUN 5KTook place at Pymmes on 8 March
HARRISON HENDERSON U13 7th (19.01) this was his 2nd Parkrun, SAM DARCY U15 10th (19.34) this was his 29th Parkrun, AMBER JACKSON U15 20th (PB 21.16) this was her 28th Parkrun, SIENNA DARCY U13 26th (22.02) this was her 1st Parkrun

PARKRUN 5KTook place at Rickmansworth on 8 March
DANIYAL JANMOHAMED U11 20th (PB 18.58) this was his 30th Parkrun, LILY JANMOHAMED U11 58th (21.09) this was her 32nd Parkrun

PARKRUN 5KTook place at Shorne Woods on 8 March
CLIFF GOLDING V70 65th (27.58) this was his 184th Parkrun

PARKRUN 5KTook place at Southampton on 8 March
ROBBIE LIGHTOWLER 93rd (20.45) this was his 14th Parkrun

PARKRUN 5KTook place at Sunny Hill on 8 March
MEGAN HAMMOND U17 20th (24.43) this was her 7th Parkrun

PARKRUN 5KTook place at The Old Showfield on 8 March
RICHARD SAMUEL V70 22nd (21.45) this was his 44th Parkrun

UPCOMING FIXTURES FOR THE NEXT 6 WEEKS, WHICH COVERS THE PERIOD THURSDAY 13 MARCH UNTIL WEDNESDAY 22 APRIL – The SBH 2024-2025 Winter Fixture Card can be found on the SBH website, in which you can Access/Print a copy for future reference. Also the majority of fixtures Information can be found on the SBH Website under the ‘Upcoming Fixtures’ section.

HERTFORDSHIRE, MIDDLESEX AND KENT INDOOR CHAMPIONSHIPSTakes place at Lee Valley on Saturday 15 March and Sunday 16 March, for all age-groups excluding U13s.
Entries Closed

ENGLISH SCHOOLS CROSS COUNTRY CHAMPIONSHIPS – Takes place on Saturday 15 March at West Sussex.
Note: You you will selected by your respective County Team Manager

WORLD MASTERS INDOOR CHAMPIONSHIPS – Takes place in Alachua, Florida, USA from Saturday 15 March to Friday 21 March.
Entries Closed

WORLD SENIOR INDOOR CHAMPIONSHIPS – Takes place in Glasgow from Friday 21 March to Sunday 23 March
Note: You will be selected following the UK trials

SHAFTESBURY BARNET HARRIERS THROWSFEST 1 – Takes place on Sunday 23 March at the StoneX Stadium, Greenlands Lane, Hendon (Satnav NW4 1RL).
Entry fee for SBH members is £6 for their first event, and £9 for subsequent events. Entry fee for non SBH members is £12 for each event.
Events are Hammer starts at 10.20am, Discus and Shot starts at 13.40am and Javelin starts at 17.00am.
Link to the online entries on Opentrack –
Entries Closing Date Thursday 20 March, No Entries On The Day
Note: Events may be full before the Closing Date, Therefore Please Enter As Soon As Possible

SHAFTESBURY BARNET HARRIERS THROWSFEST 2 – Takes place on Saturday 29 March at the StoneX Stadium, Greenlands Lane, Hendon (Satnav NW4 1RL).
Entry fee for SBH members is £6 for their first event, and £9 for subsequent events. Entry fee for non SBH members is £12 for each event.
Events are Hammer starts at 10.20am, Discus and Shot starts at 13.40am and Javelin starts at 17.00am.
Link to the online entries on Opentrack –
Entries Closing Date Wednesday 26 March, No Entries On The Day
Note: Events may be full before the Closing Date, Therefore Please Enter As Soon As Possible

SOUTHERN MEN’S 12 STAGE AND WOMENS 6 STAGE ROAD RELAYS WHICH INCLUDE THE 15/U17 5K AND U13 3K ROAD CHAMPIONSHIPS – Takes place on Sunday 30 March at Milton Keynes.Bucks (MK14 6BN)/strong>
Start times
11.00am U15/U17 5K, 12.00pm Men 6 Stages of 4.8K and 6 Stages of 7.2K, Women 4 Stages of 4.8K and 2 Stages of 7.2K
Entries Closing Date Monday 17 March
Note: You will have to be pre-entered by your respective Team Manager

LEE VALLEY MINITHON INDOOR FIXTURES – Is for School years 3 to 7, in which you compete in 3 events from the following – 60m, 200m, 600, 60m Hurdles, High Jump (Year 6 and 7 only), Long Jump, Shot Put and Javelin (Year 6 and 7 only).
The final fixture is on Saturday 22 March.
Link to information guide on the Minithon – Information Guide For Lee Valley Minithon
To enter please use this link –
Note: You will have to enter yourself and pay the appropriate entry fee

SEBASTIAN COE ENTERS HOME STRAIGHT OF IOC PRESIDENTIAL RACE  The following article was published on the Athletics Weekly website recently.

As the battle to become IOC President enters the final days, DUNCAN MACKAY assesses the chances of SEBASTIAN COE, the man in charge of World Athletics, being able to prove his doubters wrong once again.

SEBASTIAN COE has stood in enough elections in his life to know that you have to expect the unexpected. But he will surely never experience anything again as surreal as he did during the 2001 UK general election, when he was on the stump canvassing for votes and he ended up fighting on the street with a man dressed as a clown. A British tabloid newspaper had come up with the idea of sending “Krusty” to whichever constituency that COE’S boss and former Conservative Party leader WILLIAM HAGUE was campaigning in with the aim of getting a photograph of the two together with the purpose of being able to snatch a picture which would allow them to pose the question: “Which one’s the clown?” COE had been given the job of making sure that this picture opportunity never happened. After a couple of weeks, things came to a head in Chichester when arguably Britain’s greatest athlete found himself trading punches with a man dressed in a green wig, sporting a luminous red nose and wearing oversized shoes.

Now 24 years on, COE is engaged in a quite different kind of election and one where he is canvassing to a quite different electorate. The campaign to be elected only the tenth President of the International Olympic Committee since it was founded in 1894 is, on the surface, a much more genteel affair. “In this campaign I certainly don’t get my son asking: ‘Dad. Why were you hitting a clown?’,” COE told AW. “I finished with my shirt and jacket ripped that day. A general election is obviously more public. In a street campaign it can get hairy. And you don’t get voters in the IOC saying they are not voting for you and telling you to get stuffed.” Earlier this year, as COE cruised through the lobby of a five-star hotel in Lausanne packed with international sports officials, billionaires, entrepreneurs, royalty, top politicians and even an Oscar-winning actress, the contrast with punch-ups in Chichester and wet days on the campaign trail in Preston could not have been more striking. But the essence of the job is basically the same – securing enough votes from the 109 IOC members drawn from all over the world to win the election in Greece on March 20.

The gathering in Lausanne at the end of January was COE’S only opportunity to get to meet the electorate in one place before the election, press the flesh and sell his vision of how he thinks the organisation which wields more power in sport than any other should look in the 21st century. The election is taking place amid strict rules about what candidates can and cannot do. Everything is being conducted in the utmost secrecy. Privately, COE doesn’t agree with it. Publicly, he says: “You have to follow the rules.” COE, a former Government Whip, is well versed at the complex arithmetic of counting prospective votes. He has been travelling the world since he officially confirmed last September that he was standing for the role and has been discreetly lobbying anyone who has a vote, trying to persuade them that he is the man who can lead them forward in a period of growing geopolitical tensions. The key to success is avoiding too much of a hard sell on IOC members. Stroking egos and pushing the right emotional buttons is crucial. Unlike in a general election, the one question COE cannot ask is: “Have we got your vote?” IOC members are notoriously secretive about their voting plans and it is considered bad manners to even ask. But COE’S team somehow have to work out the numbers in the most competitive contest in history, featuring seven candidates with no clearcut favourite. An encouraging word here or friendly smile there is often enough to be taken as a sign of support. “In a Whip’s office your raison d’être is to make sure there are no surprises,” Coe said. “It is like that. You have to know what is being spoken about in the coffee house. You have to follow the nuances.”

Following a modest career as an MP, COE has discovered his true calling and few people in world sport understand how this works better than him. He went through the exact same thing 20 years ago when he successfully led the bid from London 2012 to bring the Olympic Games back to the city for the first time in 64 years. London started that race considered to be the outsiders behind Paris and were largely written off. But now, just as then, there is a growing feeling that Coe is gathering momentum the closer the finish line gets. He is 68 now but remains as driven as when he was in his prime on the track, winning back-to-back Olympic gold medals and setting 12 world records. Wherever he is in the world, he still runs most mornings before he does anything else and covers up to 30 miles a week, which he still records in the training diaries he has kept since he was a teenager.

Running for IOC President requires a different kind of preparation. “I will work harder for this than I’ll probably ever work for anything,” COE said when he launched his manifesto last December. “It’s the dance that I just couldn’t sit out.” COE faces competition for the role from Spaniard JUAN ANTONIO SAMARANCH JR, France’s DAVID LAPPARTIENT, Zimbabwe’s KIRSTY COVENTRY, Japan’s MORINARI WATANABE, British-Swede JOHAN ELIASCH and PRINCE FEISAL AL HUSSEIN of Jordan.

Current IOC President THOMAS BACH, who had been first elected in 2013, announced during the Olympics in Paris last July that he intended to stand down after the end of his second term this year. COE quickly emerged as part of a lead group also containing COVENTRY and SAMARANCH. COVENTRY, a seven-time Olympic swimming medallist, is bidding to become the first woman and African to head the IOC. SAMARANCH is one of four current IOC vice-presidents and whose late father was in charge of the IOC for 21 years until 2001. COE has claimed Olympic sport is “fundamental to my DNA” and that “a laser-like focus on sport must be the priority for the IOC. I believe I can help achieve this and more.” But, out of the three favourites, he started out considered the most unlikely to win, even though he is probably the best qualified candidate for IOC President in history.

He is the only one ever to have won an Olympic gold medal, chaired the organising committee of an Olympic Games, served as head of a National Olympic Committee, having led the British Olympic Association between 2012 and 2016 and been President of an international federation. The image that COE has – unfairly – is of someone who has been handed everything on a silver plate. Both his Olympic gold medals were achieved against the odds – first at Moscow 1980 when he bounced back from a shock defeat in the 800m to main rival STEVE OVETT to claim the 1500m and then, four years later in Los Angeles, when written off by the British media who had campaigned for PETER ELLIOTT to go instead, he retained the title. That led to him walking round the track in the LA Memorial Coliseum with one finger pointed in the air while screaming in the direction of the press box: “Who says I’m f***ing finished now?”

It was COE’S aura that rescued London’s faltering Olympic campaign and propelled it to a brilliant victory but it is largely forgotten now that, when the original bid committee was drawn up under TONY BLAIR’S Labour Government, COE was not part of it. In the end, it took some intense lobbying from the same British media that had once written him off that finally saw him given a role. I can still remember in 2003, along with colleagues NEIL WILSON from The Daily Mail, and COLIN HART, of The Sun, pinning the then Culture Secretary TESSA JOWELL in the corner of the old press room at Crystal Palace and telling her that COE needed to be included in the bid. “I’ve never had a problem with being an underdog,” COE said. “Lots of underdogs come through very well.”

COE’S biggest opponent this time may not be COVENTRY or SAMARANCH, but BACH. The German and COE used to be close friends. In 1980, both were selected by the then IOC President JUAN ANTONIO SAMARANCH for the first IOC Athletes’ Commission. They even had nicknames for each other: COE called BACH the “Professor” and BACH called COE “Shakespeare”.  When COE gave the first speech by an athlete to the Olympic Congress at Baden-Baden in 1981 BACH, just winding down a successful fencing career at the time, helped him write it.

Cracks in their relationship began appearing shortly after COE was elected the President of the International Association of Athletics Federations (later rebranded as World Athletics) in 2015 just as the extent of the doping scandal in Russia began to emerge. COE’S response on how to deal with it was much harsher than BACH’S at the IOC as he tried to maintain his good relationship with Russian President VLADIMIR PUTIN. Then, when PUTIN invaded Ukraine in 2022, COE was again much stronger as World Athletics banned Russia from all of its events until the war ended. The IOC, in contrast, tried to produce a scheme which allowed some form of Russian representation at the Olympics.

Also, before the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo – which took place a year later because of the COVID pandemic – the two also clashed over the right of athletes to protest publicly on the medal podium. When TOMMIE SMITH, PETER NORMAN and JOHN CARLOS were chosen to receive the World Athletics President’s award in recognition of their protest for Black rights at Mexico City 1968, BACH responded by claiming that COE had broken his federation’s own rule on “political and religious marketing”. COE has insisted that he still considers BACH a friend, but any traces of a relationship have long since evaporated. There is now outright hatred on the part of BACH. At the start of the campaign, BACH was heavily supporting COVENTRY, even ringing up IOC members to tell them to vote for a woman who, as Sports Minister, is a leading member of a Zimbabwean Government ranked 149th out of 180 countries in “On Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index”. As COVENTRY’S chances have faded, BACH has adopted a new approach. He is now contacting IOC members to warn them what a disaster COE would be if he were elected as the next IOC President. Among the criticisms are that COE is “arrogant” and “someone who doesn’t listen” – which sound like a pretty accurate description of BACH himself. Under BACH, being an IOC member has largely become a symbolic position with all the major decisions, including which cities will host the Olympic Games, taken by a small coterie handpicked by him. COE has promised to “free up the voices of the [IOC] membership”. “There’s no shortage of talent [among the membership],” he said. “But the question I ask myself as a member is – what input do I and other members have? And the reality of it is, there isn’t enough. There’s too much power in the hands of too few people.”

COE has wisely avoided getting involved publicly in the dispute with BACH and concentrated instead on making sure his message travels everywhere. He has been determined to stick to his guiding principle that “if you get it right for the athletes, you’re going to get 80 per cent of it right” and his belief that his sometimes contrarian ways will not necessarily be a dealbreaker for him in the election.

“A lot of the criticism I’ve gotten from people in the sporting world, which I found a little depressing, was the assumption that good politics is about basically playing safe and … not leaving the herd and sometimes taking risks,” COE said. “And bad politics is doing just that. “You just have to accept that not everyone’s going to see the world in the same way. Your job is to try to persuade them that that’s a direction you’d like them to come. You then put structures in place where they see the benefits of what we’re trying to achieve.” A clear example of this is COE’S insistence on bringing clarity to the issue of eligibility for transgender athletes and those born with differences of sexual development, known as DSD, which has been criticised within international sport but earned widespread praise among the majority of the public. COE has even been happy to align himself with United States President DONALD TRUMP on the issue as he believes it is a move to “protect the integrity of women’s sport”.

In his manifesto, COE has vowed to “protect and promote the integrity of women’s sport” because it is “at a critical juncture”. He added: “I will advocate for clear, science-based policies that safeguard the female category. We will work closely with world-leading medical and educational institutions to increase research into female health, performance and exercise physiology. We must navigate this with sensitivity and resolve to ensure current and future generations of women choose sport.” COE’S decision to break ranks with other Olympic sports and unilaterally pay bonuses to gold medallists in athletics at Paris 2024 also upset many inside the IOC, but he is unapologetic. “We made the judgement about prize money because we felt it was in the best interest of our sport,” COE said. “In hindsight, I should have done it differently, and I am ready to hold my hands up. I did apologise [to other Olympic sports federations]. Not about the prize money … but in hindsight I would have done it a different way.” COE claimed he has always been prepared to put his principles before anything else, something he attributes to his strong family upbringing. “I’d rather face the wrath of MARGARET THATCHER than the wrath of my mother sitting around the dining room table saying to me ‘Are you demented?’ I have always tended to stand my ground on things I truly believe in.” In fact, COE did once face the wrath of the Iron Lady. The cold war was at its height when THATCHER was elected Prime Minister and US President JIMMY CARTER called for a boycott of Moscow 1980 after the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan, and she supported him. COE announced that he intended to compete in Moscow. It was a brave act of defiance from someone who, even then, harboured ambitions to become a Conservative MP. “It did cross my mind not to go,” he admitted. “As history has shown, I think I was right and they got it wrong.” That trip to Moscow was the beginning of COE’S long Olympic journey, one which has scaled the highest of highs but is not over yet. A final push towards more history beckons. As generations of athletes, sports officials, politicians and clowns have found out, you write SEBASTIAN NEWBOLD COE off at your peril. Even Krusty will probably have a little chuckle to himself if COE becomes the most powerful man in world sport.

ATHLETICS WEEKLY 1969 TO 1987 RICHARD SAMUEL wishes to dispose of his collection of Athletics Weekly’s, which ranges from mid 1969 to mid 1987. Most years are complete but there are a few gaps. Mostly the condition is good but a few are a bit dog eared. RICHARD suggests a donation to club funds by anyone interested and they would have be collected.
Anyone interested please contact RICHARD by email at

ENGLAND ATHLETICS THROWS COMMUNITY NEWSLETTER Just received the February issue from NICK RIDGEON of England Athletics – England Athletics February 2025 Throws Community Newsletter

SHAFTESBURY BARNET HARRIERS NEW INSTAGRAM ACCOUNT– Many thanks to SEAN SUTHERLAND who undertook a review on the best way forward, following this a decision was made to set up a new account, and SEAN has now set that account up.

To follow our newInstagram account, from your own account, by searching for ‘shaftesbury_barnet’ or by clicking
To Members and Parents, if you wish for any photographs to be posted on Instagram, please email them to  If you can at the same time give details on when and where the photographs was taken, plus any other comments.
Please feel free to post photographs of any special occasion, for example, your wedding day, an addition to the family.

SHAFTESBURY BARNET HARRIERS ON INSTAGRAM – Since the account was setup, there has been an amazing amount of Videos and Photographs contributed with many comments. There is 1 post this week.

Video of JOHN OTUGADE, talking about his experience of the European Indoor Championships


SBH 2025 SUMMER FIXTURE CARD – The SBH 2025 Summer Fixture Card will be issued in Mid March 2025. You can see all dates/venues for all leagues SBH participate in, and other major fixtures. These can be found folowing ‘Upcoming Fixtures’ above, and is titles ‘A look ahead to the Summer’.
Information on each fixture will be published in the SBH Weekly Newsletter as and when available, this is the link to the current and previous SBH Weekly Newsletters –

SBH 2024-2025 CROSS COUNTRY POINTS RACES – Take place throughout the season, the final winners hve now been determined.
Link to the final Men and Women’s points tables, following the National Championships at Parliament Hill on 22 February –Mens Cross Country Points Tables 2024-2025 Final Issue 22-02-25     Womens Cross Country Points Tables 2024-2025 Final Issue 22-02-25

SBH 2024-2025 CROSS COUNTRY CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP RACES – Take place throughout the season, the final winners hve now been determined.
Link to the final Men and Women’s Club Championship winners, following the 25 January Southern Championships – SBH Cross Country Club Championship Winners 2024-2025 Updated 25-01-25

STONEX STADIUM MEMBERSHIP – To use the StoneX Stadium facilities for training, SBH members are required to pay a fee. You can register as a member (which is free) which then entitles you to a discount. This is the link to the form to apply for membership – SBH StoneX Membership 2024-2025  The entrance fee on the membership form, cover the period 1 May 2024 to 30 April 2025.

If you wish to contribute your own memories and/or photographs of GEORGE, please email them to me, either within the email or as a separate attached word document.

CODES OF CONDUCT – SBH have now adopted the UK Athletics (UKA) and the Home Country Athletics Federations (HCAF) Codes of Conduct which set out national standards of conduct for all clubs, coaches, officials, volunteers and athletes in the sport.  The purpose of the codes are to clarify what behaviours are acceptable and unacceptable, the standards of practice expected and the basis for challenging and improving practice.  The Codes are similar to our previous Codes of Conduct which were part of the previous ClubMark scheme.  All club member and anyone undertaking a relevant role must agree to abide by the codes of conduct. The Codes of Conduct have now been put onto our Website, please read these to understand the commitments you are making by being a member of SBH.
Link to the Code of Conduct document – Codes Of Conduct Booklet 2021 (1)

Section ‘About Us’, includes Annual Reports, Best Performance Trophy Awards, Individual And Relay Best Performances By Year, Club Records and SBH All-Time Top 10 T&F Performances.
Section ‘Team Managers And Competitions’, shows details of Track & Field, Cross Country and Road Relays Team Managers.
Section ‘Future Information/Results’, includes Information On Each Fixture, Summer & Winter Fixture Cards, Winter X/C Points Tables and Winter Club Championships Winners.

SHAFTESBURY BARNET HARRIERS NEW CLUB KIT They are now available to purchase from our club kit supplier, Supreme Sports – click on the link for the full range –
By opening the link, you will be on the front page, which displays the men’s items. Click on SBH LADIES for the women’s items, or click on SBH KIDS for the young athletes’ items.

CLUB HOODIES– With well over eight hundred hoodies already in circulation, this is your opportunity to join the club. The bright red hoody is made to order and has your name embroidered on the front along with the club badge and has the Club name on the back. We now have 2 styles, the original pull over style at £37 + P&P or the new one with a full zip at £40 + P&P.
Here is the link to the Supreme Sports website which if you click on it, will take YOU to the new Club Hoody and allow you to then view the full range of Club kit online –

ACCESS TO SBH CLUBHOUSE – The new Keyholders to the outside door are TY HOLDEN, CLYDE GORDON, NEVILLE THOMPSON, GREG THOMPSON, COLIN GODFREY and YAMILLE ALDAMA who all use the Clubhouse outside of normal stadium opening hours. GEOFF MORPHITIS and DAVE BEDFORD will also have a key. All other key fob holders can continue to gain access to the clubhouse via the (New) West Stand Entrance and the Trackside Door to the Clubhouse.
Link to note and details for further information – SBH Club House Door 20-01-23

PHOTOGRAPH’S – From time to time we have photographs of our members taken at meetings or presentations which we would like to use both on the website or incorporated within our report to our local newspaper. Can you please let me know if you do NOT want your photograph to be published. Also, I would appreciate if you could send me any photographs, which I can then publish on the website and newsletter.

FACEBOOK – Photographs can be found on the SBH page.

CAN YOU HELP PLEASE I would welcome any contributions From Yourselves, any impending marriages, or additions to the family, any running or competing incidents, also past warm weather training/holidays (No Club 24 please). Currently the response has been excellent, but if you have anything that could make it into next week’s Newsletter – please email me.

CURRENT DISTRIBUTION OF SHAFTESBURY INFORMATION Currently I notify members (by email) using “MailChimp”. The reason I changed, was in November 2017 “Gmail” put a limit of 100 addresses that users could send to in a 24-hour period, and currently I send to approximately 850 members each issue.

On seeking technical advice “MailChimp” was recommended as the best way for SBH to go forward. There is one thing you should be aware off is that when you receive an email from me, the footer at the bottom has 4 options, of which one is “Unsubscribe Me From List”. Could I ask you not to select this as if you do you will be automatically removed from my distribution list.

SBH MIDWEEK POLE VAULT CLUB AT STONEX STADIUM – The current arrangements until further notice are that Pole Vault training is on Monday’s and Wednesday’s from 18.30pm to 21.00pm. Please contact the session administrator CLYDE GORDON at in advance and let him know if you are planning to attend.

SBH HIGH JUMPS GROUP AT STONEX STADIUM  High Jump training takes place on Monday’s from 19.00pm to 21.00pm. These sessions will be run by our High Jump Coach GRANT BROWN. There will be a charge of £10 per session.
Please contact the session administrator CLYDE GORDON at in advance and let him know if you are planning to attend

SBH TRAINING AND COACHING – Please see the 2024-2025 Winter Fixture Card, which gives details of Training and Coaching – A SBH Winter 2024-2025 Fixture Card Front Sheet Issued 02-09-24

POLE VAULTERS REQUIRED FOR 2025 To all athletes young & old – are you aware of the SBH Pole Vault sessions held at StoneX Stadium on Monday & Wednesday evenings from 18.30pm. We have room to coach more of you, why not come along and watch a session and the get involved – give it a try NOW.
Please contact the session administrator CLYDE GORDON at for more details.

STEEPLECHASE TRAINING AT STONEX STADIUM  Check with your Coach for details of training times.

SBH PRIVACY STATEMENT – In becoming a member, SBH will collect certain information about you. Can you please read the attached ‘Privacy Statement’ which contains Information on General Data Protection Regulations  SBH Privacy Statement Final April 2018

STONEX STADIUM – Main Switchboard telephone number is 020 3675 7250.

STONEX STADIUM AWARDED TRACKMARK STANDARD – Congratulations on achieving the UK Athletics Quality Assurance Standards for StoneX Stadium. This is the letter from UK Athletics and certificate showing all area that achieved compliance – StoneX Stadium Award Letter 09.11.21StoneX Stadium Certificate