Shaftesbury Barnet Harriers Weekly Newsletter Thursday 9 January 2025

Happy Birthday from Thursday 9 January to Wednesday 15 January – Oluwatishe Adesanya, Jackie Agyepong, Gemma Bennett, Isla Brassnet, Ronan Brean, Chinera Ezeonwuka, Julian Goater, Mark Goddard, Sarah Heath, Ty Holden, Traydean Hunt, Trayon Hunt, Rebecca Jeggo, Prince-Moses John, Benjamin Klein, Gabriella Kyriacou, Phoenix Lyon, Mittio Mohammadian, Eitan Mor, Stephen Murphy, Jordan Ngige, Stephanie Paparizos, Edward Pascal, Seth Saunders, David Stone, Macie Sutherland, Graham Taylor and Tim Underhill,

SBH COUNTY CROSS COUNTRY WINNERS 2025 – Congratulations to the following winners – Hertfordshire GIANLEO STUBBS Under 20 Men – Middlesex BEN KASPAR Under 13 Boys and SAMUEL GREENSTEIN Under 20 Men

VICTORIA PARK SPORTS MEDICINE METROPOLITAN LEAGUE – The fourth fixture of five takes place this Saturday 11 January at at Stanborough Park, Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire (SatNav AL8 6DF).

Link to the organisers fixture information, which included Parking and Course maps – Metropolitan League Race 4 All Information – Stanborough Park Welwyn – 11-01-25

SBH WINTER POINTS WINTER XC POINTS CHAMPIONSHIPS – The Metropolitan League fixture is the fifth fixture for the Under 11 Boys and Girls in their six race series. It is the fourth fixture for the Under 13 and above age-groups in their seven race series.

SBH BEST TRACK AND FIELD PERFORMANCES FROM OCTOBER 2023 UP TO THE END OF SEPTEMBER 2024 – Firstly I wish to thank CLYDE GORDON for the updated information he issued on the Under 11 Boys to Under 17 Men. The remaining age-groups I have updated myself.

MenA SBH Under 11 Boys Track And Field Best Performances Up To September 2024  C SBH Under 13 Boys Track And Field Best Performances Up To September 2024  E SBH Under 15 Boys Track And Field Best Performances Up To September 2024  G SBH Under 17 Mens Track And Field Best Performances Up To September 2024  I SBH Under 20 Mens Track And Field Best Performances Up To September 2024  K SBH Under 23 Mens Track And Field, Road Best Performances Up To September 2024  M SBH Senior Mens Track And Field, Road Best Performances Up To September 2024  O SBH Veteran Mens Track And Field, Road Best Performances Up To September 2024

WomenB SBH Under 11 Girls Track And Field Best Performances Up To September 2024  D SBH Under 13 Girls Track And Field Best Performances Up To September 2024  F SBH Under 15 Girls Track And Field Best Performances Up To September 2024  H SBH Under 17 Womens Track And Field Best Performances Up To September 2024  J SBH Under 20 Womens Track And Field Best Performances Up To September 2024  L SBH Under 23 Womens Track And Field, Road Best Performances Up To September 2024  N SBH Senior Womens Track And Field, Road Best Performances Up To September 2024  P SBH Veteran Womens Track And Field, Road Best Performances Up To September 2024

SBH ALL-TIME TRACK AND FIELD TOP 10 UP TO THE END OF SEPTEMBER 2024 – Firstly I wish to thank CLYDE GORDON for the updated information he issued on the Under 11 Boys to Under 17 Men. The remaining age-groups I have updated myself. Except the following, Under 20, Under 23 and Veteran Men and Women which have never produced. I intend creating these documents using the data on the Power of 10, these documents will be from 2005 up to the end of September 2024.

MenA SBH Under 11 Boys All Time T&F Top 10 Up To September 2024  C SBH Under 13 Boys All Time T&F Top 10 Up To September 2024  E SBH Under 15 Boys All Time T&F Top 10 Up To September 2024  G SBH Under 17 Men All Time T&F Top 10 Up To September 2024  M SBH Senior Men’s All Time T&F Top 10 Up To September 2024

WomenB SBH Under 11 Girls All Time T&F Top 10 Up To September 2024  D SBH Under 13 Girls All Time T&F Top 10 up To September 2024  F SBH Under 15 Girls All Time T&F Top 10 Up To September 2024  H SBH Under 17 Women All Time T&F Top 10 Up Tp September 2024  N SBH Senior Women’s All Time T&F Top 10 Updated To September 2024

SHAFTESBURY BARNET HARRIERS SUBSCRIPTIONS – Our new Club year started on 1 October 2024. The current SBH annual subscription is £85 (following the recent 2024 SBH AGM) and the current England Athletics annual registration from 1 April 2024 is £19. The current total is £104 and should be paid NOW to; ACCOUNT NAME: SHAFTESBURY BARNET HARRIERS, BANK: HSBC, ACCOUNT NUMBER: 41308378, SORT CODE: 400426 – Please advise GEOFF MORPHITIS by email ( when payment has been made.

Just to clarify, that the results I publish can be different to those that are shown on the Power of 10. The differences relate to seasons and personal best performances. For example in the recent EYAL results, an athlete in the 200m ran (24.1), and on his profile his season’s best was shown as (23.88) indoors. As the 200m indoors and outdoors are totally different type of events, I had shown the (24.1) as a season’s best.
The Power of 10 publishes separate UK rankings for indoor and outdoor performances, I wil record any UK rankings from the 23 January Newsletter.

Photographs were sent to me from HELEN BETTRIDGE
The results only show the first three teams in each age-group, although in some cases there were less than three teams finishing.

Under 11 Boys – No SBH runners, the winner was Harry McDonald of Dacorum (7.20) 29 runners finished
Team Result – 1st Watford Harriers (14 points), 2nd St Albans Striders (31), 3rd Herts Phoenix (34)
Under 11 Girls – No SBH runners, the winner was Chloe Wilson of Watford Harriers (7.59) 12 runners finished
Team Result – 1st St Albans Striders (12 points)
Under 13 Boys – No SBH runners, the winner was James-Dean Docherty of Dacorum (10.28) 18 runners finished
Team Result – 1st St Albans Striders A (12 points), 2nd St Albans Striders B (36)
Under 13 Girls – No SBH runners, the winner was Anya Rochester of Watford Harriers (11.27) 19 runners finished
Team Result – 1st St Albans Striders A (9 points), 2nd St Albans Striders B (20), 3rd Watford Harriers (22)
Under 15 Boys – No SBH runners, the winner was Teddy Murphy of Dacorum (13.11) 19 runners finished
Team Result – 1st Dacorum (10 points), 2nd Herts Phoenix (20), 3rd Watford Harriers (33)
Under 15 Girls – No SBH runners, the winner was Eimar McGinley of Watford Harriers (16.07) 9 runners finished
Team Result – 1st St Albans Striders (11 points), 2nd Stevenage & North Herts (18)
Under 17 MenMATTHEW MAY 10th (21.36), the winner was Luke Dunham of Herts Phoenix (18.44) 16 runners finished
Team Result – 1st Herts Phoenix (6 points), 2nd St Albans Striders A (18), 3rd St Albans Striders B (37)
Under 17 Women – No SBH runners, the winner was Lily Johnson of Dacorum (22.18) 13 runners finished
Team Result – 1st Dacorum (18 points), 2nd St Albans Striders A (22), 3rd St Albans Striders B (34)
Under 20 MenGIANLEO STUBBS won the Gold Medal (24.32), TOMMY NARVAEZ-WHITE 5th (25.57), 10 runners finished
Team Result – 1st St Albans Striders (11 points)
Under 20 Women – No SBH runners, the winner was Antonia Jubb of St Albans Striders (22.15) 9 runners finished
Team Result – 1st St Albans Striders (7 points)
Senior MenTHOMAS BUTLER won the Bronze Medal (34.31), GARY PELOSI V40 6th (38.36), BARRY HAWS V50 69th (51.53), PAUL MACARTHY V55 73rd (54.35), the winner was Brett Rushman of Herts Phoenix (33.25) 79 runners finished
Team Result – 1st St Albans Striders (92 points), 2nd Herts Phoenix (112), 3rd Ware Joggers (148)
Senior Women – EMILIA ECONOMU 20th (36.33), the winner was Annabel Gummow of Herts Phoenix (27.07) 47 runners finished

Photograph of Under 20 Men’s winner GIANLEO STUBBS

Under 11 BoysPRINCE-MOSES JOHN 6th (7.49), LUCAS XIE 12th (7.56), ZURRELL QUAYE-MURRAY 14th (7.56), the winner was Edward Polubryukhov of Ealing, Southall & Middlesex (7.32) 40 runners finished (22)
Team Result1st SBH (32 points), 2nd Highgate Harriers (34), 3rd Harrow (49)
Under 11 GirlsKEENYAH ADELISE 9th (8.36), ELSIE BETTRIDGE 18th (9.05), the winner was Sophia Davies of Thames Valley Harriers (7.25) 27 runners finished
Team Result – 1st Barnet & District (38 points), 2nd Highgate Harriers (40), 3rd London Heathside (42)
Under 13 BoysBEN KASPAR won the Gold Medal (10.36), DENNYS PASCAL won the Silver Medal (10.38), LEWIS WARD 11th (11.20), HARRISON HENDERSON 14th (11.34), TAHA COCKERILL 25th (12.28), 37 runners finished
Team Result1st SBH (14 points), 2nd Victoria Park & Tower Hamlets (20), 3rd Highgate Harriers (41)
Under 13 Girls – SIENNA DARCY 15th (13.04), LUCIA CASALENUOVO 22nd (13.36), KAIRI CAVERO-TAKI 24th (14.19), ISOBELL HUDSON 33rd (16.08), the winner was Violet Muralidhar of Ealing, Southall & Middlesex (11.44) 36 runners finished
Team Result – 1st Ealing, Southall & Middlesex (18 points), 2nd St Mary’s Richmond (50), 3rd London Heathside (52)
Under 15 BoysJESSE ABRAHAMS 21st (15.26), EDWARD PASCAL 23rd (15.29), LADDIE SHAW 25th (15.41), SAM CLEMENTS 29th (15.57), ETHAN MOSS 30th (16.02), the winner was Arjuna Pflug of Highgate Harriers (13.09) 46 runners finished
Team Result – 1st Victoria Park & Tower Hamlets (20 points), 2nd London Heathside (31), 3rd Highgate Harriers (42)
Under 15 GirlsAMBER JACKSON 13th (18.02), OLIVIA ABBOTT 18th (18.30), the winner was Jorjia March of Barnet & District (15.31) 41 runners finished
Team Result – 1st St Mary’s Richmond (25 points), 2nd Ealing, Southall & Middlesex (30), 3rd London Heathside (35)
Under 17 MenEUAN PHILLIPS 6th (19.54), ARTHUR PHILLIPS 12th (20.51), AIDAN MACAVOY 13th (21.16), the winner was Harris Austin of Highgate Harriers (18.25) 26 runners finished
Team Result – 1st Highgate Harriers (25 points), 2nd Enfield & Haringey (28), 3rd London Heathside (30)
Under 17 Women – No SBH runners, the winner was Ruby James of Victoria Park & Tower Hamlets (22.59) 12 runners finished
Team Result – 1st Victoria Park & Tower Hamlets (8 points), 2nd Highgate Harriers (19)
Under 20 MenSAMUEL GREENSTEIN won the Gold Medal (25.25), ADAM O’GORMAN 5th (26.43), RAFI GAYER 7th (26.51), GUY FAWCETT 14th (29.21), 22 runners finished
Team Result – 1st Highgate Harriers (12 points), 2nd SBH (13), 3rd Harrow (37)
Under 20 Women – No SBH runners, the winner was Allegra Massey of Thames Valley Harriers (22.22) 9 runners finished
Team Result – 1st Thames Valley Harriers (14 points), 2nd London Heathside (15)
Senior MenTREVOR CUMMINS V40 24th (38.54), OLIVER GREENSTEIN 40th (40.39), JOEL PHILLIPS V45 53rd (43.08), ROBER RIGBY V60 55th (43.24), MARK COTTLE V35 71st (44.50), JONNY SHAW V50 78th (46.12), DAVID GREENSTEIN V60 103rd (49.33), the winner was Terry Fawden of Highgate Harriers (33.58) 132 runners finished
Team Result – 1st Thames Valley Harriers (67 points), 2nd London Heathside (84), 3rd Serpentine (169)
Senior Women – No SBH runners, the winner was Hannah Viner of Highgate Harriers (28.16) 67 runners finished
Team Result – 1st St Albans Striders A (35 points), 2nd St Albans Striders B (70), 3rd Watford Joggers (81)

Photograph of TY HOLDEN with PRINCE-MOSES JOHN with the Under 11 winners team trophy

Photograph of Under 13 Boys winner BEN KASPAR with the winners team trophy

Photograph of the winning Under 20 Mens team, RAFI GAYER, SAMUEL GREENSTEIN and ADAM O’GORMAN


















The Under 20 Mens winners medals

BE FIT TODAY TRACK ACADEMY OPEN MEETING – Took place at Lee Valley on 5 January.
60m – SM A18 KRISHAWN AIKEN 7th (SB 7.07i), 19 JOHN OTUGADE 3rd (SB 6.72i), JIMMY THORONKA 5th (SB 6.92i), B01 JOHN finished 1st (PB 6.60i) equalling his 2018 time, 02 JIMMY finished 3rd (SB 6.87i) taking .05 of a second off his A19 time, 04 KRISHAWN finished 3rd (SB 7.02i) taking .05 of a second off his A18 time
60m – SW A05 EYKAH-MONAE QUARTEY 3rd (SB 8.17i), B06 EYKAH-MONAE finished  3rd (8.23i)
200m – SM 14 KRISHAWN AIKEN 1st (SB 21.86i)
200m – SW 13 VANESSA ANSUAA U23 2nd (SB 26.23i), 16 HAYLEY MCLEAN 4th (SB 25.54i)
300m – SX 2 EYKAH-MONAE QUARTEY 6th (PB 45.46i)
400m – SX 2 ADANNA MAZINWOSU U20 1st (PB 59.67i), MYA-MAIRS INGRAM U20 5th (SB 61.96i), 3 LARISA WILSON U20 (DNF), 4 LARISA WILSON U20 5th (SB 59.38i)
60m Hurdles – U13B A02 SETH SAUNDERS U13 1st (SB 11.06i), B02 SETH finished 1st (SB 11.01i) taking .05 of a second off his A02 time
60m Hurdles – U17W A04 SURAYA FROST U17 2nd (PB 9.15i) taking .44 of a second off her 2024 time, B03 SURAYA finished 5th (9.86i)
60m Hurdles – SW A05 NIA FORBES-AGYEPONG U20 3rd (SB 9.06i), B05 NIAH finished 7th (SB 9.04i) taking .025 of a second off her A05 time
60m Hurdles – V50 A08 GARY SMITH V50 (2nd Claim) 2nd (SB 8.67i), B07 GARY finished 1st (8.98i)

LEE VALLEY NEW YEARS DAY OPEN MEETING – Took place at Lee Valley on 1 January.
60m – SX1 MALACHI AMADI U 3rd (7.02i), 13 HOLLY RYAN U15 2nd (PB 7.87i) taking .12 of a second off her 7 January time, which would have ranked her UK No.8 U15 in 2024, 17 DAMI ADEKUNLE U13 6th (SB 8.90i)
200m – SX7 ASHER ESCOBAR U17 1st (PB 24.51i) taking .72 of a second off his 10 March time, 9 HOLLY RYAN U 2nd (PB 25.20i) which would have ranked her UK No.4 U15 in 2024, 10 BEN BAMISAIYE U15 2nd (PB 26.24i) taking .08 of a second off his 8 December time, 16 KAYLA SOFIA ESCOBAR REINA U13 5th (PB 30.81i)
300m – SX3 HAYLEY MCLEAN 5th (PB 39.87i) taking .66 of a second off her 2011 time, 6 BEN BAMISAIYE U15 5th (SB 43.14i)
400m – SX1 COLUMBA BLANGO T20 3rd (SB 50.60i), 9 SEAN SUTHERLAND V50 2nd (SB 58.49i) taking .47 of a second off his 7 January time, which would have ranked him UK No.7 V50 in 2024, NATHAN TADESSE 6th (SB 1:20.19i), 10 MACIE SUTHERLAND U2o 2nd (PB 1:02.11i)
800m – SX8 SAM DARCY U15 5th (PB 2:28.02i), 12 SIENNA DARCY U13 4th (PB 2:43.43i)

ST ALBANS NEW YEARS EVE 10K – Took place at St Albans on 31 December
PAUL LEWIS V50 39th (PB 39.14) taking 1 second off his 2024 time

PARKRUN – Can you make sure that you are registered as ‘Shaftesbury Barnet Harriers’, as the link I use to select all results only shows SBH athletes. If anyone is also officiating can you please contact me and advise me where and when.

PARKRUNS MILESTONE VESTS – You can purchase these from 50 to 500, this is the link –

PARKRUNS IN THE UK – Last Saturday at parkruns in the UK, there were…
870 events – 274,875 walkers, joggers, runners and volunteers – 10,550 first timers – 19,104 PBs

COMPLETELY USELESS RANDOM FACT – Did you know that there are up to 25 different volunteer roles that you can get involved with at parkrun? There’s so much scope to support you local event team, and expand your skills at parkrun!

PARKRUN 5KTook place at Aldenham on 4 January
PAUL LEWIS V50 18th (25.55) this was his 242nd Parkrun

PARKRUN 5KTook place at Battersea on 4 January
KOJO KYEREME V50 2nd (PB 15.20) this was his 23rd Parkrun

PARKRUN 5KTook place at Bury Field on 4 January
JAMES DAVIS U23 9th (23.53) this was his 75th Parkrun

PARKRUN 5KTook place at Canons Park on 4 January
LENARD MICHEL V55 19th (23.32) this was his 133rd Parkrun, KAYLA MICHEL U23 34th (24.50) this was her 49th Parkrun, SHONA MICHEL V50 85th (28.50) this was her 135th Parkrun

PARKRUN 5KTook place at Cassiobury on 4 January
CHRIS PURDUE V35 79th (23.04) this was his 21st Parkrun

PARKRUN 5KTook place at Dulwich on 4 January
JAMES TRAPMORE V45 70th (20.16) this was his 75th Parkrun

PARKRUN 5KTook place at Felixstowe on 4 January
ROSS HAMMOND U20 29th (21.37) this was his 67th Parkrun

PARKRUN 5KTook place at Guildford on 4 January
TIM PARKIN V45 44th (23.09) this was his 4th Parkrun

PARKRUN 5KTook place at Hackney Marshes on 4 January
BARRY CHISHOLM V65 355th (33.42) this was his 359th Parkrun

PARKRUN 5KTook place at Maidstone River Park on 4 January
CLIFF GOLDING V70 137th (27.30) this was his 180th Parkrun

PARKRUN 5KTook place at Oak Hill on 4 January
BRADLEY SINGER V35 42nd (22.42) this was his 302nd Parkrun, HELEN BETTRIDGE V40 81st (PB 24.22) this was her 20th Parkrun, STUART SINGER V60 99th (24.56) this was his 449th Parkrun

PARKRUN 5KTook place at Panshanger on 4 January
RUSSELL DEVITT V75 296th (54.58) this was his 330th Parkrun

PARKRUN 5KTook place at the Street on 4 January
ROBBIE LIGHTOWLER 92nd (35.46) this was his 7th Parkrun

UPCOMING FIXTURES FOR THE NEXT 6 WEEKS, WHICH COVERS THE PERIOD THURSDAY 9 JANUARY WEDNESDAY 19 FEBRUARY – The SBH 2024-2025 Winter Fixture Card can be found on the SBH website, in which you can Access/Print a copy for future reference. Also the majority of fixtures Information can be found on the SBH Website under the ‘Upcoming Fixtures’ section.

VICTORIA PARK SPORTS MEDICINE METROPOLITAN LEAGUE – The fourth fixture of five takes place on Saturday 11 January at at Stanborough Park, Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire (SatNav AL8 6DF).
Race Headquarters – Race HQ and Registration will be adjacent to the Start/Finish at the south side end of the North Side of the park.
Changing Facilities – There will be no dedicated changing rooms or showers, so please arrive ready to run. Toilets are available in the amenity block by the Splashlands playground. Extra toilets will be provided at the end of the car park, close to the amenty block. There are also toilets located at the Sailing Centre on the south side of the Park.
Refreshments – Will be from the kiosk in the amenity block on the north side of the park or from the cafe at the Sailing Centre on the south side of the Park.
Course Location – North Side Stanborough Park – See course maps.
Course Description – Start and Finish in grassed field, remainder undulating parkland course suitable for spikes.
Public Transport – Welwyn Garden City Station (Main Line) 1.25 miles.
Directions From Major Roads – Leave the A1(M) at Junction 4, (after the Hatfield Tunnel). At the roundabout take the second exit to A414/A6129. At the next roundabout take the first exit A6129. At the bottom of the dual carriageway take the second exit out of the roundabout. The entrance to the car park on the north side is on your left after around 100m. The entrance to the car park on the south side is more or less opposite but you cannot gain access from the left side of the carriageway. As early arrivers will undoubtedly fill the car park on the north side, you may be advised to go straight to the one on the south side.
Parking – There is a fairly large car park on the north side of the Park, adjacent to the course. There is a very large car park on the south side of the Park, 5 minutes walk to the course.
These car parks are camera operated and you must pay or you may incur a fine. You can pay at a meter by card.  However, payment does not have to be immediate. We have not been able to negotiate a reduced rate.
There is a footpath under the road bridge, providing traffic-free access between the South Side and the North Side of the Park.
Course Details – The start and finish are in grassed parkland.  The remainder is an undulating parkland course with two short woodland sections on each longer loop and a short climb and then descend on each of the shorter loops, all being suitable for spikes.
Additional Notes – The finish has been relocated and is now adjacent to the boundary with the school, and is outside the large loop of the course.
Timetable12.00 U11 (Over 9) Boys (1400m), 12.02 U11 (Over 9) Girls (1400m), 12.10 U13 Boys (3200m), 12.12 U13 Girls (3200m), 12.30 U17 Men and U15 Boys (4200m), 12.32 U17 Women and U15 Girls (4200m), 12.50 U20, Senior and Veteran Women (8100m), 13.30 U20, Senior and Veteran Men (8100m).
Note: You do not have to be pre-entered, just turn up and run.
Please collect your race numbers from the respective team managers – SIMON KEENE, JEREMY SOTHCOTT and JO KENT

VICTORIA PARK SPORTS MEDICINE METROPOLITAN LEAGUE RACE NUMBERS – I have been asked to remind you that your race number must be kept by yourselves, and is to be used for all 5 fixtures.

SBH WINTER POINTS WINTER XC POINTS CHAMPIONSHIPS – The Metropolitan League fixture is the fifth fixture for the Under 11 Boys and Girls in their six race series. It is the fourth fixture for the Under 13 and above age-groups in their seven race series.

SBH WINTER CLUB CHAMPIONSHIPS – The Metropolitan League fixture  is the club championship race for the Under 11 Boys and Girls.

SOUTHERN U13, U15 AND U17 INDOOR CHAMPIONSHIPS – Takes place at Lee Valley Athletics Centre are 61 Meridian Way, Edmonton (Satnav N9 0AR) on Saturday 11 January and Sunday 12 January.
Entries Closed

ENGLAND ATHLETICS U20 AND SENIOR INDOOR COMBINED EVENTS CHAMPIONSHIPS – Takes place at the English Institute of Sport, Coleridge Road, Sheffield (Satnav S9 5DA) on Saturday 18 January and Sunday 19 January.
Entries Closed

LEE VALLEY LONDON U20 AND SENIOR INDOOR GAMES – Takes place on Saturday 18 January and Sunday 19 January, at the Lee Valley Athletics Centre, 61 Meridian Way, Edmonton (Satnav N9 0AR).
Events are 60m, 200m 400m, 800m, 60m Hurdles, Pole Vault, High Jump, Long Jump, Triple Jump and Shot. For age-groups U20, Senior and Veterans.
To enter please use this link –
Entries Closing Date Thursday 9 January – Please be advised that events may be full before the closing date.
Note: You will have to enter yourself and pay the appropriate entry fee

SOUTHERN CROSS COUNTRY CHAMPIONSHIPS – Takes place on Saturday 25 January at Beckenham Place Park, Beckenham (SatNav BR3 1SY).
Start Times11.00am U15 Boys (4.5k), 11.20am U13 Girls (3k), 11.35am U13 Boys (3k), 11.50am U15 Girls (4.5k), 12.10pm U17 Men (6k), 12.40pm U20 Women (6k), 13.05pm U17 Women (5k), 13.30pm U20 Men (8k), 14.05pm Senior Women (8k), 14.50pm Senior Men (15k). In the Senior Men’s any athlete has not started his 3rd lap by 50 minutes they are advised they will be unlikely to complete the course in 90 minutes when times will stop being recorded. Start times to be confirmed, as those shown were for the 2022 race.
Entries Closed

WINTER XC POINTS CHAMPIONSHIPS – The Southern Championships is the fifth fixture for the Under 13 and above age-groups in their seventh race series.

SBH WINTER CLUB CHAMPIONSHIPS – The Southern Championship fixture  is the club championship race for the Under 13 and 15 Boys, Under 17 Men and 9 Mile Senior Men. Under 13 and 15 Girls, Under 17 and 20 Women, Senior Women and Masters Women 40+

LEE VALLEY LONDON U13, U15 & U17 INDOOR GAMES – Takes place on Saturday 25 January and Sunday 26 January, at the Lee Valley Athletics Centre, 61 Meridian Way, Edmonton (Satnav N9 0AR).
Events are Saturday U17s only 60m, 200m, 300m, 400m.800m, 60m Hurdles, Pole Vault, High Jump, Long Jump, Triple Jump and Shot –  Sunday U13 and U15s only 60m, 200m, 300m, 800m, 60m Hurdles, Pole Vault, High Jump, Long Jump and Shot
To enter please use this link –
Entries Closing Date Thursday 16 January – Please be advised that events may be full before the closing date.
Note: You will have to enter yourself and pay the appropriate entry fee

BRITISH MASTERS PENTATHLON AND 3000M INDOOR CHAMPIONSHIPS – Takes place at the English Institute of Sport, Coleridge Road, Sheffield (Satnav S9 5DA) on Sunday 26 January.
To enter please use this link, Due to open 19 December –
Entries Closing Date Sunday 12 January
Note: You will have to enter yourself and pay the appropriate entry fee

NORTH WEST LONDON LEAGUE – The fourth fixture of five which takes place on Saturday 1 February at Hampstead Heath Extension, Hampstead Way (Satnav NW1 7DY).
Age-Groups U11 to U17.
Timetable – The first race starts at 12.00 noon
Note: You do not have to be pre-entered, just turn up and run. Will our athletes please see TY HOLDEN who will give you a race number

BRITISH UNIVERSITIES CROSS COUNTRY CHAMPIONSHIPS – Takes place on Saturday 1 February at Blackweir Fields, Cardiff Castle & Bute Park, Castle Street, Cardiff (Satnav CF10 3FD)
Start Times –  To be confirmed.
Link to enter and all information –
Entries Closing Date Tuesday 14 January
Note: You will have to enter yourselves.

SOUTHERN U20 AND SENIOR INDOOR CHAMPIONSHIPS – Takes place at Lee Valley Athletics Centre are 61 Meridian Way, Edmonton (Satnav N9 0AR) on Saturday 1 February and Sunday 2 February
Events Saturday – 60m, 60m Hurdles, Long Jump, Shot.
Events Sunday – 200m, 400m, 800m, High Jump, Triple Jump, Pole Vault.
To enter please use this link –
Entries Closing Date Tuesday 21 January
Note: You will have to enter yourself and pay the appropriate entry fee

VICTORIA PARK SPORTS MEDICINE METROPOLITAN LEAGUE – The fifth fixture of five takes place on Saturday 8 February at Trent Park, Cockfosters Road, Middlesex (SatNav EN4 0JZ).
The following information is from the 2023 race, and will be updated when published.
Race Headquarters – Located just beyond “Go Ape”, on the right-hand side (south) of Lime Avenue.
RefreshmentsUnfortunately, the Trent Park café is currently closed. However, refreshments will be available to purchase from a mobile provider which is based close to the café and close to the Start/Finish area. In addition, the Wildlife Rescue & Ambulance Service (Enfield), located at the eastern end of the access road known as Lime Avenue (approx. 600 metres from the Start/Finish area), has a tea shop which is open until 4 pm.
Course Location – The main start/finish area is adjacent to the race HQ, located just beyond “Go Ape”, on the right-hand side (south) of Lime Avenue.
Additional Notes – A Club/Team assembly area has been identified adjacent to the start area. This is in the area to the south of Lime Avanue and close to the pond. Please see map attached. Please note that the area shown hatched in red must be kept clear.
Course Description – Very undulating course on open, rough, lumpy park land. Liable to be soft underfoot throughout. Some exposed tree roots in places, and two small wooden bridges that could be slippery. The course is likely to be very muddy and slippery in places so is not suitable for ordinary trainers. Spikes are strongly recommended for this event
Public Transport – London Underground – Cockfosters station is the northern end of the Piccadilly Line. The station is 300 metres to the south of the Cockfosters Road entrance to Trent Park (approximately 5 minute walk). Turn right out of the station, walk north along Cockfosters Road, past the BP Garage (with M&S). Use of public transport is strongly recommended due to the proximity of the underground station and limited car parking at Trent Park.
Directions From Major Roads – Cockfosters Road (A111) entrance; approximately two miles to the south of Junction 24 of the M25, on the left hand side, or just over half a mile to the north of the junction of the A111 and A110 (Bramley Road), on the right hand side (SatNav EN4 0JZ).
Parking – Parking is available within Trent Park but is likely to be very limited. Given the proximity of Trent Park to Cockfosters underground station, use of public transport is therefore strongly recommended. If you intend to drive, please car-share as much as possible.
The main car parking facility is at the Cockfosters Road entrance to Trent Park. PLEASE NOTE: The private car park close to the Southgate Hockey Centre at the top of Snakes Lane is NOT available. Please do not attempt to park there – you WILL be turned back. Cars must not be parked on any of the roads within Trent Park.
Trent Park closes at sunset, which will be at approximately 17:00. The gate at the Cockfosters Road entrance is usually closed at this time, but drivers must take care to check the closing time which will be shown on the sign inside the main entrance.
Timetable12.00 U11 (Over 9) Boys (2km), 12.02 U11 (Over 9) Girls (2km), 12.10 U13 Boys (3km), 12.12 U13 Girls (3km), 12.30 U17 Men and U15 Boys (4km), 12.32 U17 Women and U15 Girls (4km), 12.50 U20, Senior and Veteran Women (8km), 13.30 U20, Senior and Veteran Men (8km).
Please Note: This is the link to all information issued by the organisers, which include the course description and maps –
Note: You do not have to be pre-entered, just turn up and run.
Please collect your race numbers from the respective team managers – SIMON KEENEJEREMY SOTHCOTT and JO KENT.

VICTORIA PARK SPORTS MEDICINE METROPOLITAN LEAGUE END OF SEASON PRESENTATION – Please join us after the last race for the end-of-season presentations (and tea and cakes!), which will be held at:11th Southgate Scout Group, 1c Chalk Lane, Cockfosters, Barnet (EN4 9JQ).
Directions – Leave Trent Park by the main Cockfosters Road entrance and turn left down Cockfosters Road back towards the Underground station. Just after the BP Garage (with M&S), turn right down Chalk Lane. The Scout Hut is approximately 50 metres along the road on the left hand side (see map). Please note there is no car parking at this venue.
Please also note that the Scout Hut is quite small so there is limited space available. Polite Request; the Scout Hut has a wooden parquet floor so muddy shoes must be taken off and left at the entrance..

VICTORIA PARK SPORTS MEDICINE METROPOLITAN LEAGUE RACE NUMBERS – I have been asked to remind you that your race number must be kept by yourselves, and is to be used for all 5 fixtures.

WINTER XC POINTS CHAMPIONSHIPS – The Metropolitan League fixture is the sixth and final fixture for the Under 11 Boys and Girls in their six race series. It is the sixth fixture for the Under 13 and above age-groups in their seven race series.

ENGLAND ATHLETICS U15, U17 AND U20 INDOOR CHAMPIONSHIPS – Takes place at the English Institute of Sport, Coleridge Road, Sheffield (Satnav S9 5DA) on Saturday 8 February and Sunday 9 February.
To enter please use this link for information and entries –
Entries Closing Sunday Date 26 January
Note: You will have to enter yourself and pay the appropriate entry fee

VAC AND EMAC INDOOR CHAMPIONSHIPS – Takes place at the Lee Valley Athletics Centre, 61 Meridian Way, Edmonton (Satnav N9 0AR) on Sunday 9 February.
To enter please use this link –
Entries Closing Date Sunday 2 February – Please be advised that events may be full before the closing date.
Note: You will have to enter yourself and pay the appropriate entry fee

LEE VALLEY AYO FALOLA DREAM MILE – Takes place at the Lee Valley Athletics Centre, 61 Meridian Way, Edmonton (Satnav N9 0AR) on Wednesday 12 February.
Events are Track 400m, 800m, Mile and Long Jump. For age-groups Under 13 and above.
To enter please use this link –
Entries Closing Date Tuesday 4 February – Please be advised that events may be full before the closing date.
Note: You will have to enter yourself and pay the appropriate entry fee

BUCS INDOOR CHAMPIONSHIPS – Takes place at the English Institute of Sport, Coleridge Road, Sheffield (Satnav S9 5DA) on Friday 14 February to Sunday 16 February.
To enter please use this link –
Entries Closing Date Tuesday 21 January
Note: You will have to enter yourself and pay the appropriate entry fee

ENGLAND MASTERS (INTER AREA) INDOOR CHALLENGE – Takes place at the Lee Valley Athletics Centre, 61 Meridian Way, Edmonton (Satnav N9 0AR) on Sunday 16 February.
Note: Team selection will be via area clubs

LEE VALLEY MIDDLE DISTANCE OPEN MEETING – Takes place at the Lee Valley Athletics Centre, 61 Meridian Way, Edmonton (Satnav N9 0AR) on Wednesday 19 February.
Events are 800m for U13 and above, 1500m for U15 and above.
To enter please use this link –
Entries Closing Date Sunday 16 February – Please be advised that events may be full before the closing date.
Note: You will have to enter yourself and pay the appropriate entry fee

LEE VALLEY INDOOR FIXTURES – The following 4 fixture are now open to enter from 1 October. Please remember to enter as early as possible, to avoid not to be disappointed. London U20 and Senior Indoor Games 18/19 January (Closing Date Thursday 9 January), London U13, U15 and U17 Indoor Games 25/26 January (Closing Date Thursday 16 January) and Middle Distance Open Meeting 19 February (Closing Date Sunday 16 February)
Link to the 4 fixture details – Lee Valley 4 Indoor Fixture Fixtures Opening 1 October 2024

LEE VALLEY MINITHON INDOOR FIXTURES – Is for School years 3 to 7, in which you compete in 3 events from the following – 60m, 200m, 600, 60m Hurdles, High Jump (Year 6 and 7 only), Long Jump, Shot Put and Javelin (Year 6 and 7 only).
The final fixture is on Saturday 22 March.
Link to information guide on the Minithon – Information Guide For Lee Valley Minithon
To enter please use this link –
Note: You will have to enter yourself and pay the appropriate entry fee

FEAR AND LOATHING AS A FEMALE RUNNER  The following article was published on the Athletics Weekly website recently.

British international athlete VERITY OCKENDEN writes about a traumatic experience on a recent training run that underlined the safety issues female athletes still have to face. As I write this column on November 11, the reminders are everywhere. I open Instagram for a casual scroll and read La Repubblica’s latest headline; today marks one year since the Italian student GIULIA CECCHETTIN’S death at the hands of her partner, one year in which a further 113 femicides have occurred in the country I live in.

My reels replay the viral clips of SAOIRSE RONAN reminding PAUL MESCAL that self defence is “what girls have to think about all the time”. I have experienced my fair share of cat calling in pretty much every country I have ever been to and learned to brush it off. I was followed by a cyclist in the dark a few years back and even had a driver swerve toward me once for a laugh before racing off again, but I had pretty much forgotten about all of that until Saturday. When I say forgotten, what I really mean is that I had internalised all of the subsequent behaviours I had since adopted so that they became second nature and I no longer  actively thought about the precautions I was taking while out running. I was lucky enough to be able to stick to daylight hours, I didn’t wear earphones and I automatically switched sides of the road to give myself a decent gap on passing strangers.

All this I had normalised, so familiar was I with the routes I ran every day that I wasn’t afraid when I passed the local farmer out with his shotgun slung over his shoulder, or the goatherd and his pack of dogs. We all knew and respected each other, just minding our business, doing our jobs. On Saturday, I was one hour and thirty minutes into a long run that finished at tempo pace. I had waited for the fog to clear before heading out, and it had turned into a gorgeously sunny day. My husband had asked if I was going to take my phone with me, and I said I wouldn’t since I found it too cumbersome and distracting on faster paced runs. I told him the route I planned on taking and left without a second thought, with only my watch on my wrist and a gel in my pocket. I was enjoying myself, feeling excited about holding my tempo pace for longer this week, and feeling quietly confident despite the burn with 15 minutes remaining on the clock.

I had hardly seen a soul all morning as I hammered the country lanes that stretched for miles into the distance, so I jumped in surprise when a horn blared behind me. Perhaps it was somebody I knew, or a “friendly encouragement”. I took no notice. I noticed, however, when the driver pulled over and turned the car around ahead of me, and thought perhaps they were lost. They advanced slowly toward me with the window rolled down, and leered “ciao bella” as they passed. These kind of comments always made my skin crawl, but it was nothing I hadn’t heard before so I wrote it off and carried on, until seconds later I heard the rev of a motor again behind me and indistinct shouting as he passed closer and faster this time. This unnerved me completely, and I lost my cool. I threw my arms up in frustration and told him in no uncertain terms to “f*** off and leave me alone”.

It was a red rag to a bull, and the man turned his car again, this time driving his car straight at me. I dodged and he turned again, overtaking me and stopping the car in front of me to block my path. We had reached a fork in the road, and I feigned a left turn before doubling back behind the car and going right, screaming as loudly as I could to try and attract any kind of help, though I knew there were likely to be very few people within earshot. I’m very fortunate that, at that point, another motorist passed by, and was conscientious enough to pull over and observe the scene from a distance. I ran toward them, and my aggressor drove off. I asked for a lift home as I was in no fit state to continue running and frightened that the man might return. Reflecting on the incident, I have obviously put much thought into how better to protect myself in future and what I might have done differently. From now on, I’m prepared to be weighed down with both my phone and a can of pepper spray, to invest some time into practising self-defence techniques and to seek out company wherever possible.

Being well-equipped to respond to an attack does not prevent one from happening, however, and as much as I love running with friends, relying on strength in numbers for one’s safety does not solve the problem at its root, either. One of the first things I said to the person who drove me home after Saturday’s attack was: “I thought I was going to end up like one of those girls you hear about on the news.” The sad part about the news that I have since read is that the promise made by the Italian government following GIULIA’S death to provide structured sex education classes in Italian schools in an attempt to eradicate gender-based violence at its societal roots has still not been put into action. Emergency calls made by women fearing for their safety have also since increased significantly.

Though I got away unharmed this time around and I won’t let my unfortunate experiences stop me from doing what I love, I am angry that what has been taken from me is my freedom and my confidence. I am saddened by the simultaneous thought that what I see as a basic right of mine is actually a privilege that doesn’t even exist in some societies, for example in Afghanistan where women are currently forbidden even from talking about their daily experiences, let alone counting running as one of them. Running is something that usually makes me feel great both mentally and physically and that is something I think everybody deserves to feel, but it feels far less empowering no matter how fit and fast you are when somebody else seizes it as an opportunity to make you feel completely powerless.

ENGLAND ATHLETICS THROWS COMMUNITY NEWSLETTER Just received the December issue from NICK RIDGEON of England Athletics – EA Throws Newsletter December 2024

SHAFTESBURY BARNET HARRIERS NEW INSTAGRAM ACCOUNT– Many thanks to SEAN SUTHERLAND who undertook a review on the best way forward, following this a decision was made to set up a new account, and SEAN has now set that account up.

To follow our newInstagram account, from your own account, by searching for ‘shaftesbury_barnet’ or by clicking
To Members and Parents, if you wish for any photographs to be posted on Instagram, please email them to  If you can at the same time give details on when and where the photographs was taken, plus any other comments.
Please feel free to post photographs of any special occasion, for example, your wedding day, an addition to the family.

SHAFTESBURY BARNET HARRIERS ON INSTAGRAM – Since the account was setup, there has been an amazing amount of Videos and Photographs contributed with many comments. There are no posts this week.


SBH 2024-2025 WINTER FIXTURE CARD – The Updated SBH 2024-2025 Winter Fixture Card and Information Sheet is now available on the SBH Website. Please access these and print a copy for your reference

The Fixture Card has been updated on 14 November, and those changes are as follows – Cross Country – SEAA Inter-County Championships on 7 December, venue is now Croydon – BUCS Championships on 1 February, venue is now Cardiff – CAU Inter Counties on 8 March at Nottingham – English Schools on 15 March at West Sussex – Indoors all at Lee Valley – VAC and EMAC on 9 February – British Masters on 16 February – Middlesex, Hertfordshire and Kent Championships on 15/16 March – Essex and Eatern Championships on 1/2 March.

Link to the Fixture Card and Information Sheet –
Document explaining what is contained on the Fixture Card and Information Sheet – SBH 2024-2025 Winter Fixture Card – Information on Front Sheet, Fixtures And Information Sheet
Any changes/information will be published in the SBH Weekly Newsletter as and when available, this is the link to the current and previous SBH Weekly Newsletter –

SBH 2024-2025 CROSS COUNTRY POINTS RACES – Take place throughout the season, these are races that are available to run.
Under 11 Boys and Girls – All 5 Start Fitness Metropolitan League fixtures, plus Hertfordshire or Middlesex Championships. Best 4 out of 6 results to count.
Under 13, Under 15, Under 17, Under 20, Senior and Masters Men and Women – All 5 Start Fitness Metropolitan League fixtures, plus Southern and National. Best 5 out of 7 results to count.
Link to the updated Men and Women’s points tables, following the 4 January Hertfordshire and Middlesex County Cross Country Championships, the update is for the Under 11 age-groups only, there were no runners at the Hertfordshire Championships – Mens Cross Country Points Tables 2024-2025 Updated 04-01-25  Womens Cross Country Points Tables 2024-2025 Updated 04-01-25

SBH 2024-2025 CROSS COUNTRY CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP RACES – Take place throughout the season, these are races that are available to run.
Under 11 Boys and Girls – Start Fitness Metropolitan League on 11 January at Welwyn Garden City.
Under 20 Men, 5 Miles Senior Men and Masters Men 40+ – Start Fitness Metropolitan League on 30 November at Uxbridge.
Under 13, Under 15, Under 17, and 9 Miles Senior Men – Southern Championships on 25 January at Beckenham.
Under 13, Under 15, Under 17, Under 20, Senior and Masters 40+ Women – Southern Championships on 25 January at Beckenham.
Link to the updated Men and Women’s Club Championship winners, following the 30 October Start Fitness Metropolitan League fixture at Uxbridge –

STONEX STADIUM MEMBERSHIP – To use the StoneX Stadium facilities for training, SBH members are required to pay a fee. You can register as a member (which is free) which then entitles you to a discount. This is the link to the form to apply for membership – SBH StoneX Membership 2024-2025  The entrance fee on the membership form, cover the period 1 May 2024 to 30 April 2025.

If you wish to contribute your own memories and/or photographs of GEORGE, please email them to me, either within the email or as a separate attached word document.

CODES OF CONDUCT – SBH have now adopted the UK Athletics (UKA) and the Home Country Athletics Federations (HCAF) Codes of Conduct which set out national standards of conduct for all clubs, coaches, officials, volunteers and athletes in the sport.  The purpose of the codes are to clarify what behaviours are acceptable and unacceptable, the standards of practice expected and the basis for challenging and improving practice.  The Codes are similar to our previous Codes of Conduct which were part of the previous ClubMark scheme.  All club member and anyone undertaking a relevant role must agree to abide by the codes of conduct. The Codes of Conduct have now been put onto our Website, please read these to understand the commitments you are making by being a member of SBH.
Link to the Code of Conduct document – Codes Of Conduct Booklet 2021 (1)

Section ‘About Us’, includes Annual Reports, Best Performance Trophy Awards, Individual And Relay Best Performances By Year, Club Records and SBH All-Time Top 10 T&F Performances.
Section ‘Team Managers And Competitions’, shows details of Track & Field, Cross Country and Road Relays Team Managers.
Section ‘Future Information/Results’, includes Information On Each Fixture, Summer & Winter Fixture Cards, Winter X/C Points Tables and Winter Club Championships Winners.

SHAFTESBURY BARNET HARRIERS NEW CLUB KIT They are now available to purchase from our club kit supplier, Supreme Sports – click on the link for the full range –
By opening the link, you will be on the front page, which displays the men’s items. Click on SBH LADIES for the women’s items, or click on SBH KIDS for the young athletes’ items.

CLUB HOODIES– With well over eight hundred hoodies already in circulation, this is your opportunity to join the club. The bright red hoody is made to order and has your name embroidered on the front along with the club badge and has the Club name on the back. We now have 2 styles, the original pull over style at £37 + P&P or the new one with a full zip at £40 + P&P.
Here is the link to the Supreme Sports website which if you click on it, will take YOU to the new Club Hoody and allow you to then view the full range of Club kit online –

ACCESS TO SBH CLUBHOUSE – The new Keyholders to the outside door are TY HOLDEN, CLYDE GORDON, NEVILLE THOMPSON, GREG THOMPSON, COLIN GODFREY and YAMILLE ALDAMA who all use the Clubhouse outside of normal stadium opening hours. GEOFF MORPHITIS and DAVE BEDFORD will also have a key. All other key fob holders can continue to gain access to the clubhouse via the (New) West Stand Entrance and the Trackside Door to the Clubhouse.
Link to note and details for further information – SBH Club House Door 20-01-23

PHOTOGRAPH’S – From time to time we have photographs of our members taken at meetings or presentations which we would like to use both on the website or incorporated within our report to our local newspaper. Can you please let me know if you do NOT want your photograph to be published. Also, I would appreciate if you could send me any photographs, which I can then publish on the website and newsletter.

FACEBOOK – Photographs can be found on the SBH page.

CAN YOU HELP PLEASE I would welcome any contributions From Yourselves, any impending marriages, or additions to the family, any running or competing incidents, also past warm weather training/holidays (No Club 24 please). Currently the response has been excellent, but if you have anything that could make it into next week’s Newsletter – please email me.

CURRENT DISTRIBUTION OF SHAFTESBURY INFORMATION Currently I notify members (by email) using “MailChimp”. The reason I changed, was in November 2017 “Gmail” put a limit of 100 addresses that users could send to in a 24-hour period, and currently I send to approximately 850 members each issue.

On seeking technical advice “MailChimp” was recommended as the best way for SBH to go forward. There is one thing you should be aware off is that when you receive an email from me, the footer at the bottom has 4 options, of which one is “Unsubscribe Me From List”. Could I ask you not to select this as if you do you will be automatically removed from my distribution list.

SBH MIDWEEK POLE VAULT CLUB AT STONEX STADIUM – The current arrangements until further notice are that Pole Vault training is on Monday’s and Wednesday’s from 18.30pm to 21.00pm. Please contact the session administrator CLYDE GORDON at in advance and let him know if you are planning to attend.

SBH HIGH JUMPS GROUP AT STONEX STADIUM  High Jump training takes place on Monday’s from 19.00pm to 21.00pm. These sessions will be run by our High Jump Coach GRANT BROWN. There will be a charge of £10 per session.
Please contact the session administrator CLYDE GORDON at in advance and let him know if you are planning to attend

SBH TRAINING AND COACHING – Please see the 2024-2025 Winter Fixture Card, which gives details of Training and Coaching – A SBH Winter 2024-2025 Fixture Card Front Sheet Issued 02-09-24

POLE VAULTERS REQUIRED FOR 2025 To all athletes young & old – are you aware of the SBH Pole Vault sessions held at StoneX Stadium on Monday & Wednesday evenings from 18.30pm. We have room to coach more of you, why not come along and watch a session and the get involved – give it a try NOW.
Please contact the session administrator CLYDE GORDON at for more details.

STEEPLECHASE TRAINING AT STONEX STADIUM  Check with your Coach for details of training times.

SBH PRIVACY STATEMENT – In becoming a member, SBH will collect certain information about you. Can you please read the attached ‘Privacy Statement’ which contains Information on General Data Protection Regulations  SBH Privacy Statement Final April 2018

STONEX STADIUM – Main Switchboard telephone number is 020 3675 7250.

STONEX STADIUM AWARDED TRACKMARK STANDARD – Congratulations on achieving the UK Athletics Quality Assurance Standards for StoneX Stadium. This is the letter from UK Athletics and certificate showing all area that achieved compliance – StoneX Stadium Award Letter 09.11.21StoneX Stadium Certificate


Shaftesbury Barnet Harriers Weekly Newsletter Thursday 2 January 2025

Happy Birthday from Thursday 19 December to Wednesday 1 January – Helena Agholor, Angela Barrett, Dave Bedford, Miko Brai-Aloye, Milli Bridgman-Athanasatos, Willem Coertzen, Alannah Fashanu, Nathan Fernandes, Shivan Feifel, Michael Fox, Colin Godfrey, Harley Henry, Jay Herbert, Ben Kaspar, Christopher Kirwin, Kojo Kyereme, Angus McKenzie, Abiodun Oyepitan, Beth Potter, Henry Ryan, Posie Shaw, James Tsangpurides and Tani Sonoiki,

WELCOME TO 2025 – On behalf of the club and myself, we wish you all a Happy, Healthy and Successful New Year.

RECENT NEW MEMBERS – We wish you a very warm welcome, and a happy, healthy and successful time with Shaftesbury to ELSIE BETTRIDGE and JONAH GLAUSIUSZ

PARKRUN 300 CLUB – Congratulations to BRADLEY SINGER V35 who completed his 300th Parkrun at Oak Hill on 21 December.

BOXING DAY BONANZA RUN – Took place at StoneX Stadium, with some 55 runners taking part, 42 completed the 2 laps and 13 finishing the 1 lap race.

2 Lap Race – 1 LEO RONCARATI U20 (11.06.7), 2 AIMEE PORTER U15 (11.09.8), 3 ROAN PARKES U15 (11.10.8), 4 PRINCE VICTORUS JOHN U17 (11.27.4), 5 WILLIAM STOCKDALE U11 (11.28.6), 6 SAM DARCY U15 (11.43.31), 7 JAKE MICHALIK U11 (11.48.28), 8 PRINCE-MOSES JOHN U11 (12.01.7), 9 GERALD FOX V50 (12.06.9), 10 BEN BROWNLEADER U20 (12.21.2), 11 ETHAN SLUTZKIN U11 (12.23.6), 12 ANDREW PORTER V50 (12.40.2), 13 RYLE SINGARAYER U13 (12.50.14), 14 HARRY MCCANN EZEKIEL U15 (12.59.9), 15 MASSIMO RONCARATI U20 (13.12.7), 16 SIMON BROWNLEADER V50 (13.26.8), 17 SEAN SUTHERLAND V50 (13.40.5), 18 WYETH PARKES U11 (14.13.8), 19 MARIA BRANAGHAN V55 (14.27.6), 20 KAIRI TAKI CAVERO U13 (14.38.50), 21 ANAYA EVANS U11 (14.45.7), 22 NICK SAUNDER V40 (14.49.9), 23 LAWRENCE KITT V35 (14.54.7), 24 CHARLIE STOCKDALE U9 (15.17.0), 25 JOANNE STOCKDALE V45 (15.39.0), 26 KATIE ALCOCK V35 (15.46.0), 27 TAHA COCKERILL V13 (15.46.7), 28 KASIE BUBIENICE V60 (16.16.0), 29 EUGENE RIZZA SENIOR (16.39.0), 30 JOHNSON OGUNNIYI V55 (16.50.0), 31 RAY POWELL V60 (16.52.0), 32 ALESSIO CORBO V65 (16.55.0), 33 JOHN KELLY V70 (17.09.0), 34 ISABELA LABORIUEX U11 (17.12.0), 35 ARCHIE STOCKDALE U13 (17.51.0), 36 EMMA REINER U11 (17.51.8), 37 ADAM NEIDLE V35 (18.00.5), 38 ZENA RONCARATI U17 (18.18.2), 39 SABRINA SINGARAYER U13 (18.21.4), 40 ANDREW ALCOCK V35 (18.30.0), 41 GARY ALCOCK V35 (18.31.0), 42 ANGELA CORBO V60 (18.44.0)

1 Lap Race – 1 MATTIO MICHALIK U9 (6.58.6), 2 OLLIE REDWOOD U11 (7.39.9), 3 SETH SAUNDERS U13 (7.54.3), 4 MEGAN MICHALIK U9 (9.29.2), 5 BENJY REDWOOD U9 (10.04.7), 6 MIA NEIDLE U9 (10.11.7), 7 NINA LABORIEUX U11 (10.24.6), 8 SIENNA LABORIEUX U9 (10.25.0), 9 JORDAN REINER U11 (13.47.6), 10 LIBBY REINER U9 (13.50.0), 11 MICHAEL REINER V40 (13.51.0), 12 JIMMY STOCKDALE U9 (13.58.0), 13 JANET MONTGOMERY V65 (14.16.0)

ENGLAND ATHLETICS THROWS COMMUNITY NEWSLETTER Just received the December issue from NICK RIDGEON of England Athletics – EA Throws Newsletter December 2024

SHAFTESBURY BARNET HARRIERS SUBSCRIPTIONS – Our new Club year started on 1 October 2024. The current SBH annual subscription is £85 (following the recent 2024 SBH AGM) and the current England Athletics annual registration from 1 April 2024 is £19. The current total is £104 and should be paid NOW to; ACCOUNT NAME: SHAFTESBURY BARNET HARRIERS, BANK: HSBC, ACCOUNT NUMBER: 41308378, SORT CODE: 400426 – Please advise GEOFF MORPHITIS by email ( when payment has been made.

Just to clarify, that the results I publish can be different to those that are shown on the Power of 10. The differences relate to seasons and personal best performances. For example in the recent EYAL results, an athlete in the 200m ran (24.1), and on his profile his season’s best was shown as (23.88) indoors. As the 200m indoors and outdoors are totally different type of events, I had shown the (24.1) as a season’s best.
The Power of 10 publishes separate UK rankings for indoor and outdoor performances.

SAN SILVESTRE INTERNACIONAL CREVILLENTINA 10K – Took place at Alicante, Spain on 31 December.
10K Road SAMUEL GREENSTEIN U20 14th (PB 33.06) taking 15 seconds off his 2022 time

FRIDAY NIGHT UNDER THE LIGHTS 5 MILES – Took place at Battersea Park on 20 December.
5 Miles Road THOMAS BUTLER 8th (SB 23.48m), NAOMI TASCHIMOWITZ V35 78th (PB 26.57 1st Female), MATTHEW GRANT V35 94th (SB 27.19)

PARKRUN – Can you make sure that you are registered as ‘Shaftesbury Barnet Harriers’, as the link I use to select all results only shows SBH athletes. If anyone is also officiating can you please contact me and advise me where and when.

PARKRUNS MILESTONE VESTS – You can purchase these from 50 to 500, this is the link –

PARKRUNS IN THE UK – Last Saturday at parkruns in the UK, there were…
1,216 events – 368,828 walkers, joggers, runners and volunteers – 14,068 first timers – 35,171 PBs

COMPLETELY USELESS RANDOM FACT – Over the last 20 years, 491,853 unique people have walked, jogged, run or volunteered at a parkrun on New Year’s Day! That’s a lot of people bringing in the New Year in parkrun style

PARKRUN 5KTook place at Aldenham on 28 December
PAUL LEWIS V50 4th (20.32) this was his 241st Parkrun

PARKRUN 5KTook place at Fell Foot, Newby Bridge on 28 December
RUSSELL DEVITT V75 218th (51.30) this was his 329th Parkrun

PARKRUN 5KTook place at the Harrogate on 28 December
ARTHUR PHILLIPS U17 2nd (PB 17.45) this was his 68th Parkrun, JOEL PHILLIPS V45 21st (PB 20.19) this was his 104th Parkrun

PARKRUN 5KTook place at the Kingston on 28 December
JAMES DAVIS U23 75th (24.07) this was his 74th Parkrun

PARKRUN 5KTook place at the Luton Wardown on 28 December
CHRIS PURDUE V35 57th (23.54) this was his 19th Parkrun

PARKRUN 5KTook place at the Moors Valley on 28 December
ROBBIE LIGHTOWLER 49th (20.55) this was his 6th Parkrun

PARKRUN 5KTook place at Oak Hill on 28 December
JESSE ABRAHAMS U15 2nd (PB 18.24) this was his 9th Parkrun, BRADLEY SINGER V35 27th (21.40) this was his 301st Parkrun, STUART SINGER V60 76th (24.36) this was his 448th Parkrun

PARKRUN 5KTook place at Stratford Park, Stroud on 28 December
ORLANDO EDWARDS V45 4th (20.45) this was his 27th Parkrun

PARKRUN 5KTook place at Thornham Walks on 28 December
ROSS HAMMOND U20 2nd (19.42) this was his 66th Parkrun

PARKRUN 5KTook place at the Old Showfield on 28 December
RICHARD SAMUEL V70 31st (21.38) this was his 43rd Parkrun

PARKRUN 5KTook place at the Walmer and Deal on 28 December
BARRY HAWS V50 26th (21.19) this was his 58th Parkrun

PARKRUN 5KTook place at the Albert Parkrun, Middlesborough on 21 December
JAMIE HARPER U23 80th (23.32) this was his 25th Parkrun

PARKRUN 5KTook place at Aldenham on 21 December
PAUL LEWIS V50 7th (24.25) this was his 240th Parkrun

PARKRUN 5KTook place at the Bushey on 21 December
EUAN PHILLIPS U17 7th (PB 16.43) this was his 46th Parkrun, ARTHUR PHILLIPS U17 8th (16.57) this was his 67th Parkrun, DENNYS PASCAL U13 24th (PB 18.16) this was his 8th Parkrun

PARKRUN 5KTook place at Hout Bay, Cape Town, South Africa on 21 December
DYLAN MICHEL U23 1st (21.10) this was his 51st Parkrun, LENARD MICHEL V55 14th (26.46) this was his 132nd Parkrun, KAYLA MICHEL U23 24th (30.20) this was her 48th Parkrun, SHONA MICHEL V50 41st (34.06) this was her 134th Parkrun

PARKRUN 5KTook place at the Huddersfield on 21 December
HELEN BETTRIDGE V40 112th (PB 24.31) this was her 18th Parkrun

PARKRUN 5KTook place at Oak Hill on 21 December
AMBER JACKSON U15 25th (21.39) this was her 25th Parkrun, STUART SINGER V60 76th (24.39) this was his 447th Parkrun, BRADLEY SINGER V35 77th (24.46) this was his 300th Parkrun

PARKRUN 5KTook place at Panshanger on 21 December
RUSSELL DEVITT V75 210th (55.56) this was his 328th Parkrun

PARKRUN 5KTook place at Priebnitzgrund, Germany on 21 December
AMY REBECCA FRY V40 1st (PB 19.14) this was her 17th Parkrun

PARKRUN 5KTook place at Rendlesham Forest on 21 December
PHILIP SHELLEY V65 53rd (34.43) this was his 69th Parkrun

PARKRUN 5KTook place at Sunny Hill on 21 December
CALEB HILTON U15 3rd (PB 17.49) this was his 21st Parkrun, JACOB CLEMENT U20 4th (PB 18.05) this was his 10th Parkrun, MYA MAIRS-INGRAM U20 6th (PB 19.33) this was her 4th Parkrun, MATTHEW MAY U17 7th (20.13) this was his 6th Parkrun

PARKRUN 5KTook place at Sutton Park on 21 December
INDIRA PATEL U23 1st (17.52) this was her 45th Parkrun

PARKRUN 5KTook place at the Whitstable on 21 December
JAKE SHELLEY 1st (17.04) this was his 20th Parkrun

UPCOMING FIXTURES FOR THE NEXT 6 WEEKS, WHICH COVERS THE PERIOD THURSDAY 2 JANUARY WEDNESDAY 12 FEBRUARY – The SBH 2024-2025 Winter Fixture Card can be found on the SBH website, in which you can Access/Print a copy for future reference. Also the majority of fixtures Information can be found on the SBH Website under the ‘Upcoming Fixtures’ section.

HERTFORDSHIRE AND MIDDLESEX CHAMPIONSHIPS – Takes place on Saturday 4 January at Trent Park, Cockfosters (Satnav EN4 0JZ).
Race HQ: Will be at the western end of Trent Park.
Registration: The races will be chip timed.  Numbers, disposable chips and pins will be available from the registration area for Team Managers and those runners who entered individually.  Registration will open from 10.00am.
Changing Facilities: There are no changing rooms, so please arrive ready to run.
Public Toilets: Are located close to the main Cockfosters Road car park.
Refreshments: It is hoped that the cafe will be open for refreshments.
Team Tents and Assembly Area: Team Tents and meeting points should be along the Limes Avenue footpath, in the area beyond Go Ape.  Please be aware that the ground can become very muddy.
Travel: Parking is available within Trent Park via the main entrance on Cockfosters Road, but will be limited.  Given the proximity of Trent Park to Cockfosters and Oakwood underground stations (Piccadilly Line), use of public transport is strongly recommended.
If you intend to drive, please car-share as much as possible. There is NO parking available at Southgate Hockey Club.  You must not attempt to park there.
Cockfosters tube station car park has 311 spaces, cost £8, and Oakwood tube has 114 spaces, cost £8.  There may be street parking on Mount Pleasant and roads off this (EN3 9HQ.  This is about 10-minutes walk from Trent Park.  Please be aware that Spurs will be playing at home with a 12.30pm kick-off.
Start / Finish: Will be at the western end, close to Go Ape.
Start Times 11.00am U11 Boys (1500m), 11.05am U11 Girls (1500m), 11.15am U13 Boys (3000m), 11.20am U13 Girls (3000m), 11.40am U15 Boys (4500m), 11.42am U15 Girls (4500m), 12.00pm U17 Men (6000m), 12.05pm U17 and U20 Women (6000m), 12.40pm U20 Men (8000m), 12.40pm Senior Women (8000m), 1.30pm Senior Men (11750m).
Entries Closed 

WINTER XC POINTS CHAMPIONSHIPS – The Hertfordshire and Middlesex fixture is the fourth fixture for the Under 11 Boys and Girls in their six race series.

VICTORIA PARK SPORTS MEDICINE METROPOLITAN LEAGUE – The fourth fixture of five takes place on Saturday 11 Janauary at at Stanborough Park, Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire (SatNav AL8 6DF).
The following information is from the 2023 race, and will be updated when published.
Race Headquarters – Race HQ and Registrtion will be adjacent to the Start/Finish at the south side of the North Side of the park.
Changing Facilities – There will be no dedicated changing rooms or showers, so please arrive ready to run. Toilets are available in the amenity block by the Splashlands playground. Extra toilets will be provided at the end of the car park, close to the amenty block. There are also toilets located at the Sailing Centre on the south side of the Park.
Refreshments – Will be from the kiosk in the amenity block on the north side of the park or from the cafe at the Sailing Centre on the south side of the Park.
Course Location – North Side Stanborough Park – See course maps.
Course Description – Start and Finish in grassed field, remainder undulating parkland course suitable for spikes.
Public Transport – Welwyn Garden City Station (Main Line) 1.25 miles.
Directions From Major Roads – Leave the A1(M) at Junction 4, (after the Hatfield Tunnel). At the roundabout take the second exit to A414/A6129. At the next roundabout take the first exit A6129. At the bottom of the dual carriageway take the second exit out of the roundabout. The entrance to the car park on the north side is on your left after around 100m. The entrance to the car park on the south side is more or less opposite but you cannot gain access from the left side of the carriageway. As early arrivers will undoubtedly fill the car park on the north side, you may be advised to go straight to the one on the south side.
Parking – There is a fairly large car park on the north side of the Park, adjacent to the course. There is a very large car park on the south side of the Park, 5 minutes walk to the course.
These car parks are camera operated and you must pay or you may incur a fine. You can pay at a meter by card.  However, payment does not have to be immediate. We have not been able to negotiate a reduced rate.
There is a footpath under the road bridge, providing traffic-free access between the South Side and the North Side of the Park.
Course Details – The start and finish are in grassed parkland.  The remainder is an undulating parkland course with two short woodland sections on each longer loop and a short climb and then descend on each of the shorter loops, all being suitable for spikes.
Additional Notes – The finish has been relocated and is now adjacent to the boundary with the school, and is outside the large loop of the course.
Link to the full information, include Course Maps
Timetable12.00 U11 (Over 9) Boys (2km), 12.02 U11 (Over 9) Girls (2km), 12.10 U13 Boys (3km), 12.12 U13 Girls (3km), 12.30 U17 Men and U15 Boys (4km), 12.32 U17 Women and U15 Girls (4km), 12.50 U20, Senior and Veteran Women (8km), 13.30 U20, Senior and Veteran Men (8km)..
Note: You do not have to be pre-entered, just turn up and run.
Please collect your race numbers from the respective team managers – SIMON KEENE, JEREMY SOTHCOTT and JO KENT
Please go to Start Fitness Metropolitan League web site for any other final information.

VICTORIA PARK SPORTS MEDICINE METROPOLITAN LEAGUE RACE NUMBERS – I have been asked to remind you that your race number must be kept by yourselves, and is to be used for all 5 fixtures.

WINTER XC POINTS CHAMPIONSHIPS – The Metropolitan League fixture is the fifth fixture for the Under 11 Boys and Girls in their six race series. It is the fourth fixture for the Under 13 and above age-groups

SBH WINTER CLUB CHAMPIONSHIPS – The Metropolitan League fixture  is the club championship race for the Under 11 Boys and Girls.

SOUTHERN U13, U15 AND U17 INDOOR CHAMPIONSHIPS – Takes place at Lee Valley Athletics Centre are 61 Meridian Way, Edmonton (Satnav N9 0AR) on Saturday 11 January and Sunday 12 January.
Entries Closed

ENGLAND ATHLETICS U20 AND SENIOR INDOOR COMBINED EVENTS CHAMPIONSHIPS – Takes place at the English Institute of Sport, Coleridge Road, Sheffield (Satnav S9 5DA) on Saturday 18 January and Sunday 19 January.
Entries Closed

LEE VALLEY LONDON U20 AND SENIOR INDOOR GAMES – Takes place on Saturday 18 January and Sunday 19 January, at the Lee Valley Athletics Centre, 61 Meridian Way, Edmonton (Satnav N9 0AR).
Events are 60m, 200m 400m, 800m, 60m Hurdles, Pole Vault, High Jump, Long Jump, Triple Jump and Shot. For age-groups U20, Senior and Veterans.
To enter please use this link –
Entries Closing Date Friday 9 January – Please be advised that events may be full before the closing date.
Note: You will have to enter yourself and pay the appropriate entry fee

SOUTHERN CROSS COUNTRY CHAMPIONSHIPS – Takes place on Saturday 25 January at Beckenham Place Park, Beckenham (SatNav BR3 1SY).
Start Times11.00am U15 Boys (4.5k), 11.20am U13 Girls (3k), 11.35am U13 Boys (3k), 11.50am U15 Girls (4.5k), 12.10pm U17 Men (6k), 12.40pm U20 Women (6k), 13.05pm U17 Women (5k), 13.30pm U20 Men (8k), 14.05pm Senior Women (8k), 14.50pm Senior Men (15k). In the Senior Men’s any athlete has not started his 3rd lap by 50 minutes they are advised they will be unlikely to complete the course in 90 minutes when times will stop being recorded. Start times to be confirmed, as those shown were for the 2022 race.
Entries Closed

WINTER XC POINTS CHAMPIONSHIPS – The Southern Championships is the fifth fixture for the Under 13 and above age-groups in their seventh race series.

SBH WINTER CLUB CHAMPIONSHIPS – The Southern Championship fixture  is the club championship race for the Under 13 and 15 Boys, Under 17 Men and 9 Mile Senior Men. Under 13 and 15 Girls, Under 17 and 20 Women, Senior Women and Masters Women 40+

LEE VALLEY LONDON U13, U15 & U17 INDOOR GAMES – Takes place on Saturday 25 January and Sunday 26 January, at the Lee Valley Athletics Centre, 61 Meridian Way, Edmonton (Satnav N9 0AR).
Events are Saturday U17s only 60m, 200m, 300m, 400m.800m, 60m Hurdles, Pole Vault, High Jump, Long Jump, Triple Jump and Shot –  Sunday U13 and U15s only 60m, 200m, 300m, 800m, 60m Hurdles, Pole Vault, High Jump, Long Jump and Shot
To enter please use this link –
Entries Closing Date Thursday 16 January – Please be advised that events may be full before the closing date.
Note: You will have to enter yourself and pay the appropriate entry fee

BRITISH MASTERS PENTATHLON AND 3000M INDOOR CHAMPIONSHIPS – Takes place at the English Institute of Sport, Coleridge Road, Sheffield (Satnav S9 5DA) on Sunday 26 January.
To enter please use this link, Due to open 19 December –
Entries Closing Date Sunday 12 January
Note: You will have to enter yourself and pay the appropriate entry fee

NORTH WEST LONDON LEAGUE – The fourth fixture of five which takes place on Saturday 1 February at Hampstead Heath Extension, Hampstead Way (Satnav NW1 7DY).
Age-Groups U11 to U17.
Timetable – The first race starts at 12.00 noon
Note: You do not have to be pre-entered, just turn up and run. Will our athletes please see TY HOLDEN who will give you a race number

BRITISH UNIVERSITIES CROSS COUNTRY CHAMPIONSHIPS – Takes place on Saturday 1 February at Blackweir Fields, Cardiff Castle & Bute Park, Castle Street, Cardiff (Satnav CF10 3FD)
Start Times –  To be confirmed.
Link to enter and all information –
Entries Closing Date Tuesday 14 January
Note: You will have to enter yourselves.

SOUTHERN U20 AND SENIOR INDOOR CHAMPIONSHIPS – Takes place at Lee Valley Athletics Centre are 61 Meridian Way, Edmonton (Satnav N9 0AR) on Saturday 1 February and Sunday 2 February
Events Saturday – 60m, 60m Hurdles, Long Jump, Shot.
Events Sunday – 200m, 400m, 800m, High Jump, Triple Jump, Pole Vault.
To enter please use this link –
Entries Closing Date Tuesday 21 January
Note: You will have to enter yourself and pay the appropriate entry fee

VICTORIA PARK SPORTS MEDICINE METROPOLITAN LEAGUE – The fifth fixture of five takes place on Saturday 8 February at Trent Park, Cockfosters Road, Middlesex (SatNav EN4 0JZ).
The following information is from the 2023 race, and will be updated when published.
Race Headquarters – Located just beyond “Go Ape”, on the right-hand side (south) of Lime Avenue.
RefreshmentsUnfortunately, the Trent Park café is currently closed. However, refreshments will be available to purchase from a mobile provider which is based close to the café and close to the Start/Finish area. In addition, the Wildlife Rescue & Ambulance Service (Enfield), located at the eastern end of the access road known as Lime Avenue (approx. 600 metres from the Start/Finish area), has a tea shop which is open until 4 pm.
Course Location – The main start/finish area is adjacent to the race HQ, located just beyond “Go Ape”, on the right-hand side (south) of Lime Avenue.
Additional Notes – A Club/Team assembly area has been identified adjacent to the start area. This is in the area to the south of Lime Avanue and close to the pond. Please see map attached. Please note that the area shown hatched in red must be kept clear.
Course Description – Very undulating course on open, rough, lumpy park land. Liable to be soft underfoot throughout. Some exposed tree roots in places, and two small wooden bridges that could be slippery. The course is likely to be very muddy and slippery in places so is not suitable for ordinary trainers. Spikes are strongly recommended for this event
Public Transport – London Underground – Cockfosters station is the northern end of the Piccadilly Line. The station is 300 metres to the south of the Cockfosters Road entrance to Trent Park (approximately 5 minute walk). Turn right out of the station, walk north along Cockfosters Road, past the BP Garage (with M&S). Use of public transport is strongly recommended due to the proximity of the underground station and limited car parking at Trent Park.
Directions From Major Roads – Cockfosters Road (A111) entrance; approximately two miles to the south of Junction 24 of the M25, on the left hand side, or just over half a mile to the north of the junction of the A111 and A110 (Bramley Road), on the right hand side (SatNav EN4 0JZ).
Parking – Parking is available within Trent Park but is likely to be very limited. Given the proximity of Trent Park to Cockfosters underground station, use of public transport is therefore strongly recommended. If you intend to drive, please car-share as much as possible.
The main car parking facility is at the Cockfosters Road entrance to Trent Park. PLEASE NOTE: The private car park close to the Southgate Hockey Centre at the top of Snakes Lane is NOT available. Please do not attempt to park there – you WILL be turned back. Cars must not be parked on any of the roads within Trent Park.
Trent Park closes at sunset, which will be at approximately 17:00. The gate at the Cockfosters Road entrance is usually closed at this time, but drivers must take care to check the closing time which will be shown on the sign inside the main entrance.
Timetable12.00 U11 (Over 9) Boys (2km), 12.02 U11 (Over 9) Girls (2km), 12.10 U13 Boys (3km), 12.12 U13 Girls (3km), 12.30 U17 Men and U15 Boys (4km), 12.32 U17 Women and U15 Girls (4km), 12.50 U20, Senior and Veteran Women (8km), 13.30 U20, Senior and Veteran Men (8km).
Please Note: This is the link to all information issued by the organisers, which include the course description and maps –
Note: You do not have to be pre-entered, just turn up and run.
Please collect your race numbers from the respective team managers – SIMON KEENEJEREMY SOTHCOTT and JO KENT.

VICTORIA PARK SPORTS MEDICINE METROPOLITAN LEAGUE END OF SEASON PRESENTATION – Please join us after the last race for the end-of-season presentations (and tea and cakes!), which will be held at:11th Southgate Scout Group, 1c Chalk Lane, Cockfosters, Barnet (EN4 9JQ).
Directions – Leave Trent Park by the main Cockfosters Road entrance and turn left down Cockfosters Road back towards the Underground station. Just after the BP Garage (with M&S), turn right down Chalk Lane. The Scout Hut is approximately 50 metres along the road on the left hand side (see map). Please note there is no car parking at this venue.
Please also note that the Scout Hut is quite small so there is limited space available. Polite Request; the Scout Hut has a wooden parquet floor so muddy shoes must be taken off and left at the entrance..

VICTORIA PARK SPORTS MEDICINE METROPOLITAN LEAGUE RACE NUMBERS – I have been asked to remind you that your race number must be kept by yourselves, and is to be used for all 5 fixtures.

WINTER XC POINTS CHAMPIONSHIPS – The Metropolitan League fixture is the sixth and final fixture for the Under 11 Boys and Girls in their six race series. It is the sixth fixture for the Under 13 and above age-groups in their seven race series.

ENGLAND ATHLETICS U15, U17 AND U20 INDOOR CHAMPIONSHIPS – Takes place at the English Institute of Sport, Coleridge Road, Sheffield (Satnav S9 5DA) on Saturday 8 February and Sunday 9 February.
To enter please use this link for information and entries –
Entries Closing Sunday Date 26 January
Note: You will have to enter yourself and pay the appropriate entry fee

VAC AND EMAC INDOOR CHAMPIONSHIPS – Takes place at the Lee Valley Athletics Centre, 61 Meridian Way, Edmonton (Satnav N9 0AR) on Sunday 9 February.
To enter please use this link –
Entries Closing Date Sunday 2 February – Please be advised that events may be full before the closing date.
Note: You will have to enter yourself and pay the appropriate entry fee

LEE VALLEY AYO FALOLA DREAM MILE – Takes place at the Lee Valley Athletics Centre, 61 Meridian Way, Edmonton (Satnav N9 0AR) on Wednesday 12 February.
Events are Track 400m, 800m, Mile and Long Jump. For age-groups Under 13 and above.
To enter please use this link –
Entries Closing Date Tuesday 4 February – Please be advised that events may be full before the closing date.
Note: You will have to enter yourself and pay the appropriate entry fee

LEE VALLEY INDOOR FIXTURES – The following 4 fixture are now open to enter from 1 October. Please remember to enter as early as possible, to avoid not to be disappointed. London U20 and Senior Indoor Games 18/19 January (Closing Date Thursday 9 January), London U13, U15 and U17 Indoor Games 25/26 January (Closing Date Thursday 16 January) and Middle Distance Open Meeting 19 February (Closing Date Sunday 16 February)
Link to the 4 fixture details – Lee Valley 4 Indoor Fixture Fixtures Opening 1 October 2024

LEE VALLEY MINITHON INDOOR FIXTURES – Is for School years 3 to 7, in which you compete in 3 events from the following – 60m, 200m, 600, 60m Hurdles, High Jump (Year 6 and 7 only), Long Jump, Shot Put and Javelin (Year 6 and 7 only).
The final fixture is on Saturday 22 March.
Link to information guide on the Minithon – Information Guide For Lee Valley Minithon
To enter please use this link –
Note: You will have to enter yourself and pay the appropriate entry fee

2025 ATHLETICS CALENDAR  The following article was published on the Athletics Weekly website recently.

All the key fixtures for the coming year in the world of track and field

January 11 UK Athletics Cross Challenge, Glasgow, 29 Belgrade Indoor Meeting

February 1 BUCS Cross Country Champs, Cardiff, 2 New Balance Indoor Grand Prix, Boston, 4 Czech Indoor Gala, Ostrava, 7 INIT Meeting Karlsruhe, 8 UK Athletics Cross Challenge Inc UK Home International & Area Match & Celtic Challenge, Leeds and Millrose Games, New York City, 13 Lievin indoor meeting, 15 Keely Classic, Birmingham and Copernicus Cup, Toruń, 22 English National Cross Country Championships, Parliament Hill, London and Lindsays Scottish Athletics Cross Country Championships, Falkirk, 22-23 UK Athletics Indoor Championships , Birmingham, 28 World Indoor Tour Gold Madrid

March 2 Tokyo Marathon, 6-9 European Athletics Indoor Championships, Appeldoorn, UKA Cross Challenge Final and UK Inter Counties Championships, Nottingham, 15 English Schools Cross Country Champs, Ardingly Showground, 15-16 European Throwing Cup, Nicosia, 21-23 World Athletics Indoor Championships, Nanjing, 29 Maurie Plant Meet, Melbourne

April 4-6 Grand Slam Track, Kingston, 12 Botswana Continental Tour, 12-13 European Running Championships, Brussels, 21 Boston Marathon, 26 Xiamen Diamond League, 27 London Marathon

May 2-4 Grand Slam Track, Miami, 3 Shanghai/Suzhou Diamond League, 10-11 World Athletics Relays, Guangzhou, 16 Doha Diamond League, 18 European Race Walking Team Championships, Podebrady, 24 European 10,000m Cup, Pacé and British Milers Club Grand Prix, Bury, 25 Rabat Diamond League, 30 Irena Szewińska Memorial, Bydgoszcz, May 30 – June 1 Grand Slam Track, Philadelphia, 31 Kip Keino Classic, Nairobi

 June 6 Rome Diamond League, 7 British Milers Club Grand Prix, Birmingham, 8 USATF Los Angeles Grand Prix, 9 FBK Games, Hengelo, 12 Oslo Diamond League, 15 Stockholm Diamond League, 17 Paavo Nurmi Games, Turku, 20 Paris Diamond League, 21 British Milers Club Grand Prix, Loughborough, 24 Ostrava Golden Spike, 27 – 29 European Team Championships, Division 1, Madrid and Grand Slam Track, Los Angeles, 29 USATF New York City Grand Prix

July 5 Eugene Diamond League, 11 Monaco Diamond League, 12 British Milers Club Grand Prix, Watford, 17-20 European U23 Championships, Bergen, 19 London Diamond League, 27 ISTAF 2025, Berlin

August 2-3 UK Athletics Championships, Birmingham, 7-10 European Athletics U20 Championships, Tampere, 9 British Milers Club Grand Prix, Manchester, 12 Gyulai István Memorial, Székesfehérvár, 16 Silesia Diamond League, 20 Lausanne Diamond League, 22 Brussels Diamond League, 27-28 Zurich Diamond League, 30 Monument Mile, Stirling, 31 Sydney Marathon

September 7 Great North Run, Tyneside and Continental Tour, Beijing, 13-21 World Athletics Championships, Tokyo, 21 Berlin Marathon, 26-28 World Athletics Road Running Championships, San Diego

October 12 Chicago Marathon

November 5 New York City Marathon

December 14 European Cross Country Championships, Lagoa

SEB COE: “ATHLETICS IS NOT AT A TIPPING POINT”  The following article was published on the Athletics Weekly website recently.

World Athletics president insists new, more track-focussed, events on the calendar point to a position of strength for the sport. World Athletics president SEB COE doesn’t believe that the sport is heading towards “a tipping point” as we move into what looks like being a year of change. Events such as MICHAEL JOHNSON’S Grand Slam Track League will take place for the first time in 2025, with the opening meeting in April. It has attracted a host of big names, is generating plenty of attention and is promising much. However, projects such as this and the women-only ATHLOS meeting that took place in September are both entirely focused on track disciplines, something which has attracted criticism and in some cases outright anger from field athletes who feel their events are being marginalised. While many observers might feel that track and field is in danger of starting to splinter, Coe insists that these new additions to the athletics landscape are to be encouraged and in fact point to a position of growing strength. Speaking during an end-of-year media call, COE said: “I take comfort from the fact that we now have created, in World Athletics, a platform where people think that the sport is something that is worth investing in. Those are external investments and the market is a fairly unforgiving place. They tend not to put money where they don’t think there is a trajectory or the organisation is moving in the right direction. “Long before MICHAEL or ATHLOS came up with this thought, I’ve always been encouraging opportunities for people to innovate, come to the table with ideas and ideally activate around fresh investment, so I don’t see it as being a tipping point. I hope that these events add luster to what we’re already creating.”

Part of World Athletics’ creation is their Ultimate Championships that will take place in Budapest in the summer of 2026. The condensed program will feature 16 track events and 10 field events – all featuring straight finals. That, too, has come under some fire for the disciplines that won’t be featured and, as asked, about the reaction from some of the field athletes, COE added: “I would encourage anybody that wanted to invest in that space to do so. “If I narrowly talk for a moment about Budapest, it’s not really about winners and losers. I’m unashamed about this. This is an event designed for television. It’s three hours over three nights. We can’t possibly put all the disciplines [in there]. We don’t have every track discipline in there. “What we’ve tried to do is meld the best events at this moment into the right format. It may be that when we come to 2028 it’s different disciplines. But the main point here is there aren’t winners and losers. It’s not like we’re going to suddenly lose those events that are not appearing in Budapest. They’re not going to go from the Europeans or the area championships or our national championships, or the World Championships, or even the Olympic Games. This is very much about attracting new audiences, about taking our sport as mainstream as we can, tapping into people that like big events but may not watch athletics… all of these things.”

The sport’s schedule is looking increasingly packed, with the arrival of new events meaning that athletes have more choices to make about where and when to compete. However, COE added: “I would rather give them more opportunities than sitting there going: ‘We’re having to scrape a season together and we don’t have the pathways and the programs to choose’. [As an athlete] I had to make a judgment about where I was going and what suited me. I’m never going to force feed athletes into programs that aren’t going to work for them, but I think that I would rather have more events. “If we want to be a professional sport, we have to do more than be a professional sport from May through to September. We really do have to broaden it. We need to have more competition and we need to be able to do that, not only to give the athletes the pathways, but hopefully to create better financial stability for them.”

 COE potentially faces a year of great change on the professional front, too, given that he is one of seven candidates vying to become the next president of the International Olympic Committee. Were he to win the vote in March, senior vice president XIMENA RESTREPO, former Olympic 400m bronze medallist, will replace him as World Athletics president. The man who made such a success of staging London 2012 would not speak about IOC matters on the call, but did reiterate his desire to see cross country added to the Winter Olympic programme. The scheduling of the World Cross Country Championships is currently under close consideration, with COE adding that discussions are ongoing with European Athletics about the prospect of the biennial global championships being staged before Christmas – a potential clash with the European Cross Country Championships that take place in December. The World Cross will next be staged in Tallahassee in January of 2026 and COE said: “[Cross Country is] a really important part of the endurance paradigm and you’ve only got to look at the way African athletes have used it as part of their overall conditioning to know that it actually works. “But we also know that it needs help. It needs space and the opportunity to do that – particularly around discussions that we’re having with [the Winter Games of] Paris 2030 and also Salt Lake City in 2034 as the potential for a reintroduction – is part of our focus.”

HOW TO COMBAT OSTEOARTHRITIS IN YOU KNEES  The following article was published on the Athletics Weekly website recently.

Physiotherapist PAUL HOBROUGH looks at a new treatment for joint pain in the knees of a runner. For many athletes, the joy of running can be overshadowed by the realities of joint pain, particularly for those grappling with osteoarthritis of the knee. This condition is on the rise and has led to many runners hanging up their trainers. Traditionally, the most effective treatment has been knee replacement surgery, a procedure that comes with its own set of challenges, including lengthy rehabilitation periods of nine to 12 months with varying outcomes, rarely resulting in a return to running.

 However, there is a new alternative to surgery, or at least an opportunity to stave off knee replacement. Arthrosamid is a gel implant that can be injected into your knee, with barely any down time, and it’s keeping people on their feet. This therapy is designed to provide long-lasting pain relief through a single-dose injection of a hydrogel-like substance and research shows that it delivers sustained results, significantly improving the quality of life for patients. According to a recent study presented at the European Orthopaedic Research Society meeting in Aalborg, Denmark in late September, patients experienced a statistically significant reduction in pain levels and improved mobility lasting over four years from one single treatment. The best part is that so many on the study were able to return to their pre-injury activity levels. I have tried the therapy myself. I was once on the verge of undergoing a knee replacement due to debilitating osteoarthritis. I’m a keen runner and member of the Masters Great Britain over 50s basketball team but I couldn’t run any more, I was limping as I walked and was sure my sporting days were over.

The pain in my knee was so intense that I couldn’t train, much less compete, and I was considering a knee replacementThere has been little successful innovation in treating osteoarthritis over the past 20 years and, apart from surgery, there are few treatment options that can offer long-term benefits to patients, so I was keen to find out more when I first heard about Arthrosamid. I decided to have the treatment and, just two days after having the injection, I was back on my feet, jogging, twisting and turning on the basketball court. Not only could I run again, but I was performing at a level I thought was lost to me forever. Many patients have reported similar experiences. The hydrogel is the first and only injectable treatment that is biocompatible and permanently combines with the knee’s synovial tissue, decreasing joint stiffness, diminishing pain, improving the function of the knee and enhancing quality of life. Athletes don’t have to resign themselves to surgery. There are alternatives out there that can help you reclaim your active lifestyle. While Arthrosamid might not be a viable option for everyone, it is very much worth taking a few minutes to talk to an expert to find out if it will work for you.

For more information, visit:

ENGLAND ATHLETICS THROWS COMMUNITY NEWSLETTER Just received the December issue from NICK RIDGEON of England Athletics – EA Throws Newsletter December 2024

SHAFTESBURY BARNET HARRIERS NEW INSTAGRAM ACCOUNT– Many thanks to SEAN SUTHERLAND who undertook a review on the best way forward, following this a decision was made to set up a new account, and SEAN has now set that account up.

To follow our newInstagram account, from your own account, by searching for ‘shaftesbury_barnet’ or by clicking
To Members and Parents, if you wish for any photographs to be posted on Instagram, please email them to  If you can at the same time give details on when and where the photographs was taken, plus any other comments.
Please feel free to post photographs of any special occasion, for example, your wedding day, an addition to the family.

SHAFTESBURY BARNET HARRIERS ON INSTAGRAM – Since the account was setup, there has been an amazing amount of Videos and Photographs contributed with many comments. There are 2 posts this week.

Video of NAOMI TASCHIMOWITZ V35 in the final straight when winning the Friday night under the lights 5 mile road race, at Batterseas Park on 20 December. NAOMI finished 1st Female with a personal best (26.57)

Second is a photograph taken at the SBH Boxing Day races, showing athletes registering for the 1 or 2 lap races. In the foreground is the event organisor DAVE BEDFORD.


SBH 2024-2025 WINTER FIXTURE CARD – The Updated SBH 2024-2025 Winter Fixture Card and Information Sheet is now available on the SBH Website. Please access these and print a copy for your reference

The Fixture Card has been updated on 14 November, and those changes are as follows – Cross Country – SEAA Inter-County Championships on 7 December, venue is now Croydon – BUCS Championships on 1 February, venue is now Cardiff – CAU Inter Counties on 8 March at Nottingham – English Schools on 15 March at West Sussex – Indoors all at Lee Valley – VAC and EMAC on 9 February – British Masters on 16 February – Middlesex, Hertfordshire and Kent Championships on 15/16 March – Essex and Eatern Championships on 1/2 March.

Link to the Fixture Card and Information Sheet –
Document explaining what is contained on the Fixture Card and Information Sheet – SBH 2024-2025 Winter Fixture Card – Information on Front Sheet, Fixtures And Information Sheet
Any changes/information will be published in the SBH Weekly Newsletter as and when available, this is the link to the current and previous SBH Weekly Newsletter –

SBH 2024-2025 CROSS COUNTRY POINTS RACES – Take place throughout the season, these are races that are available to run.
Under 11 Boys and Girls – All 5 Start Fitness Metropolitan League fixtures, plus Hertfordshire or Middlesex Championships. Best 4 out of 6 results to count.
Under 13, Under 15, Under 17, Under 20, Senior and Masters Men and Women – All 5 Start Fitness Metropolitan League fixtures, plus Southern and National. Best 5 out of 7 results to count.
Link to the updated Men and Women’s points tables, following the 30 November Start Fitness Metropolitan League fixture at Uxbridge –

SBH 2024-2025 CROSS COUNTRY CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP RACES – Take place throughout the season, these are races that are available to run.
Under 11 Boys and Girls – Start Fitness Metropolitan League on 11 January at Welwyn Garden City.
Under 20 Men, 5 Miles Senior Men and Masters Men 40+ – Start Fitness Metropolitan League on 30 November at Uxbridge.
Under 13, Under 15, Under 17, and 9 Miles Senior Men – Southern Championships on 25 January at Beckenham.
Under 13, Under 15, Under 17, Under 20, Senior and Masters 40+ Women – Southern Championships on 25 January at Beckenham.
Link to the updated Men and Women’s Club Championship winners, following the 30 October Start Fitness Metropolitan League fixture at Uxbridge –

STONEX STADIUM MEMBERSHIP – To use the StoneX Stadium facilities for training, SBH members are required to pay a fee. You can register as a member (which is free) which then entitles you to a discount. This is the link to the form to apply for membership – SBH StoneX Membership 2024-2025  The entrance fee on the membership form, cover the period 1 May 2024 to 30 April 2025.

If you wish to contribute your own memories and/or photographs of GEORGE, please email them to me, either within the email or as a separate attached word document.

CODES OF CONDUCT – SBH have now adopted the UK Athletics (UKA) and the Home Country Athletics Federations (HCAF) Codes of Conduct which set out national standards of conduct for all clubs, coaches, officials, volunteers and athletes in the sport.  The purpose of the codes are to clarify what behaviours are acceptable and unacceptable, the standards of practice expected and the basis for challenging and improving practice.  The Codes are similar to our previous Codes of Conduct which were part of the previous ClubMark scheme.  All club member and anyone undertaking a relevant role must agree to abide by the codes of conduct. The Codes of Conduct have now been put onto our Website, please read these to understand the commitments you are making by being a member of SBH.
Link to the Code of Conduct document – Codes Of Conduct Booklet 2021 (1)

Section ‘About Us’, includes Annual Reports, Best Performance Trophy Awards, Individual And Relay Best Performances By Year, Club Records and SBH All-Time Top 10 T&F Performances.
Section ‘Team Managers And Competitions’, shows details of Track & Field, Cross Country and Road Relays Team Managers.
Section ‘Future Information/Results’, includes Information On Each Fixture, Summer & Winter Fixture Cards, Winter X/C Points Tables and Winter Club Championships Winners.

SHAFTESBURY BARNET HARRIERS NEW CLUB KIT They are now available to purchase from our club kit supplier, Supreme Sports – click on the link for the full range –
By opening the link, you will be on the front page, which displays the men’s items. Click on SBH LADIES for the women’s items, or click on SBH KIDS for the young athletes’ items.

CLUB HOODIES– With well over eight hundred hoodies already in circulation, this is your opportunity to join the club. The bright red hoody is made to order and has your name embroidered on the front along with the club badge and has the Club name on the back. We now have 2 styles, the original pull over style at £37 + P&P or the new one with a full zip at £40 + P&P.
Here is the link to the Supreme Sports website which if you click on it, will take YOU to the new Club Hoody and allow you to then view the full range of Club kit online –

ACCESS TO SBH CLUBHOUSE – The new Keyholders to the outside door are TY HOLDEN, CLYDE GORDON, NEVILLE THOMPSON, GREG THOMPSON, COLIN GODFREY and YAMILLE ALDAMA who all use the Clubhouse outside of normal stadium opening hours. GEOFF MORPHITIS and DAVE BEDFORD will also have a key. All other key fob holders can continue to gain access to the clubhouse via the (New) West Stand Entrance and the Trackside Door to the Clubhouse.
Link to note and details for further information – SBH Club House Door 20-01-23

PHOTOGRAPH’S – From time to time we have photographs of our members taken at meetings or presentations which we would like to use both on the website or incorporated within our report to our local newspaper. Can you please let me know if you do NOT want your photograph to be published. Also, I would appreciate if you could send me any photographs, which I can then publish on the website and newsletter.

FACEBOOK – Photographs can be found on the SBH page.

CAN YOU HELP PLEASE I would welcome any contributions From Yourselves, any impending marriages, or additions to the family, any running or competing incidents, also past warm weather training/holidays (No Club 24 please). Currently the response has been excellent, but if you have anything that could make it into next week’s Newsletter – please email me.

CURRENT DISTRIBUTION OF SHAFTESBURY INFORMATION Currently I notify members (by email) using “MailChimp”. The reason I changed, was in November 2017 “Gmail” put a limit of 100 addresses that users could send to in a 24-hour period, and currently I send to approximately 850 members each issue.

On seeking technical advice “MailChimp” was recommended as the best way for SBH to go forward. There is one thing you should be aware off is that when you receive an email from me, the footer at the bottom has 4 options, of which one is “Unsubscribe Me From List”. Could I ask you not to select this as if you do you will be automatically removed from my distribution list.

SBH MIDWEEK POLE VAULT CLUB AT STONEX STADIUM – The current arrangements until further notice are that Pole Vault training is on Monday’s and Wednesday’s from 18.30pm to 21.00pm. Please contact the session administrator CLYDE GORDON at in advance and let him know if you are planning to attend.

SBH HIGH JUMPS GROUP AT STONEX STADIUM  High Jump training takes place on Monday’s from 19.00pm to 21.00pm. These sessions will be run by our High Jump Coach GRANT BROWN. There will be a charge of £10 per session.
Please contact the session administrator CLYDE GORDON at in advance and let him know if you are planning to attend

SBH TRAINING AND COACHING – Please see the 2024-2025 Winter Fixture Card, which gives details of Training and Coaching – A SBH Winter 2024-2025 Fixture Card Front Sheet Issued 02-09-24

POLE VAULTERS REQUIRED FOR 2025 To all athletes young & old – are you aware of the SBH Pole Vault sessions held at StoneX Stadium on Monday & Wednesday evenings from 18.30pm. We have room to coach more of you, why not come along and watch a session and the get involved – give it a try NOW.
Please contact the session administrator CLYDE GORDON at for more details.

STEEPLECHASE TRAINING AT STONEX STADIUM  Check with your Coach for details of training times.

SBH PRIVACY STATEMENT – In becoming a member, SBH will collect certain information about you. Can you please read the attached ‘Privacy Statement’ which contains Information on General Data Protection Regulations  SBH Privacy Statement Final April 2018

STONEX STADIUM – Main Switchboard telephone number is 020 3675 7250.

STONEX STADIUM AWARDED TRACKMARK STANDARD – Congratulations on achieving the UK Athletics Quality Assurance Standards for StoneX Stadium. This is the letter from UK Athletics and certificate showing all area that achieved compliance – StoneX Stadium Award Letter 09.11.21StoneX Stadium Certificate


Shaftesbury Barnet Harriers Weekly Newsletter Thursday 19 December 2024

Happy Birthday from Thursday 19 December to Wednesday 1 January – Helena Agholor, Angela Barrett, Dave Badford, Miko Brai-Aloye, Milli Bridgman-Athanasatos, Willem Coertzen, Alannah Fashanu, Nathan Fernandes, Shivan Feifel, Michael Fox, Colin Godfrey, Harley Henry, Jay Herbert, Ben Kaspar, Christopher Kirwin, Kojo Kyereme, Angus McKenzie, Abiodun Oyepitan, Beth Potter, Henry Ryan, Posie Shaw, James Tsangpurides and Tani Sonoiki,

HAPPY CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR – On behalf of the club and myself, we wish you all a Happy Christmas and a Happy, Healthy and Successful New Year. The SBH Weekly Newsletter will also be enjoying the Christmas break, and will return on Thursday 2 January.

RECENT NEW MEMBERS – We wish you a very warm welcome, and a happy, healthy and successful time with Shaftesbury to SAVAN MALLIK, ZAYNE SERVIS-HOBSON, KAIRI CAVERO TAKI and ZURRELL QUAYE-MURRAY

BOXING DAY BONANZA RUN – Takes place on Thursday 26 December at StoneX Stadium.
DAVE BEDFORD will be organising this event, with the racing starting at 11.00. 
The issuing of numbers, refreshments and prize giving takes place in the Indoor Track area. Distance 2 miles and  1 mile for Under 11. Only £2 entry fee! There will be prizes, raffle (bring cash) and free refreshments……why not come in fancy dress.
A run or even walk for all the family including pets!. Last year we had 50 runners!  Donations to the raffle welcome with winners galore!

THE SECOND RE-UNION AT THE SHAFTESBURY TAVERN – The photographs of the SBH team from the 1890s, has now been mounted on the wall of the Shaftesbury Tavern.

SOUTHERN INDOOR COMBINED EVENTS CHAMPIONSHIONSHIPS  Took place at Lee Valley on 14/15 December. Congratulations to LILY HOLT U23 who won the Senior Women’s Pentathlon Gold Medal with 3616 points. Also congratulations to RAMSEY GILL U15 who won the Under 17 Mens Heptathlon Bronze Medal with 3860 points. This was RAMSEY’S first Heptathlon, and the photographs shows him after receiving his Bronze Medal.

ENGLAND ATHLETICS THROWS COMMUNITY NEWSLETTER Just received the December issue from NICK RIDGEON of England Athletics – EA Throws Newsletter December 2024

SOUTHERN MASTERS AND INTER COUNTY CHAMPIONSHIONSHIPS  Due to take place on 7/8 December, was cancelled due to extremely high winds – SEAA Masters and Inter Counties Statement

SHAFTESBURY BARNET HARRIERS SUBSCRIPTIONS – Our new Club year started on 1 October 2024. The current SBH annual subscription is £85 (following the recent 2024 SBH AGM) and the current England Athletics annual registration from 1 April 2024 is £19. The current total is £104 and should be paid NOW to; ACCOUNT NAME: SHAFTESBURY BARNET HARRIERS, BANK: HSBC, ACCOUNT NUMBER: 41308378, SORT CODE: 400426 – Please advise GEOFF MORPHITIS by email ( when payment has been made.

Just to clarify, that the results I publish can be different to those that are shown on the Power of 10. The differences relate to seasons and personal best performances. For example in the recent EYAL results, an athlete in the 200m ran (24.1), and on his profile his season’s best was shown as (23.88) indoors. As the 200m indoors and outdoors are totally different type of events, I had shown the (24.1) as a season’s best.
The Power of 10 publishes separate UK rankings for indoor and outdoor performances.

SOUTHERN INDOOR COMBINED EVENTS CHAMPIONSHIPS – Took place at Lee Valley on 14/15 December.
Heptathlon U17M RAMSEY GILL U15 won the Bronze Medal (PB 3860 points) 60m (PB 7.66i), Long Jump (PB 5.51mi) adding 2cm to his 21 September jump, Shot 5kg (PB 8.82mi), High Jump (1.74mi) adding 3cm to his 21 September height, 60m Hurdles (PB 10.04i), Pole Vault (3.60mi), 1000m (PB 2:58.30i)

Heptathlon SM EVAN CAMPBELL 5th (PB 5056 points) 60m (PB 7.31i) taking 16 of a second off his 2022 time, Long Jump (6.49mi), Shot 7.26kg (13.43mi), High Jump (1.89mi), 60m Hurdles (SB 8.66i), Pole Vault (PB 4.00mi) adding 20cm to his 2023 height, 1000m (PB 2:51.65i) taking 40.82 seconds off his 2019 time

Pentathlon SW LILY HOLT U23 won the Gold Medal (3616 points) 60m Hurdles (SB 9.26i), Shot 4kg (9.03mi), Long Jump (5.31mi), High Jump (SB 1.71mi) equalling her 20 July height, 800m (PB 2:23.07i) taking 3.86 seconds off her 28 July time

ON ZATOPEK 10 – Took place at Albert Park, Melbourne, Australia on 14 December.
Shot 7.26kg SM SCOTT LINCOLN (HCA) 1st (19.61m)

SPOKANE INDOOR INVTATIONAL – Took place at Spokane, Washington, USA on 14 December.
60m Hurdles – SM H4 JAMI SCHLUETER U23 (University of Washington) 3rd (PB 8.00i) taking .15 of a second off his 26 January time, in the Final JAMI finished 6th (PB 8.00i) equalling his H4 time
High Jump – SM B JAMI SCHLUETER U23 (University of Washington) 6th (1.85mi)
Shot 7.26kg – SM A JAMI SCHLUETER U23 (University of Washington) 1st (13.90mi)

IOWA STATE HOLIDAY INVTATIONAL – Took place at Ames, Iowa, USA on 13-14 December.
60m – SM H3 JOSEPH PURBRICK U23 (Iowa State University) 3rd (PB 7.08i) taking .04 of a second off his 2022 time

PARKRUN – Can you make sure that you are registered as ‘Shaftesbury Barnet Harriers’, as the link I use to select all results only shows SBH athletes. If anyone is also officiating can you please contact me and advise me where and when.

PARKRUNS MILESTONE VESTS – You can purchase these from 50 to 500, this is the link –

PARKRUNS IN THE UK – Last Saturday at parkruns in the UK, there were…
1,230 events – 188,967 walkers, joggers, runners and volunteers – 5,486 first timers – 17,589 PBs

COMPLETELY USELESS RANDOM FACT – Santa is that you?🎅  Christmas is just around the corner, and here at parkrun we have 2575 registered parkrunners with the first name Nicolas, Nicolaas, Nicolaus or Nikolas!

PARKRUN 5KTook place at Aldenham on 14 December
PAUL LEWIS V50 3rd (20.16) this was his 239th Parkrun

PARKRUN 5KTook place at the Cannon Hill on 14 December
JAMES DAVIS U23 38th (23.19) this was his 71st Parkrun

PARKRUN 5KTook place at Canons Park on 14 December
LENARD MICHEL V55 7th (23.13) this was his 131st Parkrun, KAYLA MICHEL U23 13th (PB 23.43) this was her 47th Parkrun, SHONA MICHEL V50 49th (28.02) this was her 133rd Parkrun,

PARKRUN 5KTook place at Colchester Castle on 14 December
ROSS HAMMOND U20 45th (22.53) this was his 64th Parkrun

PARKRUN 5KTook place at Fountains Abbey on 14 December
BEN GOSTICK U 2nd (16.15) this was his 9th Parkrun

PARKRUN 5KTook place at Hackney Marsh on 14 December
BARRY CHISHOLM V65 195th (31.40) this was his 356th Parkrun

PARKRUN 5KTook place at Maidstone River on 14 December
CLIFF GOLDING V70 149th (30.11) this was his 179th Parkrun

PARKRUN 5KTook place at Oak Hill on 14 December
BRADLEY SINGER V35 27th (PB 21.19) this was his 299th Parkrun, STUART SINGER V60 78th (24.18) this was his 446th Parkrun

PARKRUN 5KTook place at Panshanger on 14 December
RUSSELL DEVITT V75 178th (57.37) this was his 327th Parkrun

PARKRUN 5KTook place at Priebnitzgrund, Germany on 14 December
AMY REBECCA FRY V40 1st (PB 19.32) this was his 16th Parkrun

PARKRUN 5KTook place at The Old Showfield on 14 December
RICHARD SAMUEL V70 21st (21.12) this was his 42nd Parkrun

PARKRUN 5KTook place at Valentines on 14 December
SCARLETT KENT U23 13th (20.31) this was her 77th Parkrun, JO KENT V55 16th (20.50) this was her 153rd Parkrun

PARKRUN 5KTook place at Warwick Racecourse on 14 December
INDIRA PATEL U23 28th (21.40) this was her 44th Parkrun,

UPCOMING FIXTURES FOR THE NEXT 6 WEEKS, WHICH COVERS THE PERIOD THURSDAY 19 DECEMBER UNTIL WEDNESDAY 29 JANUARY – The SBH 2024-2025 Winter Fixture Card can be found on the SBH website, in which you can Access/Print a copy for future reference. Also the majority of fixtures Information can be found on the SBH Website under the ‘Upcoming Fixtures’ section.

LEE VALLEY NEW YEARS INDOOR OPEN MEETING – Takes place on Wednesday 1 January, at the Lee Valley Athletics Centre, 61 Meridian Way, Edmonton (Satnav N9 0AR).
To enter please use this link –
Entries Closing Date Sunday 29 December – Please be advised that events may be full before the closing date.
Note: You will have to enter yourself and pay the appropriate entry fee

MIDDLESEX AND HERTFORDSHIRE CHAMPIONSHIPS – Takes place on Saturday 4 January at Trent Park, Cockfosters (Satnav EN4 0JZ).
Race HQ: Will be at the western end of Trent Park.
Registration: The races will be chip timed.  Numbers, disposable chips and pins will be available from the registration area for Team Managers and those runners who entered individually.  Registration will open from 10.00am.
Changing Facilities: There are no changing rooms, so please arrive ready to run.
Public Toilets: Are located close to the main Cockfosters Road car park.
Refreshments: It is hoped that the cafe will be open for refreshments.
Team Tents and Assembly Area: Team Tents and meeting points should be along the Limes Avenue footpath, in the area beyond Go Ape.  Please be aware that the ground can become very muddy.
Travel: Parking is available within Trent Park via the main entrance on Cockfosters Road, but will be limited.  Given the proximity of Trent Park to Cockfosters and Oakwood underground stations (Piccadilly Line), use of public transport is strongly recommended.
If you intend to drive, please car-share as much as possible. There is NO parking available at Southgate Hockey Club.  You must not attempt to park there.
Cockfosters tube station car park has 311 spaces, cost £8, and Oakwood tube has 114 spaces, cost £8.  There may be street parking on Mount Pleasant and roads off this (EN3 9HQ.  This is about 10-minutes walk from Trent Park.  Please be aware that Spurs will be playing at home with a 12.30pm kick-off.
Start / Finish: Will be at the western end, close to Go Ape.
Start Times 11.00am U11 Boys (1500m), 11.05am U11 Girls (1500m), 11.15am U13 Boys (3000m), 11.20am U13 Girls (3000m), 11.40am U15 Boys (4500m), 11.42am U15 Girls (4500m), 12.00pm U17 Men (6000m), 12.05pm U17 and U20 Women (6000m), 12.40pm U20 Men (8000m), 12.40pm Senior Women (8000m), 1.30pm Senior Men (11750m).
Entries Closing Date Friday 27 December
Note: You will have to be pre-entered by your respective Team Manager 

VICTORIA PARK SPORTS MEDICINE METROPOLITAN LEAGUE – The fourth fixture of five takes place on Saturday 11 Janauary at at Stanborough Park, Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire (SatNav AL8 6DF).
The following information is from the 2023 race, and will be updated when published.
Race Headquarters – Race HQ and Registrtion will be adjacent to the Start/Finish at the south side of the North Side of the park.
Changing Facilities – There will be no dedicated changing rooms or showers, so please arrive ready to run. Toilets are available in the amenity block by the Splashlands playground. Extra toilets will be provided at the end of the car park, close to the amenty block. There are also toilets located at the Sailing Centre on the south side of the Park.
Refreshments – Will be from the kiosk in the amenity block on the north side of the park or from the cafe at the Sailing Centre on the south side of the Park.
Course Location – North Side Stanborough Park – See course maps.
Course Description – Start and Finish in grassed field, remainder undulating parkland course suitable for spikes.
Public Transport – Welwyn Garden City Station (Main Line) 1.25 miles.
Directions From Major Roads – Leave the A1(M) at Junction 4, (after the Hatfield Tunnel). At the roundabout take the second exit to A414/A6129. At the next roundabout take the first exit A6129. At the bottom of the dual carriageway take the second exit out of the roundabout. The entrance to the car park on the north side is on your left after around 100m. The entrance to the car park on the south side is more or less opposite but you cannot gain access from the left side of the carriageway. As early arrivers will undoubtedly fill the car park on the north side, you may be advised to go straight to the one on the south side.
Parking – There is a fairly large car park on the north side of the Park, adjacent to the course. There is a very large car park on the south side of the Park, 5 minutes walk to the course.
These car parks are camera operated and you must pay or you may incur a fine. You can pay at a meter by card.  However, payment does not have to be immediate. We have not been able to negotiate a reduced rate.
There is a footpath under the road bridge, providing traffic-free access between the South Side and the North Side of the Park.
Course Details – The start and finish are in grassed parkland.  The remainder is an undulating parkland course with two short woodland sections on each longer loop and a short climb and then descend on each of the shorter loops, all being suitable for spikes.
Additional Notes – The finish has been relocated and is now adjacent to the boundary with the school, and is outside the large loop of the course.
Link to the full information, include Course Maps
Timetable12.00 U11 (Over 9) Boys (2km), 12.02 U11 (Over 9) Girls (2km), 12.10 U13 Boys (3km), 12.12 U13 Girls (3km), 12.30 U17 Men and U15 Boys (4km), 12.32 U17 Women and U15 Girls (4km), 12.50 U20, Senior and Veteran Women (8km), 13.30 U20, Senior and Veteran Men (8km)..
Note: You do not have to be pre-entered, just turn up and run.
Please collect your race numbers from the respective team managers – SIMON KEENE, JEREMY SOTHCOTT and JO KENT
Please go to Start Fitness Metropolitan League web site for any other final information.

VICTORIA PARK SPORTS MEDICINE METROPOLITAN LEAGUE RACE NUMBERS – I have been asked to remind you that your race number must be kept by yourselves, and is to be used for all 5 fixtures.

WINTER XC POINTS CHAMPIONSHIPS – The Metropolitan League fixture is the fifth fixture for the Under 11 Boys and Girls in their six race series. It is the fourth fixture for the Under 13 and above age-groups

SOUTHERN U13, U15 AND U17 INDOOR CHAMPIONSHIPS – Takes place at Lee Valley Athletics Centre are 61 Meridian Way, Edmonton (Satnav N9 0AR) on Saturday 11 January and Sunday 12 January.
To enter please use this link –
Entries Closing Date Monday 30 December
Note: You will have to enter yourself and pay the appropriate entry fee

ENGLAND ATHLETICS U20 AND SENIOR INDOOR COMBINED EVENTS CHAMPIONSHIPS – Takes place at the English Institute of Sport, Coleridge Road, Sheffield (Satnav S9 5DA) on Saturday 18 January and Sunday 19 January.
To enter please use this link –
Entries Close Friday 20 December
Note: You will have to enter yourself and pay the appropriate entry fee

LEE VALLEY LONDON U20 AND SENIOR INDOOR GAMES – Takes place on Saturday 18 January and Sunday 19 January, at the Lee Valley Athletics Centre, 61 Meridian Way, Edmonton (Satnav N9 0AR).
Events are 60m, 200m 400m, 800m, 60m Hurdles, Pole Vault, High Jump, Long Jump, Triple Jump and Shot. For age-groups U20, Senior and Veterans.
Entries Open Tuesday 1 October
To enter please use this link –
Entries Closing Date Friday 9 January – Please be advised that events may be full before the closing date.
Note: You will have to enter yourself and pay the appropriate entry fee

SOUTHERN CROSS COUNTRY CHAMPIONSHIPS – Takes place on Saturday 25 January at Beckenham Place Park, Beckenham (SatNav BR3 1SY).
Start Times11.00am U15 Boys (4.5k), 11.20am U13 Girls (3k), 11.35am U13 Boys (3k), 11.50am U15 Girls (4.5k), 12.10pm U17 Men (6k), 12.40pm U20 Women (6k), 13.05pm U17 Women (5k), 13.30pm U20 Men (8k), 14.05pm Senior Women (8k), 14.50pm Senior Men (15k). In the Senior Men’s any athlete has not started his 3rd lap by 50 minutes they are advised they will be unlikely to complete the course in 90 minutes when times will stop being recorded. Start times to be confirmed, as those shown were for the 2022 race.
Entries Closing Date Friday 27 December
Note: You will have to be pre-entered by your respective Team Manager

LEE VALLEY LONDON U13, U15 & U17 INDOOR GAMES – Takes place on Saturday 25 January and Sunday 26 January, at the Lee Valley Athletics Centre, 61 Meridian Way, Edmonton (Satnav N9 0AR).
Events are Saturday U17s only 60m, 200m, 300m, 400m.800m, 60m Hurdles, Pole Vault, High Jump, Long Jump, Triple Jump and Shot –  Sunday U13 and U15s only 60m, 200m, 300m, 800m, 60m Hurdles, Pole Vault, High Jump, Long Jump and Shot
To enter please use this link –
Entries Closing Date Thursday 16 January – Please be advised that events may be full before the closing date.
Note: You will have to enter yourself and pay the appropriate entry fee

BRITISH MASTERS PENTATHLON AND 3000M INDOOR CHAMPIONSHIPS – Takes place at the English Institute of Sport, Coleridge Road, Sheffield (Satnav S9 5DA) on Sunday 26 January.
To enter please use this link, Due to open 19 December –
Entries Closing Date Sunday 12 January
Note: You will have to enter yourself and pay the appropriate entry fee

LEE VALLEY INDOOR FIXTURES – The following 4 fixture are now open to enter from 1 October. Please remember to enter as early as possible, to avoid not to be disappointed. New Years Open Meeting 1 January (Closing Date Sunday 29 December), London U20 and Senior Indoor Games 18/19 January (Closing Date Thursday 9 January), London U13, U15 and U17 Indoor Games 25/26 January (Closing Date Thursday 16 January) and Middle Distance Open Meeting 19 February (Closing Date Sunday 16 February)
Link to the 4 fixture details – Lee Valley 4 Indoor Fixture Fixtures Opening 1 October 2024

LEE VALLEY MINITHON INDOOR FIXTURES – Is for School years 3 to 7, in which you compete in 3 events from the following – 60m, 200m, 600, 60m Hurdles, High Jump (Year 6 and 7 only), Long Jump, Shot Put and Javelin (Year 6 and 7 only).
There are 2 fixtures on Saturday 17 December and Saturday 22 March.
Link to information guide on the Minithon – Information Guide For Lee Valley Minithon
To enter please use this link –
Note: You will have to enter yourself and pay the appropriate entry fee

UK ATHLETICS SUFFERS EIGHT PER CENT CUT TO FUNDING AHEAD OF LA 2028  The following article was published on the Athletics Weekly website recently.

UK Sport has provided most Olympic and Paralympic sports more money for this four-year cycle but athletics is not one of them. UK Athletics has suffered an eight per cent cut to its funding from UK Sport for the LA 2028 Games. Despite Great Britain securing 10 track and field medals at the Paris Olympics – the biggest tally in athletics since 1984 – funding will be slashed from £22.2m to £20.5m.

KEELY HODGKINSON, who is favourite to win the BBC Sports Personality of the Year prize on Tuesday, was crowned Olympic 800m champion in Paris and became Great Britain’s first female track and field gold medallist since JESSICA ENNIS-HILL at London 2012. Every single one of the five relay teams also won medals in the French capital. UK Sport has granted a record £330m to Team GB for the LA 2028 Games and 44 out of 46 sports have received either the same or more money in this four-year cycle.

Athletics and canoeing are the only two sports that have had their funding reduced. Rowing was granted the biggest increase, seeing its funding grow from £22.7m to £24.9m. Cycling and sailing, with £30.13m and £23.95m, have also fared well. “We are disappointed we did not receive the settlement we were hoping for from UK Sport for the Olympic programme,” JACK BUCKNER, UK Athletics’ chief executive said. “We felt the progress we have made in the last few years culminating in 10 medals in both the World Championships and the Olympics, not to mention the wholesale improvements in governance and our events and commercial model deserved a higher level of investment. “Unfortunately, UK Sport could not be convinced of the merits of our case at this time. Whilst our budgets will be tighter for the next four years, we shall keep building momentum and finding ways to support athletes to realise their potential at major championships.  We can assure our many great athletes, coaches and volunteers of our absolute commitment to support your aspirations to succeed in our sport.”

However, UK Sport’s chief executive SALLY MUNDAY insisted that UK Athletics’ total grant – once the £9.8m of Paralympic funding was factored in – would be around the £30m mark. “I’m responsible for public money so we wouldn’t be giving them £30m [if it was a rebuke against UK Athletics],” she said. “We wouldn’t be investing in the events, we wouldn’t be talking about bringing the World Championship here [in 2029]. If they were on the naughty step, we wouldn’t be giving them £30m. “You can leave with no doubt we are backing this sport [athletics] and we are giving them the money that we believe will enable them to be successful.” In October, chancellor RACHEL REEVES announced a 10% increase in funding for UK Sport to support British athletes in the lead in to LA 2028.

THE RICH HISTORY OF ATHLETICS AT BBC SPOTY  The following article was published on the Athletics Weekly website recently.

A total of 18 athletes from athletics have picked up the prestigious award over the years, more than double the number of the next best sport. All eyes will be on BBC Sports Personality of the Year this week (December 17), with Olympic 800m gold medallist Keely Hodgkinson the current favourite to take home the top prize. The 22-year-old, who became just the third British Olympic female 800m champion after KELLY HOLMES (2004) and ANN PACKER (1964), is one of six nominees for this year’s award. HODGKINSON is up against ALEX YEE, LUKE LITTLER, SARAH STOREY, JUDE BELLINGHAM and JOE ROOT in Salford. YEE, after becoming Olympic and world champion, will be hoping to become the first ever triathlete – ALISTAIR BROWNLEE was closest with second in 2016 – to win BBC Sports Personality of the Year.

If the odds are anything to go by however, then HODGKINSON’S closest challenger for the prize will be teenage darts sensation LUKE LITTLER, who made the World Championship final on debut and backed it up with 10 major trophies. The last person from athletics to become BBC Sports Personality of the Year was MO FARAH in 2017 and the last female athlete in athletics to claim the award was HOLMES in 2004. Th 18 winners from the sport include: CHRISTOPHER CHATAWAY (1954), GORDON PIRIE (1955), DOROTHY HYMAN (1963), MARY RAND (1964), DAVID HEMERY (1968), MARY PETERS (1972), BRENDAN FOSTER (1974), STEVE OVETT (1978), SEB COE (1979), DALEY THOMPSON (1982), STEVE CRAM (1983), FATIMA WHITBREAD (1987), LIZ MCCOLGAN (1991), LINFORD CHRISTIE (1993), JONATHAN EDWARDS (1995), PAULA RADCLIFFE (2002) and KELLY HOLMES (2004).

CHRISTOPHER CHATAWAY (1954) CHRISTOPHER CHATAWAY’S1954 was one for the record books. Not only was he a pacemaker for ROGER BANNISTER’S first sub-four-minute mile but CHATAWAY also secured a gold medal over three miles at the then British Empire and Commonwealth Games in Vancouver. His greatest achievement however came in the 5000m. At the European Championships in Bern, CHATAWAY placed second behind the Soviet Union’s VLADIMIR KUTS, before setting a world record over the distance two weeks later with (13:51.6) at White City. KUTS would have the last laugh though, running (13:51.2) just 10 days after CHATAWAY clocked his mark in London. CHATAWAY was the first ever winner of BBC Sports Personality of the Year.

GORDON PIRIE (1955) GORDON PIRIE won the award in 1955 after famously beating the legendary EMIL ZATOPEK – a triple Olympic champion in the 5000m, 10,000m and marathon from Helsinki 1952 – three times that year. His trio of wins against ZATOPEK came in both the 5000m and 10,000m, with perhaps the most famous coming over the latter distance at White City. At the time, ZATOPEK, who was the first man in history to run a sub-29 minute 10,000m, was the world record-holder over 25 laps.

DOROTHY HYMAN (1963) There were no International championships in the 1963 season but DOROTHY HYMAN dominated domestically and almost set a world 100m record. Her personal best of (11.3) was enough for the fastest European mark and so close to WILMA RUDOLPH’S world record of (11.2). HYMAN, who secured Olympic 100m silver and 200m bronze at the Rome 1960 Games, also contributed to a world record in the 4×110 yard relay in 1963, with the British quartet setting a time of (45.2).

MARY RAND (1964) MARY RAND’S historic achievements at the 1964 Olympics in Tokyo meant she was a deserved winner of BBC Sports Personality of the Year in 1964. The Brit set a world long jump record of 6.76m in the final, beating favourite TATYANA SHCHELKANOVA to the gold medal in the Japanese capital. RAND also claimed silver in the pentathlon and was part of the Great Britain team that picked up bronze in the 4x100m relay.

DAVID HEMERY (1968) DAVID HEMERY won the Olympic 400m hurdles crown at the 1968 Mexico Games in a world record time of (48.12). The Brit beat West Germany’s GERHARD HENNIGE by almost a second and it was the largest winning margin in the 400m hurdles at the Olympics since 1924. HEMERY’S world record would last until 1972 when Uganda’s JOHN AKII-BUA ran (47.82) at the Munich Olympics.

MARY PETERS (1972)  MARY PETERS fine all-round performance in the pentathlon secured Great Britain’s only gold medal in athletics at the 1972 Munich Olympics. In one of the closest ever finishes in combined events at the Games, PETERS saw off West Germany’s HEIDE ROSENDAHL by just 10 points. PETERS set a world record score of 4801 points and got the gold by just one-tenth of a second in the 200m, which was the final event.

BRENDAN FOSTER (1974)  BRENDAN FOSTER’S 1974 season was one for the ages. At the European Championships in Rome, he demolished a world class field, running a championships record of (13:17.21) to win by over six seconds at the Stadio Olimpico. The Brit was also narrowly beaten to Commonwealth 5000m gold in Auckland, with Kenya’s BEN JIPCHO edging out Foster – the pair clocking (13:14.4) and (13:14.6) respectively. FOSTER’S world 3000m record at his home stadium in Gateshead attracted global headlines and his time of (7:35.1) was so quick that it lasted until 1978, when Kenya’s HENRY RONO ran (7:32.1).

STEVE OVETT (1978)  STEVE OVETT was already starting to become a household name before 1978 but that season took his fame to another level. At the 1978 European Championships in Prague, OVETT secured a gold medal in the 1500m and then took home silver over 800m. He recorded a championships record of (3:35.59) in his 1500m victory, seeing off Ireland’s EAMONN COUGHLAN and fellow Brit DAVE MOORCROFT. Before his 1500m race, OVETT looked like he was destined for the top of the podium in the 800m but both he and SEC COE were chased down by East Germany’s OLAF BEYER. OVETT also clocked a world best of (8:13.51) over two miles in 1978, handing a rare defeat to HENRY RONO that year.

SEB COE (1979)  SEB COE’S three world records in 41 days in 1979 will never be forgotten. The first two – (1:42.33) in the 800m and (3:48.95) over the mile – came in Oslo, with the third – (3:32.03) in the 1500m – set in Zurich. It meant that COE became the first person to hold these three specific records at the same time. COE was voted athlete of the year by AW in 1979 and his achievements that season no doubt helped him secure an Olympic 1500m gold and 800m silver at the 1980 Moscow Games. He was also presented with the Lifetime Achievement award at the BBC Sports Personality of the Year in 2012.

DALEY THOMPSON (1982)  DALEY THOMPSON raised the decathlon world record not once but twice during his 1982 season. The Olympic champion from the Moscow Games won that year’s Götzis in a record 8730 points, before West Germany’s JURGEN HINGSEN bettered it months later with 8741 points. However, THOMPSON soon regained his place on the top of that list after recording 8774 points in his win at the European Championships in Athens. THOMPSON also retained his Commonwealth decathlon title in 1982.

STEVE CRAM (1983)  STEVE CRAM was crowned world 1500m champion in 1983, in the inaugural championships in Helsinki. After claiming European and Commonwealth gold medals over the distance a year earlier, CRAM knew that he was in good form. However, injuries disrupted the early part of his 1983 season, making that win in the Finnish capital even more special, with the Brit clocking (3:41.59) in a close race. Later that summer CRAM defeated STEVE OVETT, who was the world 1500m record-holder at the time, in an all-time classic mile at Crystal Palace.

FATIMA WHITBREAD (1987)  FATIMA WHITBREAD struck gold on the global stage in 1987 after defeating East Germany’s PETRA FELKE in a captivating final in Rome. The Brit threw a championships record of (76.64m), with FELKE, who was the world record-holder at the time, way back with a best throw of (71.76m). WHITBREAD’S winning mark wasn’t far off her personal best of (77.44m), which was the previous world record, set a year earlier. She was also given the HELEN ROLLASON award for “outstanding achievement in the face of adversity”  at last year’s BBC Sports Personality of the Year.

LIZ MCCOLGAN (1991)  LIZ MCCOLGAN had a historic 1991 season, with success across both track and road racing. At the World Championships in Tokyo, MCCOLGAN took apart the field to strike gold over 10,000m, winning by over 20 seconds. Just a few months later she secured victory at the New York Marathon – her first race over 26.2 miles – in a time of (2:27:13) – the fastest ever marathon debut by a female athlete. MCCOLGAN also claimed an individual bronze medal at that year’s 1991 World Cross Country Championships.

LINFORD CHRISTIE (1993)  In 1993, LINFORD CHRISTIE became the first man in history to hold the Olympic, world, European and Commonwealth titles in the 100m. His winning time of (9.87) at the 1993 World Championships in Stuttgart was that quick that it stood as the British record until 2023, when ZHARNEL HUGHES ran (9.83) in New York. CHRISTIE was also part of the British quartet that secured 4x100m silver behind the Americans at those championships. Such was the strength in athletics that year, SALLY GUNNELL finished second behind CHRISTIE at BBC Sports Personality of the Year.

JONATHAN EDWARDS (1995)  JONATHAN EDWARDS went unbeaten throughout his 1995 season and topped it off by claiming a world triple jump title in Gothenburg. On his way to the gold medal, EDWARDS broke the world record not once but twice in the Swedish city. On his first jump, he became the first man to legally pass the 18 metre barrier with clearance of (18.16m). That lasted for a matter of 20 minutes as he jumped a staggering 18.29m in his second round, with that mark still the world record to this day.

PAULA RADCLIFFE (2002) PAULA RADCLIFFE’S success in 2002 came on the track, roads and grass. At the European Championships in Munich, she became 10,000m champion, while the Brit also claimed 5000m gold at a home Commonwealth Games in Manchester. Earlier on that year, Radcliffe triumphed in the senior women’s race at the World Cross Country Championships, defeating the American pair of DEENA KASTOR and COLLEEN DE REUCK in Dublin. RADCLIFFE also made her marathon debut in 2002, setting a women’s-only world record of (2:18:55) in London and then an outright mark of (2:17:18) in Chicago.

KELLY HOLMES (2004)  KELLY HOLMES became just the third woman in history to complete the Olympic 800m/1500m double after the Soviet Union’s TATYANA KAZANKINA in 1976 and Russia’s SVETLANA MASTERKOVA in 1996. The Brit clocked (1:56.38) in her 800m victory and then ran a British record of (3:57.90) in the 1500m. HOLMES also took home the Diamond League 1500m crown in 2004, triumphing in Monaco.

MO FARAH (2017)  MO FARAH’S world 10,000m title at the London Stadium brought back memories of Super Saturday from London 2012. Once again, Farah triumphed over 25 laps on a global stage, all in front of a partisan home crowd. It was the Brit’s seventh world gold medal, with the tally starting all the way back in Daegu in 2011. Farah also secured a 5000m silver at the World Championships in London and became Diamond League champion over the distance later that year




SHAFTESBURY BARNET HARRIERS NEW INSTAGRAM ACCOUNT– Many thanks to SEAN SUTHERLAND who undertook a review on the best way forward, following this a decision was made to set up a new account, and SEAN has now set that account up.

To follow our newInstagram account, from your own account, by searching for ‘shaftesbury_barnet’ or by clicking
To Members and Parents, if you wish for any photographs to be posted on Instagram, please email them to  If you can at the same time give details on when and where the photographs was taken, plus any other comments.
Please feel free to post photographs of any special occasion, for example, your wedding day, an addition to the family.

SHAFTESBURY BARNET HARRIERS ON INSTAGRAM – Since the account was setup, there has been an amazing amount of Videos and Photographs contributed with many comments. There is 1 post this week.

Photograph of JAMES TSUI U13 who finished 3rd in the Lee Valley Minthon on 7 December, JAMES jumped a person best (1.45mi) in the High Jump.


SBH 2024-2025 WINTER FIXTURE CARD – The Updated SBH 2024-2025 Winter Fixture Card and Information Sheet is now available on the SBH Website. Please access these and print a copy for your reference

The Fixture Card has been updated on 14 November, and those changes are as follows – Cross Country – SEAA Inter-County Championships on 7 December, venue is now Croydon – BUCS Championships on 1 February, venue is now Cardiff – CAU Inter Counties on 8 March at Nottingham – English Schools on 15 March at West Sussex – Indoors all at Lee Valley – VAC and EMAC on 9 February – British Masters on 16 February – Middlesex, Hertfordshire and Kent Championships on 15/16 March – Essex and Eatern Championships on 1/2 March.

Link to the Fixture Card and Information Sheet –
Document explaining what is contained on the Fixture Card and Information Sheet – SBH 2024-2025 Winter Fixture Card – Information on Front Sheet, Fixtures And Information Sheet
Any changes/information will be published in the SBH Weekly Newsletter as and when available, this is the link to the current and previous SBH Weekly Newsletter –

SBH 2024-2025 CROSS COUNTRY POINTS RACES – Take place throughout the season, these are races that are available to run.
Under 11 Boys and Girls – All 5 Start Fitness Metropolitan League fixtures, plus Hertfordshire or Middlesex Championships. Best 4 out of 6 results to count.
Under 13, Under 15, Under 17, Under 20, Senior and Masters Men and Women – All 5 Start Fitness Metropolitan League fixtures, plus Southern and National. Best 5 out of 7 results to count.
Link to the updated Men and Women’s points tables, following the 30 November Start Fitness Metropolitan League fixture at Uxbridge –

SBH 2024-2025 CROSS COUNTRY CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP RACES – Take place throughout the season, these are races that are available to run.
Under 11 Boys and Girls – Start Fitness Metropolitan League on 11 January at Welwyn Garden City.
Under 20 Men, 5 Miles Senior Men and Masters Men 40+ – Start Fitness Metropolitan League on 30 November at Uxbridge.
Under 13, Under 15, Under 17, and 9 Miles Senior Men – Southern Championships on 25 January at Beckenham.
Under 13, Under 15, Under 17, Under 20, Senior and Masters 40+ Women – Southern Championships on 25 January at Beckenham.
Link to the updated Men and Women’s Club Championship winners, following the 30 October Start Fitness Metropolitan League fixture at Uxbridge –

STONEX STADIUM MEMBERSHIP – To use the StoneX Stadium facilities for training, SBH members are required to pay a fee. You can register as a member (which is free) which then entitles you to a discount. This is the link to the form to apply for membership – SBH StoneX Membership 2024-2025  The entrance fee on the membership form, cover the period 1 May 2024 to 30 April 2025.

If you wish to contribute your own memories and/or photographs of GEORGE, please email them to me, either within the email or as a separate attached word document.

CODES OF CONDUCT – SBH have now adopted the UK Athletics (UKA) and the Home Country Athletics Federations (HCAF) Codes of Conduct which set out national standards of conduct for all clubs, coaches, officials, volunteers and athletes in the sport.  The purpose of the codes are to clarify what behaviours are acceptable and unacceptable, the standards of practice expected and the basis for challenging and improving practice.  The Codes are similar to our previous Codes of Conduct which were part of the previous ClubMark scheme.  All club member and anyone undertaking a relevant role must agree to abide by the codes of conduct. The Codes of Conduct have now been put onto our Website, please read these to understand the commitments you are making by being a member of SBH.
Link to the Code of Conduct document – Codes Of Conduct Booklet 2021 (1)

Section ‘About Us’, includes Annual Reports, Best Performance Trophy Awards, Individual And Relay Best Performances By Year, Club Records and SBH All-Time Top 10 T&F Performances.
Section ‘Team Managers And Competitions’, shows details of Track & Field, Cross Country and Road Relays Team Managers.
Section ‘Future Information/Results’, includes Information On Each Fixture, Summer & Winter Fixture Cards, Winter X/C Points Tables and Winter Club Championships Winners.

SHAFTESBURY BARNET HARRIERS NEW CLUB KIT They are now available to purchase from our club kit supplier, Supreme Sports – click on the link for the full range –
By opening the link, you will be on the front page, which displays the men’s items. Click on SBH LADIES for the women’s items, or click on SBH KIDS for the young athletes’ items.

CLUB HOODIES– With well over eight hundred hoodies already in circulation, this is your opportunity to join the club. The bright red hoody is made to order and has your name embroidered on the front along with the club badge and has the Club name on the back. We now have 2 styles, the original pull over style at £37 + P&P or the new one with a full zip at £40 + P&P.
Here is the link to the Supreme Sports website which if you click on it, will take YOU to the new Club Hoody and allow you to then view the full range of Club kit online –

ACCESS TO SBH CLUBHOUSE – The new Keyholders to the outside door are TY HOLDEN, CLYDE GORDON, NEVILLE THOMPSON, GREG THOMPSON, COLIN GODFREY and YAMILLE ALDAMA who all use the Clubhouse outside of normal stadium opening hours. GEOFF MORPHITIS and DAVE BEDFORD will also have a key. All other key fob holders can continue to gain access to the clubhouse via the (New) West Stand Entrance and the Trackside Door to the Clubhouse.
Link to note and details for further information – SBH Club House Door 20-01-23

PHOTOGRAPH’S – From time to time we have photographs of our members taken at meetings or presentations which we would like to use both on the website or incorporated within our report to our local newspaper. Can you please let me know if you do NOT want your photograph to be published. Also, I would appreciate if you could send me any photographs, which I can then publish on the website and newsletter.

FACEBOOK – Photographs can be found on the SBH page.

CAN YOU HELP PLEASE I would welcome any contributions From Yourselves, any impending marriages, or additions to the family, any running or competing incidents, also past warm weather training/holidays (No Club 24 please). Currently the response has been excellent, but if you have anything that could make it into next week’s Newsletter – please email me.

CURRENT DISTRIBUTION OF SHAFTESBURY INFORMATION Currently I notify members (by email) using “MailChimp”. The reason I changed, was in November 2017 “Gmail” put a limit of 100 addresses that users could send to in a 24-hour period, and currently I send to approximately 850 members each issue.

On seeking technical advice “MailChimp” was recommended as the best way for SBH to go forward. There is one thing you should be aware off is that when you receive an email from me, the footer at the bottom has 4 options, of which one is “Unsubscribe Me From List”. Could I ask you not to select this as if you do you will be automatically removed from my distribution list.

SBH MIDWEEK POLE VAULT CLUB AT STONEX STADIUM – The current arrangements until further notice are that Pole Vault training is on Monday’s and Wednesday’s from 18.30pm to 21.00pm. Please contact the session administrator CLYDE GORDON at in advance and let him know if you are planning to attend.

SBH HIGH JUMPS GROUP AT STONEX STADIUM  High Jump training takes place on Monday’s from 19.00pm to 21.00pm. These sessions will be run by our High Jump Coach GRANT BROWN. There will be a charge of £10 per session.
Please contact the session administrator CLYDE GORDON at in advance and let him know if you are planning to attend

SBH TRAINING AND COACHING – Please see the 2024-2025 Winter Fixture Card, which gives details of Training and Coaching – A SBH Winter 2024-2025 Fixture Card Front Sheet Issued 02-09-24

POLE VAULTERS REQUIRED FOR 2025 To all athletes young & old – are you aware of the SBH Pole Vault sessions held at StoneX Stadium on Monday & Wednesday evenings from 18.30pm. We have room to coach more of you, why not come along and watch a session and the get involved – give it a try NOW.
Please contact the session administrator CLYDE GORDON at for more details.

STEEPLECHASE TRAINING AT STONEX STADIUM  Check with your Coach for details of training times.

SBH PRIVACY STATEMENT – In becoming a member, SBH will collect certain information about you. Can you please read the attached ‘Privacy Statement’ which contains Information on General Data Protection Regulations  SBH Privacy Statement Final April 2018

STONEX STADIUM – Main Switchboard telephone number is 020 3675 7250.

STONEX STADIUM AWARDED TRACKMARK STANDARD – Congratulations on achieving the UK Athletics Quality Assurance Standards for StoneX Stadium. This is the letter from UK Athletics and certificate showing all area that achieved compliance – StoneX Stadium Award Letter 09.11.21StoneX Stadium Certificate


Shaftesbury Barnet Harriers Weekly Newsletter Thursday 12 December 2024

Happy Birthday from Thursday 12 December to Wednesday 18 December – Lydia Ball, Chris Bennett, Alexander Charalambous, Jeremy Dempsey, Alexa Eichelmann, Keelan Farrell, Thomas Fulton, Christopher Heron, Nicole McGovern, Anabelle Panwar, Max Panwar, Jazz Sears, Cameron Sharpe, Shandell Taylor, Nosa Urubusi and Joseph Wheeler-Henry

RECENT NEW MEMBERS – We wish you a very warm welcome, and a happy, healthy and successful time with Shaftesbury to MIKO BRAI-ALOYE, JOSHUA KUMAR, ALEXANDRA MAI, JAKE MICHALIK and ERYKAH-MONAE QUARTEY

DAVID STONE’S EUROPEAN SUCCESS – Congratulations to DAVID who won the Bronze Medal in the Under 23 Race (6322m), he finished 4 seconds (18.31) behind GB&NI winning team mate WILL BARNICOTE (18.27). Along with BRETT RUSHMAN the GB&NI team won the Gold team medals with 17 points to FRANCE who had 24 points.
In the Under 20 Men’s race (4812m), HENRY DOVER finished in 49th place (14.50).

NEW CLUB RECORD – Congratulations to MANON BAINES who broke the Under 20 Women’s Pole Vault Indoor Club Record at Loughborough on 8 December. Her vault of (3.71mi) added 1cm to ZOE BROWN’S (3.70mi) set at Cardiff on 3 February 2002.

NEW CLUB RECORDS – Congratulations to TEMI JAIYEOLA who lowered her own Under 11 Girls 60m and 200m Indoor Club Records at the Lee Valley Minithon on 7 December. Her 60m time was (8.92i) taking .10 of a second off her 19 October time, and 200m time was (28.63i) taking 1.05 of a second off her 19 October time.

NEW CLUB RECORD – Congratulations to TEMI JAIYEOLA who broke the Under 11 Girls Long Jump Indoor Club Record at the Lee Valley Minithon on 23 March. Her jump of (3.36mi) added 77cm to LOUANN LAMY’S (2.59mi) set at Lee Valley on 15 December 2012.

THE SECOND RE-UNION AT THE SHAFTESBURY TAVERN – Report and photographs follows the upcoming fixtures.

DAVID STONE – following the second re-union, there is an article on DAVID, which was recently published on the Athletics Weekly website.

I remember DAVID’S in his early days at Shaftesbury vividly, he joined the club on 4 September 2012, aged 10. Making his competitive start in 2013, winning the Hertfordshire Cross Country Championships, then he competed in the EYAL, including the plate final, winning all his 800m and 1500m races. The final race of 2013 was the National Road Relays, on 13 October at Sutton Park, Birmingham. Speaking to team manager TONY SMITH the week before, he was excited that he had a very strong Under 13 team. I made my annual pilgrimage to Sutton Park, on a dull and wet day. On Leg 1 was NATHAN FERNANDES who came home in 9th place (14.13), DAVID was on Leg 2, and was 600m from the handover when DAVID appeared absolutely soaked, finishing over 20 seconds in the lead (14.03), it was left to JAMIE HARPER to bring the team home with a time of (14.01), winning by a margin of 41 seconds.

You will read in DAVID’S article of the untold injuries he had, but NATHAN’S career was cut short as an Under 15 in 2014. JAMIE’S career was cut short eventually as an Under 20 in 2018. JAMIE finished 2nd in the 2014 National Cross Country Championships as an under 15.

SBH REMAINING TEAMS IN 2013 – Overall it was a very exceptional day for Shaftesbury at the National Road Relays on 13 October at Sutton Park.

The results were as follows – Under 13 Girls finished 19th, Leg 1 LIA RADUS (15.51), Leg 2 SCARLETT KENT (17.03), Leg 3 MIA GROOM (16.21) – Under 15 Boys finished 7th, Leg 1 TOM FULTON (13.17), Leg 2 GEORGE GROOM (13.02), Leg 3 JEREMY DEMPSEY (13.18) – Under 15 Girls finished 45th, Leg 1 GABRIELLA KYRIACOU (16.07), Leg 2 SOPHIE BOWEN (16.21), Leg 3 JESSICA HURLEY (16.18) – Under 17 Women finished 8th, Leg 1 NATALIE CONNOR (14.24), Leg 2 CHLOE GOODSON (16.12), Leg 3 SOPHIA PARVIZI-WAYNE (13.29)
Finally the Under 17 Men also won the team Gold Medals, Leg 1 JAMAL LEWIS (11.51), Leg 2 JAMIE DEE (11.55), Leg 3 ROBBIE LIGHTOWLER (12.05) winning by 54 seconds.

SHAFTESBURY BARNET HARRIERS SUBSCRIPTIONS – Our new Club year started on 1 October 2024. The current SBH annual subscription is £85 (following the recent 2024 SBH AGM) and the current England Athletics annual registration from 1 April 2024 is £19. The current total is £104 and should be paid NOW to; ACCOUNT NAME: SHAFTESBURY BARNET HARRIERS, BANK: HSBC, ACCOUNT NUMBER: 41308378, SORT CODE: 400426 – Please advise GEOFF MORPHITIS by email ( when payment has been made.

Just to clarify, that the results I publish can be different to those that are shown on the Power of 10. The differences relate to seasons and personal best performances. For example in the recent EYAL results, an athlete in the 200m ran (24.1), and on his profile his season’s best was shown as (23.88) indoors. As the 200m indoors and outdoors are totally different type of events, I had shown the (24.1) as a season’s best.
The Power of 10 publishes separate UK rankings for indoor and outdoor performances.

LEE VALLEY MINITHON – Took place at Lee Valley on 7 December.
Year 3 Boys THEODORE BETTRIDGE U11 10th (PB 111 points) 60m (PB 11.40i), 200m (PB 40.29i), 600m (PB 2:23.32i), CAMERON MORTON U11 13th (PB 104 points) 60m (PB 11.21i), 200m (PB 38.79i), 600m (PB 2:09.43i), MATTEO MICHALIKU11 16th (PB 91 points) 200m (PB 34.56i), Long Jump (PB 1.89mi) only 2 events competed

Year 3 Girls ISABELLA LABORIEUX U11 2nd (PB 133 points) 60m (PB 10.69i), 200m (PB 37.15i), 600m (PB 2:22.52i), ANEESA SPENCER U11 10th (PB 112 points) 60m (PB 10.44i), 200m (PB 39.52i), Long Jump (PB 1.65mi), TARA AKINDIJI U11 13th (PB 107 points) 60m (PB 11.66i), 200m (PB 42.26i), Long Jump (PB 2.16mi)

Year 4&5 Boys IMIKAN EDOHO U11 6th (158 points) 60m (PB 9.19i) taking .05 of a second off his 19 October time, 60m Hurdles (PB 10.81i) taking 1.20 seconds off his 19 October time, Long Jump (3.43mi), SHAAYAN RANMAL U11 6th (158 points) 60m (9.58i) taking .21 of a second off his 19 October time, 200m (32.41i) taking .25 of a second off his 19 October time, Turbo Javelin (PB 12:50mi), HENRY LING U11 32nd (138 points) 60m (9.96i), 200m (33.29i), 600m (2:16i)

Year 4&5 Girls TEMI JAIYEOLA U11 1st (PB 165 points) 60m (PB 8.92i) taking .10 of a second off her 19 October time, 200m (PB 28.63i) taking 1.05 of a second off her 19 October time, Long Jump (3.12mi) both 60m and 200m are New Club Records, also a New Minithon Record, ANAYA COLLINS U11 3rd (PB 150 points) 60m (PB 9.27i), 200m (PB 34.06i), 60m Hurdles (PB 12.13i), MIA BEGGI-RAYMOND U11 6th (145 points) 60m (PB 10.03i) taking .05 of a second off her 19 October time, 60m Hurdles (PB 11.93i) taking .59 of a second off her 2023 time, Long Jump (3.11mi), NAYAH BOBB-SEMPLE U11 12th (138 points) 60m (10.82i), 200m (PB 32.81i) taking .56 of a second off her 23 March time, Long Jump (PB 2.68mi) adding 7cm to her 1 September jump, ANYA BOWRY U11 27th (PB 126 points) 60m (PB 9.83i) taking .36 of a second off her 19 October time, 200m (PB 35.26i) taking 1.04 seconds off her 19 October time, Long Jump (PB 1.99mi), ELSIE BETTRIDGE U11 28th (PB 123 points) 60m (PB 12.67i), 200m (PB 38.42i), Long Jump (PB 2:23.28i), ARIZONA ARCHIBONG U11 35th (116 points) 60m (PB 10.89i), 200m (PB 38.36i), Long Jump (PB 2.20mi), MEGAN MICHELIK U11 44th (PB 81 points) 200m (PB 36.18i), 600m (PB 2:22.25i) only 2 events competed

Year 6&7 Boys JAMES TSUI U13 3rd (188 points) 60m (PB 8.75i), High Jump (PB 1.45mi), Long Jump (4.27mi), SETH SAUNDERS U13 4th (181 points) 60m (PB 8.65i) equalling his 19 October time, 60m Hurdles (PB 10.33i) taking .08 of a second off his 1 December time, 200m (PB 28.62i) taking .52 of a second off his 19 October time, AIMON PETRENCU U13 36th (PB 120 points) 60m (PB 10.35i), Long Jump (2.84mi), Shot 3kg (4.58mi), JAKE MICHELIK U13 39th (PB 101 points) 200m (PB 32.24i), 600m (PB 1:57i) only 2 events competed

Year 6&7 Girls DAMI ADEKUNLE U13 2nd (193 points) 60m (8.59i), 200m (PB 30.10i) taking .20 of a second off her 23 March time, Long Jump (4.25mi), SIENNA DARCY U13 7th (173 points) 60m (9.58i), 200m (30.42), 600m (1:51), 60m Hurdles (PB 10.72i), KEENYAH ADELESI U13 12th (164 points) 60m (9.58i), 200m (PB 30.90i) taking .28 of a second off her 19 October time, 600m (1:58mi), GEORGINA WARMATE U13 12th (164 points) 200m (30.33i), 60m Hurdles (PB 11.70i), High Jump (PB 1.57mi), KAIA VAUGHAN U13 16th (162 points) 60m (PB 9.04i), 200m (31.79i), Long Jump (3.40mi), ISABELLE NNAJI U13 32nd (146 points) 60m (PB 10.04i) taking .01 of a second off her 19 October time, 200m (PB 35.28i) taking .72 of a second off her 2023 time, Long Jump (3.26mi), TAYLIAH COOMBS-GOODFELLOW U13 52nd (PB 118 points) 60m (PB 10.72i), 200m (PB 36.94i), Long Jump (PB 1.77mi), CATALEYA PETRENCU U13 53rd (115 points) 60m (PB 10.63i), Long Jump (PB 2.27mi), Shot 2.72kg (4.06mi)

BE-FIT TRACK ACADEMY OPEN MEETING – Took place at Lee Valley on 8 December.
60m – SM A03 EESA ADEKUNLE-ALI U17 2nd (PB 7.72i), A04 BEN BAMISAIYE U15 3rd (8.27i), EYTAN POSNER U17 8th (8.61i), A05 KEYLLAN GENTET U17 2nd (PB 7.81i), A08 JEREMIAH ELLIOTT U17 8th (7.75i), A09 KAIDEN SIMMONDS U15 6th (PB 7.56i), A10 HARLEY HENRY U17 3rd (PB 7.36i), A11 TYLER HOLDEN-AIKHOMU U17 6th (PB 7.54i) taking 1.14 seconds off his 2022 time, A13 SAVAN MALIK U20 2nd (7.40i), A14 VICTOR VAIUSCO U20 1st (PB 7.24i) taking .20 of a second off his 21 January time, A15 KHYAN MARKLAND U20 3rd (PB 7.19i) taking .05 of a second off his 17 January time, NATHAN HOWELL U20 4th (7.37i), B03 KHYAN finished 4th (PB 7.10i) taking .09 of a second off his A15 time, B04 VICTOR finished 7th (7.27i), B05 HARLEY finished 3rd (7.31i) taking .05 of a second off his A10 time, NATHAN finished 5th (7.34i) taking .03 off his A15 time, B06 SAVAN finished 6th (7.48i), B08 TYLER finished 1st (PB 7.42i) taking .12 of a second off his A11 time, B08 EESA finished 6th (7.74i), B11 JEREMIAH finished 6th (7.72i) taking .03 of a second off his A08 time, B12 KEYLLAN finished 2nd (PB 7.77i) taking .04 of a second off his A05 time, B19 BEN finished 4th (8.23i) taking .04 of a second off his A04 time
60m – SW A06 ULANI MCCABE-HUGGINS U17 4th (SB 8.65i), A07 ERYKAH OSOBU U15 2nd (PB 8.37i), A09 GRACE NYAONGO U17 2nd (PB 8.48i) taking .08 of a second off her 2023 time, A12 MILLI BRIDGMAN-ATHANSATOS U17 5th (PB 8.79i), A14 ROSALIND ZEFFERTT V60 5th (10.16i), A15 FOYIN SONOIKI U20 3rd (PB 8.18i) taking .50 of a second off her 2022 time, A16 MAKAYLA BRAI-ALOYE U20 2nd (PB 7.85i) equalling her 13 January time, VANESSA ANSUAA U23 6th (8.19i), A17 TAMI GEORGE U20 3rd (7.73i), HANNAH FOSTER U23 7th (SB 8.16i), B01 TAMI finished 3rd (7.73i) equalling her A17 time, B02 MAKAYLA finished 4th (7.86i), B04 HANNAH finished 2nd (SB 8.08i) taking .08 of a second off her A17 time, B05 VANESSA finished 3rd (SB 8.15i) taking .01 of a second off her 31 January time, FOYIN finished 4th (8.19i), B06 ERYKAH finished 6th (PB 8.33i) taking .04 of a second off her A07 time, B08 GRACE finished 5th (8.52i), B10 ULANI finished 2nd (8.68i), B13 ROSALIND finished 7th (10.10i)
200m – SM 3 LUCAS DAVIS U15 3rd (27.45i), 4 BEN BAMISAIYE U15 3rd (26.32i), 7 JEREMIAH ELLIOTT U17 4th (25.48i), 8 TYLER HOLDEN-AIKHOMU U17 2nd (24.42i), 10 VICTOR PAISUCO U20 1st (PB 23.38i), SAVAN MALIK U20 4th (PB 24.67i)
200m – SW 6 ERYKAH OSOBU U15 3rd (27.82i), 9 MORAYO IDRIS U17 4th (29.04i), 13 TAMI GEORGE U20 2nd (25.39i)
300m – SX 4 ADANNA MAZINWOSU U20 1st (42.80i), 5 HOLLY RYAN U17 4th (42.05i), 9 DIJANI BARNOR U17 4th (37.44i), 12 JOSHUA NAIMIECH-OYEBOLA 4th (PB 35.21i)
800m – SX 3 DINA SILVERMAN U20 2nd (2:24.83i)
60m Hurdles – U17M A05 SETH RENNIE-RODDY U20 1st (PB 8.54i) taking .50 of a second off his 16 March time, B05 SETH finished 2nd (8.64i)
60m Hurdles – M50 A05 GARY SMITH V50 (2nd Claim) 1st (8.68i), B05 GARY finished 1st (8.76i)

LOUGHBOROUGH OPEN MEETING – Took place at Loughborough on 7-8 December.
Pole Vault – SX MANON BAINES U20 2nd (PB 3.71mi) adding 1cm to her 12 June height, and is ranked UK No.2 U20 in 2024, and is a New Indoor Club Record
Shot 4kg U23W ALEXANDRA BALTAZAR-HALL U23 1st (12.35mi)

BOSTON UNIVERSITY SHARON COLYEAR-DANVILLE SEASON OPENER – Took place at Boston, Massachusetts, USA on 7 December.
5000m – SM 5 JAMIE DEE (Iona College) 20th (SB 14:24.46i)

SOUTH LONDON ATHLETICS INDOOR MEETING – Took place at Carshalton on 7 December.
60m – SX A10 ERYKAH-MONAE QUARTEY U15 5th (8.31i), B11 ERYKAH-MONAE finished 5th (8.30i)

HOLIDAY CLASSIC – Took place at New York, New York, USA on 7 December
300m – SW 8 LILY PARRIS U23 (Princeton University) 3rd (SB 42.15i)

YALE SEASON OPENER – Took place at New Haven, Connecticut, USA on 7 December
200m – SW 4 LARISSA GILES U23 (Yale University) 3rd (26.89i)

VALENCIA MARATHON – Took place at Valencia, Spain on 1 December

PARKRUN – Can you make sure that you are registered as ‘Shaftesbury Barnet Harriers’, as the link I use to select all results only shows SBH athletes. If anyone is also officiating can you please contact me and advise me where and when.

PARKRUNS MILESTONE VESTS – You can purchase these from 50 to 500, this is the link –

PARKRUNS IN THE UK – Last Saturday at parkruns in the UK, there were…
505 events – 70,756 walkers, joggers, runners and volunteers – 1,564 first timers – 4,071 PBs

COMPLETELY USELESS RANDOM FACT – One of the coldest parkruns on record was completed in -15C temperatures, at Pokkinen parkrun in Finland. That’s really teeth-chattering, chilly weather!

PARKRUN 5KTook place at Colchester Castle on 7 December
ROSS HAMMOND U20 5th (18.51) this was his 63rd Parkrun

PARKRUN 5KTook place at Finsbury on 7 December
BARRY CHISHOLM V65 413th (34.58) this was his 355th Parkrun

PARKRUN 5KTook place at Hull on 7 December
KAYLA MICHEL U23 75th (23.34) this was her 46th Parkrun

PARKRUN 5KTook place at Lordship Recreational Ground on 7 December
BRADLEY SINGER V35 39th (PB 22.43) this was his 298th Parkrun, STUART SINGER V60 8467th (25.43) this was his 445th Parkrun

PARKRUN 5KTook place at Mote Park on 7 December
CLIFF GOLDING V70 94th (29.39) this was his 178th Parkrun

PARKRUN 5KTook place at the Northala Fields on 7 December
DANIYAL JANMOHAMED U11 16th (PB 21.23) this was her 29th Parkrun

PARKRUN 5KTook place at Panshanger on 7 December
RUSSELL DEVITT V75 131st (64.20) this was his 326th Parkrun

PARKRUN 5KTook place at the Victoria Dock on 7 December
JAMES DAVIS U23 38th (23.19) this was his 71st Parkrun

UPCOMING FIXTURES FOR THE NEXT 6 WEEKS, WHICH COVERS THE PERIOD THURSDAY 12 DECEMBER UNTIL WEDNESDAY 22 JANUARY – The SBH 2024-2025 Winter Fixture Card can be found on the SBH website, in which you can Access/Print a copy for future reference. Also the majority of fixtures Information can be found on the SBH Website under the ‘Upcoming Fixtures’ section.

SOUTHERN U15/U17/U20 AND SENIOR COMBINED EVENTS INDOOR CHAMPIONSHIPS – Takes place at Lee Valley Athletics Centre are 61 Meridian Way, Edmonton (Satnav N9 0AR) on Saturday 14 December and Sunday 15 December.
Entries Closed

BOXING DAY BONANZA RUN – Takes place on Thursday 26 December at StoneX Stadium.
DAVE BEDFORD will be organising this event, with the racing starting at 11.00. 
The issuing of numbers, refreshments and prize giving takes place in the Indoor Track area. Distance 2 miles and  1 mile for Under 11. Only £2 entry fee! There will be prizes, raffle (bring cash) and free refreshments……why not come in fancy dress.
A run or even walk for all the family including pets!. Last year we had 50 runners!  Donations to the raffle welcome with winners galore!

LEE VALLEY NEW YEARS INDOOR OPEN MEETING – Takes place on Wednesday 1 January, at the Lee Valley Athletics Centre, 61 Meridian Way, Edmonton (Satnav N9 0AR).
To enter please use this link –
Entries Closing Date Sunday 29 December – Please be advised that events may be full before the closing date.
Note: You will have to enter yourself and pay the appropriate entry fee

MIDDLESEX AND HERTFORDSHIRE CHAMPIONSHIPS – Takes place on Saturday 4 January at Trent Park, Cockfosters (Satnav EN4 0JZ).
Race HQ: Will be at the western end of Trent Park.
Registration: The races will be chip timed.  Numbers, disposable chips and pins will be available from the registration area for Team Managers and those runners who entered individually.  Registration will open from 10.00am.
Changing Facilities: There are no changing rooms, so please arrive ready to run.
Public Toilets: Are located close to the main Cockfosters Road car park.
Refreshments: It is hoped that the cafe will be open for refreshments.
Team Tents and Assembly Area: Team Tents and meeting points should be along the Limes Avenue footpath, in the area beyond Go Ape.  Please be aware that the ground can become very muddy.
Travel: Parking is available within Trent Park via the main entrance on Cockfosters Road, but will be limited.  Given the proximity of Trent Park to Cockfosters and Oakwood underground stations (Piccadilly Line), use of public transport is strongly recommended.
If you intend to drive, please car-share as much as possible. There is NO parking available at Southgate Hockey Club.  You must not attempt to park there.
Cockfosters tube station car park has 311 spaces, cost £8, and Oakwood tube has 114 spaces, cost £8.  There may be street parking on Mount Pleasant and roads off this (EN3 9HQ.  This is about 10-minutes walk from Trent Park.  Please be aware that Spurs will be playing at home with a 12.30pm kick-off.
Start / Finish: Will be at the western end, close to Go Ape.
Start Times 11.00am U11 Boys (1500m), 11.05am U11 Girls (1500m), 11.15am U13 Boys (3000m), 11.20am U13 Girls (3000m), 11.40am U15 Boys (4500m), 11.42am U15 Girls (4500m), 12.00pm U17 Men (6000m), 12.05pm U17 and U20 Women (6000m), 12.40pm U20 Men (8000m), 12.40pm Senior Women (8000m), 1.30pm Senior Men (11750m).
Entries Closing Date Friday 27 December
Note: You will have to be pre-entered by your respective Team Manager 

VICTORIA PARK SPORTS MEDICINE METROPOLITAN LEAGUE – The fourth fixture of five takes place on Saturday 11 Janauary at at Stanborough Park, Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire (SatNav AL8 6DF).
The following information is from the 2023 race, and will be updated when published.
Race Headquarters – Race HQ and Registrtion will be adjacent to the Start/Finish at the south side of the North Side of the park.
Changing Facilities – There will be no dedicated changing rooms or showers, so please arrive ready to run. Toilets are available in the amenity block by the Splashlands playground. Extra toilets will be provided at the end of the car park, close to the amenty block. There are also toilets located at the Sailing Centre on the south side of the Park.
Refreshments – Will be from the kiosk in the amenity block on the north side of the park or from the cafe at the Sailing Centre on the south side of the Park.
Course Location – North Side Stanborough Park – See course maps.
Course Description – Start and Finish in grassed field, remainder undulating parkland course suitable for spikes.
Public Transport – Welwyn Garden City Station (Main Line) 1.25 miles.
Directions From Major Roads – Leave the A1(M) at Junction 4, (after the Hatfield Tunnel). At the roundabout take the second exit to A414/A6129. At the next roundabout take the first exit A6129. At the bottom of the dual carriageway take the second exit out of the roundabout. The entrance to the car park on the north side is on your left after around 100m. The entrance to the car park on the south side is more or less opposite but you cannot gain access from the left side of the carriageway. As early arrivers will undoubtedly fill the car park on the north side, you may be advised to go straight to the one on the south side.
Parking – There is a fairly large car park on the north side of the Park, adjacent to the course. There is a very large car park on the south side of the Park, 5 minutes walk to the course.
These car parks are camera operated and you must pay or you may incur a fine. You can pay at a meter by card.  However, payment does not have to be immediate. We have not been able to negotiate a reduced rate.
There is a footpath under the road bridge, providing traffic-free access between the South Side and the North Side of the Park.
Course Details – The start and finish are in grassed parkland.  The remainder is an undulating parkland course with two short woodland sections on each longer loop and a short climb and then descend on each of the shorter loops, all being suitable for spikes.
Additional Notes – The finish has been relocated and is now adjacent to the boundary with the school, and is outside the large loop of the course.
Link to the full information, include Course Maps
Timetable12.00 U11 (Over 9) Boys (2km), 12.02 U11 (Over 9) Girls (2km), 12.10 U13 Boys (3km), 12.12 U13 Girls (3km), 12.30 U17 Men and U15 Boys (4km), 12.32 U17 Women and U15 Girls (4km), 12.50 U20, Senior and Veteran Women (8km), 13.30 U20, Senior and Veteran Men (8km)..
Note: You do not have to be pre-entered, just turn up and run.
Please collect your race numbers from the respective team managers – SIMON KEENE, JEREMY SOTHCOTT and JO KENT
Please go to Start Fitness Metropolitan League web site for any other final information.

VICTORIA PARK SPORTS MEDICINE METROPOLITAN LEAGUE RACE NUMBERS – I have been asked to remind you that your race number must be kept by yourselves, and is to be used for all 5 fixtures.

WINTER XC POINTS CHAMPIONSHIPS – The Metropolitan League fixture is the fifth fixture for the Under 11 Boys and Girls in their six race series. It is the fourth fixture for the Under 13 and above age-groups

SOUTHERN U13, U15 AND U17 INDOOR CHAMPIONSHIPS – Takes place at Lee Valley Athletics Centre are 61 Meridian Way, Edmonton (Satnav N9 0AR) on Saturday 11 January and Sunday 12 January.
To enter please use this link –
Entries Closing Date Monday 30 December
Note: You will have to enter yourself and pay the appropriate entry fee

ENGLAND ATHLETICS U20 AND SENIOR INDOOR COMBINED EVENTS CHAMPIONSHIPS – Takes place at the English Institute of Sport, Coleridge Road, Sheffield (Satnav S9 5DA) on Saturday 18 January and Sunday 19 January.
To enter please use this link –
Entries Close Friday 20 December
Note: You will have to enter yourself and pay the appropriate entry fee

LEE VALLEY LONDON U20 AND SENIOR INDOOR GAMES – Takes place on Saturday 18 January and Sunday 19 January, at the Lee Valley Athletics Centre, 61 Meridian Way, Edmonton (Satnav N9 0AR).
Events are 60m, 200m 400m, 800m, 60m Hurdles, Pole Vault, High Jump, Long Jump, Triple Jump and Shot. For age-groups U20, Senior and Veterans.
Entries Open Tuesday 1 October
To enter please use this link –
Entries Closing Date Friday 9 January – Please be advised that events may be full before the closing date.
Note: You will have to enter yourself and pay the appropriate entry fee

LEE VALLEY INDOOR FIXTURES – The following 4 fixture are now open to enter from 1 October. Please remember to enter as early as possible, to avoid not to be disappointed. New Years Open Meeting 1 January (Closing Date Sunday 29 December), London U20 and Senior Indoor Games 18/19 January (Closing Date Thursday 9 January), London U13, U15 and U17 Indoor Games 25/26 January (Closing Date Thursday 16 January) and Middle Distance Open Meeting 19 February (Closing Date Sunday 16 February)
Link to the 4 fixture details – Lee Valley 4 Indoor Fixture Fixtures Opening 1 October 2024

LEE VALLEY MINITHON INDOOR FIXTURES – Is for School years 3 to 7, in which you compete in 3 events from the following – 60m, 200m, 600, 60m Hurdles, High Jump (Year 6 and 7 only), Long Jump, Shot Put and Javelin (Year 6 and 7 only).
There are 2 fixtures on Saturday 17 December and Saturday 22 March.
Link to information guide on the Minithon – Information Guide For Lee Valley Minithon
To enter please use this link –
Note: You will have to enter yourself and pay the appropriate entry fee

THE SECOND RE-UNION AT THE SHAFTESBURY TAVERN – Last Wednesday 4 December, a group of SBH members met up at the Shaftesbury Tavern.  The clubs’ name almost certainly came from Shaftesbury Road and I’m sure some of our early colleagues met in the Shaftesbury Tavern at the end of the road after training or races.  DAVE BEDFORD presented an early picture of our club members to the landlord of the pub who will hang this in a prominent place.  He was unaware of the connections to the club and greatly impressed by our history.   He has welcomed us back next year on Monday 1 December 2025.

In total 14 Club members attended and together we had 760 years membership with the Club.  It would be great if we could get this over 1,000 years next year and also see a wider group of our members attending.  The Shaftesbury Tavern was very welcoming, not too busy and served good food.  The group picture shows from left to right JOHN KELLY, JULIAN GOATER, MARTIN GREY, DICK BOBER, GEOFF MORPHITIS, DAVE BEDFORD, BOB MALLOWS, PHIL CUNNINGHAM, RICHARD SAMUEL, HUGH STARKEY, HUGH RICHARDS, DAVE BRADLEY, JOHN DRYDEN and RAY POWELL.

DAVID STONE: “I WANT EURO CROSS TO BE THE START OF GREATER THINGS TO COME”  The following article was published on the Athletics Weekly website recently. Photograph taken by DANIEL MOSES.

The Brit won the under-23 race at the Liverpool Cross Challenge, qualifying him for the 2024 European Cross Country Championships in Turkey. You get the feeling that DAVID STONE is just getting started. The 22-year-old Brit secured a stunning victory at this season’s Liverpool Cross Challenge, defeating last year’s European Cross under-23 champion Will Barnicoat on a muddy Sefton Park course. It marks quite the return to competition for STONE, who has battled through a myriad of injuries and surgeries over the past couple of years. STONE, who trains with BARNICOAT and TOMER TARRANGANO – senior men’s champion in Liverpool – at the University of Birmingham, will now be making his debut for Great Britain at this Sunday’s European Cross Country Championships in Antalya, Turkey (December 8).

The Shaftesbury Barnet Harriers athlete’s last full competitive season was in 2019 and although he’s been forced to spend a long time away from events, STONE is quietly confident about targeting a top five finish in the under-23 race this weekend. Ahead of this year’s Euro Cross, AW caught up with STONE on his journey into running, overcoming an abundant of injuries and his ultimate goals within the sport.

How did you get into running in the first place?  I was probably about 10 years old or so. The first thing I can remember is that when my dad was 50, he was looking to start jogging. I mostly played football at the time but I went along with him on runs. We lived pretty close to a track in Hendon, where Saracens play. I just went down, really enjoyed it and soon after that started competing. I did well but it was hard to tell as I was only competing against local athletes. From the age of 13 onwards, I started competing in national races and the Mini London Marathon. They obviously felt like a massive deal at the time as I got to race the best people in the country. My favourite race was always the National Cross Country Championships, I loved that. You’re competing against 1000 other people instead of just 12 on the track. I’d love to be running well on the track but because of how the last few years have gone, it’s been tough.

Are you able to open up about your injuries and how you’ve tried to overcome them? Well to start off with, I didn’t grow until quite late and I had a lot of pains up until the ages of 17 and 18. I was always up there in the big cross-country races but then I’d be absent for a while. You’d watch everyone get better and it was frustrating. When I got back into competing, I was injured. In 2022, I placed second behind WILL BARNICOAT at the National Cross Country Championships. After that, I thought I could really kick on. Then, it went from bad to worst on the injury front. I got glandular fever for starters and then I had really bad shin pains, which limited me to running 30 miles per week. After that, I discovered I had bowel problems, which made it difficult to eat and run. Both my parents are doctors and they were struggling to figure out the problem. I wasn’t absorbing much food, found it difficult to eat before I ran and lost a bit of weight quite quickly. It turned out there were these neuroendocrine tumours in the lining of my bowel that had to be removed. The following February, I came back and placed well at the BUCS Cross Country Championships. I then had really bad pains on my ankles. It turned out I had this extra bone spur on each side – not uncommon – but once it started hurting there wasn’t much I could do apart from operating. It took ages to work it out. That extra bit of bone was getting crushed when I was running. It was only this time last year when I had the first of two operations.

How was it mentally to keep on believing you could get through that period? It was a pretty tough period but I definitely came out the other side stronger. I’d be looking at all the people that I’d be competitive with going through the age groups. They were absolutely flying. I would beat myself up about it. I was thinking ‘why’s everything going so well for them while I’m in this position?’. I thought I shouldn’t compare myself to others though. Once I stopped asking ‘why’s this all gone so wrong?’, I then focused on what I could do about it. I came to the realisation in my head that I could only play with the cards that I’d been dealt. After the surgery, it was about working up from a clean slate and being a better version of myself for the next few weeks and months. I expected this to be a much longer process and, even though I’m not out of the woods yet with injuries, it’s been steady so far.

How’s the recovery been for you? I wanted to build that aerobic base so that when I was ready to run, I didn’t lose a year of training that everyone else had. So through April and May, I hammered away at cycling. I’ve always had quite a lot of energy and liked the thoughts of exercising. Even if I can’t run I’ll do other things. I built quite a lot of fitness quite quickly through cycling. I knew it’d be very tedious on the running side, so cycling helped me get through that period. Even now though, the ankle that was most recently operated can still be stiff. Progress on it was slow from May to September. We’d been micro-dosing intensity in training and I only started steady runs a few months ago.

Read More: Euro Cross 2024 preview DEAN MILLER, my coach, was instrumental for me during this period. His versatile philosophy helped me a lot with my training programme and getting me up to something like full fitness again. Recently, our training group went out to Font Romeu and I responded really well at altitude. As well as doing steady runs and hill sessions, being on the bike for five hours at altitude did me wonders.

What was the feeling of winning at the Liverpool Cross Challenge?  If you said to me that before the race I’d win it and beat WILL, I’d have told you that was amazing. I went off hard and, with the likes of TOMER and WILL, we all just slotted in together like it was a training run. I thought I was realistically going to be in a dogfight to get into the top six, as you don’t know what shape you’ll be in, so I was never expecting the stars to align like that straight away. It felt a bit odd winning but WILL‘S race is in Turkey. He didn’t need to go out and smash Liverpool. Obviously, it was encouraging to beat him from my perspective but I’d seen him in the week and he had a bit of cold and coursework to submit. I’m sure he’ll compete well in Turkey.

Thoughts on making your Great Britain debut in Turkey?  I’m just excited to be there in all honesty. I think coming in the top five would be great. It still feels like a bonus as I didn’t expect this to happen straight away. I just want it to be the start of even greater things to come down the line. I’m going to race it to the best of my capabilities and try and have a positive impact on the race. Having said that, I do think the course and conditions will be quite a bit different to Liverpool. I think the cross training you do comes off a bit more when it’s a muddy surface and everyone has slowed down a bit. Whereas it will be a lot faster with dry earth in Turkey. I’d love to get a medal and I’ll obviously race to try and get one. When it comes to this kind of stuff I’ve got high ambitions and low expectations. I wasn’t actually thinking that things would start going this well instantly. It feels like a blessing for everything to have the stars lined up like that.

What are your thoughts on 2025 and ultimate goals in the sport? I’d ideally want to do an indoor season but I think the extra banks on the track will put a lot of stress on the Achilles. So we might try and do just one 3000m indoors. I’ll also do the Podium 5k in Battersea (December 31) and then the Armagh 5km (February 13). I’d love to also focus on the 1500m next season and get that pace work back up there. I’ve got a lot of cobwebs to blow off on the track. I’m still trying to work out what to do in the future. I mean, I’d love to run professionally for at least a year or two. I don’t want to look back in 10 years and think ‘oh, if I locked in a little bit more then I might’ve just been able to do something a bit better’.

ENGLAND ATHLETICS DISCUS AND JAVELIN MASTERCLASS  Just received the following from NICK RIDGEON of England Athletics – Regarding the masterclasses, we are going for something a bit different with the technical coaching coming from within the brilliant English coaching community. We are then bringing in good practitioners to supplement them.

Talent Development Javelin Masterclass: Target audience: Javelin throwers who are 14 and over and are already on the talent programmes or are hoping to progress onto them in the next few years. Javelin coaches working with club and talent level athletes hoping to support athletes on to talent programmes and national and international championships.
Date: 25-26th January 2025.
Venue: Loughborough University

  • Saturday – movement skills & ball throwing (Mark Bradford), technical throwing practical (Tom Dobbing, Mike McNeill & Nick Neiland), running mechanics practical (Joe McDonnell – Loughborough Head of Para Sprints), gymnastics for javelin (Scott Knighton) & mastering competition (Nick Neiland)
  • Sunday – Injury prevention (Lucy Eggleton – EA Pathway Physio), physical preparation (Jake Reeve – Loughborough University), talent pathway overview (Tom Dobbing), medicine ball practical (Scott Knighton), planning and communication (Mike McNeill)) & sports psychology (James Austin – Grey Matters)


Talent Development Discus Masterclass: Target audience: Discus throwers who are 14 and over and are already on the talent programmes or are hoping to progress onto them in the next few years. Discus coaches working with club and talent level athletes hoping to support athletes on to talent programmes and national and international championships.
Date: 25-26th January 2025.
Venue: Loughborough University

  • Saturday – physical preparation (Rich Eaton – Newcastle University), technical throwing practical (Mark Chapman & Garry Power) & overview of the technical excellence framework (Mark Chapman)
  • Sunday – Injury prevention (Lucy Eggleton – EA Pathway Physio), throwing technical review (Mark Chapman), goal setting and planning (Garry Power) & sports psychology (James Austin – Grey Matters)


 If you continue to face difficulties booking onto the masterclasses via athletics hub, please email

ENGLAND ATHLETICS THROWS COMMUNITY NEWSLETTER Just received the November issue from NICK RIDGEON of England Athletics – EA Throws Newsletter November 2024

SHAFTESBURY BARNET HARRIERS NEW INSTAGRAM ACCOUNT– Many thanks to SEAN SUTHERLAND who undertook a review on the best way forward, following this a decision was made to set up a new account, and SEAN has now set that account up.

To follow our newInstagram account, from your own account, by searching for ‘shaftesbury_barnet’ or by clicking
To Members and Parents, if you wish for any photographs to be posted on Instagram, please email them to  If you can at the same time give details on when and where the photographs was taken, plus any other comments.
Please feel free to post photographs of any special occasion, for example, your wedding day, an addition to the family.

SHAFTESBURY BARNET HARRIERS ON INSTAGRAM – Since the account was setup, there has been an amazing amount of Videos and Photographs contributed with many comments. There is no posts this week.


SBH 2024-2025 WINTER FIXTURE CARD – The Updated SBH 2024-2025 Winter Fixture Card and Information Sheet is now available on the SBH Website. Please access these and print a copy for your reference

The Fixture Card has been updated on 14 November, and those changes are as follows – Cross Country – SEAA Inter-County Championships on 7 December, venue is now Croydon – BUCS Championships on 1 February, venue is now Cardiff – CAU Inter Counties on 8 March at Nottingham – English Schools on 15 March at West Sussex – Indoors all at Lee Valley – VAC and EMAC on 9 February – British Masters on 16 February – Middlesex, Hertfordshire and Kent Championships on 15/16 March – Essex and Eatern Championships on 1/2 March.

Link to the Fixture Card and Information Sheet –
Document explaining what is contained on the Fixture Card and Information Sheet – SBH 2024-2025 Winter Fixture Card – Information on Front Sheet, Fixtures And Information Sheet
Any changes/information will be published in the SBH Weekly Newsletter as and when available, this is the link to the current and previous SBH Weekly Newsletter –

SBH 2024-2025 CROSS COUNTRY POINTS RACES – Take place throughout the season, these are races that are available to run.
Under 11 Boys and Girls – All 5 Start Fitness Metropolitan League fixtures, plus Hertfordshire or Middlesex Championships. Best 4 out of 6 results to count.
Under 13, Under 15, Under 17, Under 20, Senior and Masters Men and Women – All 5 Start Fitness Metropolitan League fixtures, plus Southern and National. Best 5 out of 7 results to count.
Link to the updated Men and Women’s points tables, following the 30 November Start Fitness Metropolitan League fixture at Uxbridge –

SBH 2024-2025 CROSS COUNTRY CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP RACES – Take place throughout the season, these are races that are available to run.
Under 11 Boys and Girls – Start Fitness Metropolitan League on 11 January at Welwyn Garden City.
Under 20 Men, 5 Miles Senior Men and Masters Men 40+ – Start Fitness Metropolitan League on 30 November at Uxbridge.
Under 13, Under 15, Under 17, and 9 Miles Senior Men – Southern Championships on 25 January at Beckenham.
Under 13, Under 15, Under 17, Under 20, Senior and Masters 40+ Women – Southern Championships on 25 January at Beckenham.
Link to the updated Men and Women’s Club Championship winners, following the 30 October Start Fitness Metropolitan League fixture at Uxbridge –

STONEX STADIUM MEMBERSHIP – To use the StoneX Stadium facilities for training, SBH members are required to pay a fee. You can register as a member (which is free) which then entitles you to a discount. This is the link to the form to apply for membership – SBH StoneX Membership 2024-2025  The entrance fee on the membership form, cover the period 1 May 2024 to 30 April 2025.

If you wish to contribute your own memories and/or photographs of GEORGE, please email them to me, either within the email or as a separate attached word document.

CODES OF CONDUCT – SBH have now adopted the UK Athletics (UKA) and the Home Country Athletics Federations (HCAF) Codes of Conduct which set out national standards of conduct for all clubs, coaches, officials, volunteers and athletes in the sport.  The purpose of the codes are to clarify what behaviours are acceptable and unacceptable, the standards of practice expected and the basis for challenging and improving practice.  The Codes are similar to our previous Codes of Conduct which were part of the previous ClubMark scheme.  All club member and anyone undertaking a relevant role must agree to abide by the codes of conduct. The Codes of Conduct have now been put onto our Website, please read these to understand the commitments you are making by being a member of SBH.
Link to the Code of Conduct document – Codes Of Conduct Booklet 2021 (1)

Section ‘About Us’, includes Annual Reports, Best Performance Trophy Awards, Individual And Relay Best Performances By Year, Club Records and SBH All-Time Top 10 T&F Performances.
Section ‘Team Managers And Competitions’, shows details of Track & Field, Cross Country and Road Relays Team Managers.
Section ‘Future Information/Results’, includes Information On Each Fixture, Summer & Winter Fixture Cards, Winter X/C Points Tables and Winter Club Championships Winners.

SHAFTESBURY BARNET HARRIERS NEW CLUB KIT They are now available to purchase from our club kit supplier, Supreme Sports – click on the link for the full range –
By opening the link, you will be on the front page, which displays the men’s items. Click on SBH LADIES for the women’s items, or click on SBH KIDS for the young athletes’ items.

CLUB HOODIES– With well over eight hundred hoodies already in circulation, this is your opportunity to join the club. The bright red hoody is made to order and has your name embroidered on the front along with the club badge and has the Club name on the back. We now have 2 styles, the original pull over style at £37 + P&P or the new one with a full zip at £40 + P&P.
Here is the link to the Supreme Sports website which if you click on it, will take YOU to the new Club Hoody and allow you to then view the full range of Club kit online –

ACCESS TO SBH CLUBHOUSE – The new Keyholders to the outside door are TY HOLDEN, CLYDE GORDON, NEVILLE THOMPSON, GREG THOMPSON, COLIN GODFREY and YAMILLE ALDAMA who all use the Clubhouse outside of normal stadium opening hours. GEOFF MORPHITIS and DAVE BEDFORD will also have a key. All other key fob holders can continue to gain access to the clubhouse via the (New) West Stand Entrance and the Trackside Door to the Clubhouse.
Link to note and details for further information – SBH Club House Door 20-01-23

PHOTOGRAPH’S – From time to time we have photographs of our members taken at meetings or presentations which we would like to use both on the website or incorporated within our report to our local newspaper. Can you please let me know if you do NOT want your photograph to be published. Also, I would appreciate if you could send me any photographs, which I can then publish on the website and newsletter.

FACEBOOK – Photographs can be found on the SBH page.

CAN YOU HELP PLEASE I would welcome any contributions From Yourselves, any impending marriages, or additions to the family, any running or competing incidents, also past warm weather training/holidays (No Club 24 please). Currently the response has been excellent, but if you have anything that could make it into next week’s Newsletter – please email me.

CURRENT DISTRIBUTION OF SHAFTESBURY INFORMATION Currently I notify members (by email) using “MailChimp”. The reason I changed, was in November 2017 “Gmail” put a limit of 100 addresses that users could send to in a 24-hour period, and currently I send to approximately 850 members each issue.

On seeking technical advice “MailChimp” was recommended as the best way for SBH to go forward. There is one thing you should be aware off is that when you receive an email from me, the footer at the bottom has 4 options, of which one is “Unsubscribe Me From List”. Could I ask you not to select this as if you do you will be automatically removed from my distribution list.

SBH MIDWEEK POLE VAULT CLUB AT STONEX STADIUM – The current arrangements until further notice are that Pole Vault training is on Monday’s and Wednesday’s from 18.30pm to 21.00pm. Please contact the session administrator CLYDE GORDON at in advance and let him know if you are planning to attend.

SBH HIGH JUMPS GROUP AT STONEX STADIUM  High Jump training takes place on Monday’s from 19.00pm to 21.00pm. These sessions will be run by our High Jump Coach GRANT BROWN. There will be a charge of £10 per session.
Please contact the session administrator CLYDE GORDON at in advance and let him know if you are planning to attend

SBH TRAINING AND COACHING – Please see the 2024-2025 Winter Fixture Card, which gives details of Training and Coaching – A SBH Winter 2024-2025 Fixture Card Front Sheet Issued 02-09-24

POLE VAULTERS REQUIRED FOR 2025 To all athletes young & old – are you aware of the SBH Pole Vault sessions held at StoneX Stadium on Monday & Wednesday evenings from 18.30pm. We have room to coach more of you, why not come along and watch a session and the get involved – give it a try NOW.
Please contact the session administrator CLYDE GORDON at for more details.

STEEPLECHASE TRAINING AT STONEX STADIUM  Check with your Coach for details of training times.

SBH PRIVACY STATEMENT – In becoming a member, SBH will collect certain information about you. Can you please read the attached ‘Privacy Statement’ which contains Information on General Data Protection Regulations  SBH Privacy Statement Final April 2018

STONEX STADIUM – Main Switchboard telephone number is 020 3675 7250.

STONEX STADIUM AWARDED TRACKMARK STANDARD – Congratulations on achieving the UK Athletics Quality Assurance Standards for StoneX Stadium. This is the letter from UK Athletics and certificate showing all area that achieved compliance – StoneX Stadium Award Letter 09.11.21StoneX Stadium Certificate


Shaftesbury Barnet Harriers Weekly Newsletter Thursday 5 December 2024

Happy Birthday from Thursday 5 December to Wednesday 11 December – Hope Baker, Emma Beardmore, Thomas Cadwallader, Janiya George, John Kelly, Nick Percy, Anaya Rao, Joseph Rodriguez, Grace Rooney, Ross Sambrook, Jaden Smith, Nick Smith, Albert Taylor, Dan Watts and Glen Watts

SBH 134th ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING – Took place on Tuesday 26 November in the 100 Club, East Stand, StoneX Stadium. These are the minutes of the AGM – SBH AGM 2024 Minutes
List of SBH Club Officers for 2024-2025 – SBH List of Club Officers 2024-2025

NEW CLUB RECORD – Congratulations to ROSALIND ZEFFERTT who broke her own V60 Pole Vault (2.44mi) adding 4cm to her 16 March height, and is ranked UK No.1 V60 in 2024, also ranked UK No.3 on the UK All-Time list

SBH CROSS COUNTRY CLUB CHAMPIONSHIPS – Congratulations to the first winners of the season, which they won at the Start Fitness Metropolitan League fixture at Uxbridge on 30 November. The winners were – Under 20 Men ADAM O’GORMAN, 5 Miles Senior Men THOMAS BUTLER and Masters Men 40+ JOEL PHILLIPS V45. Photographs of JOEL and THOMAS taken by TY HOLDEN.

REG BLACK – I have just been informed REG passed away last week, our thoughts are with REG and his family. Further details to follow.

ENGLAND ATHLETICS THROWS COMMUNITY NEWSLETTER Just received the November issue from NICK RIDGEON of England Athletics – EA Throws Newsletter November 2024

ENGLAND ATHLETICS DISCUS AND JAVELIN MASTERCLASS  Just received the following from NICK RIDGEON of England Athletics – Regarding the masterclasses, we are going for something a bit different with the technical coaching coming from within the brilliant English coaching community. We are then bringing in good practitioners to supplement them.

Talent Development Javelin Masterclass: Target audience: Javelin throwers who are 14 and over and are already on the talent programmes or are hoping to progress onto them in the next few years. Javelin coaches working with club and talent level athletes hoping to support athletes on to talent programmes and national and international championships.
Date: 25-26th January 2025.
Venue: Loughborough University

  • Saturday – movement skills & ball throwing (Mark Bradford), technical throwing practical (Tom Dobbing, Mike McNeill & Nick Neiland), running mechanics practical (Joe McDonnell – Loughborough Head of Para Sprints), gymnastics for javelin (Scott Knighton) & mastering competition (Nick Neiland)
  • Sunday – Injury prevention (Lucy Eggleton – EA Pathway Physio), physical preparation (Jake Reeve – Loughborough University), talent pathway overview (Tom Dobbing), medicine ball practical (Scott Knighton), planning and communication (Mike McNeill)) & sports psychology (James Austin – Grey Matters)


Talent Development Discus Masterclass: Target audience: Discus throwers who are 14 and over and are already on the talent programmes or are hoping to progress onto them in the next few years. Discus coaches working with club and talent level athletes hoping to support athletes on to talent programmes and national and international championships.
Date: 25-26th January 2025.
Venue: Loughborough University

  • Saturday – physical preparation (Rich Eaton – Newcastle University), technical throwing practical (Mark Chapman & Garry Power) & overview of the technical excellence framework (Mark Chapman)
  • Sunday – Injury prevention (Lucy Eggleton – EA Pathway Physio), throwing technical review (Mark Chapman), goal setting and planning (Garry Power) & sports psychology (James Austin – Grey Matters)


 If you continue to face difficulties booking onto the masterclasses via athletics hub, please email

SHAFTESBURY BARNET HARRIERS SUBSCRIPTIONS – Our new Club year started on 1 October 2024. The current SBH annual subscription is £85 (following the recent 2024 SBH AGM) and the current England Athletics annual registration from 1 April 2024 is £19. The current total is £104 and should be paid NOW to; ACCOUNT NAME: SHAFTESBURY BARNET HARRIERS, BANK: HSBC, ACCOUNT NUMBER: 41308378, SORT CODE: 400426 – Please advise GEOFF MORPHITIS by email ( when payment has been made.

Just to clarify, that the results I publish can be different to those that are shown on the Power of 10. The differences relate to seasons and personal best performances. For example in the recent EYAL results, an athlete in the 200m ran (24.1), and on his profile his season’s best was shown as (23.88) indoors. As the 200m indoors and outdoors are totally different type of events, I had shown the (24.1) as a season’s best.
The Power of 10 publishes separate UK rankings for indoor and outdoor performances.

START FITNESS METROPOLITAN LEAGUE – The third fixture of five took place on Saturday 30 November at Uxbridge.

The following is a comparison between the Uxbridge and Perivale results.

The Under 11 Boys repeated there 2nd place result from Perivale, and overall are now 20 points behind Woodford Green & Essex Ladies.
The Under 11 Girls were joint 2nd at Perivale, unfortunately with 3 runners this affected our team result, meaning we finished in 8th place and now 6th overall.
The Under 13 Boys made it three wins out of three, and now have increased their 32 point lead over Victoria Park & Tower Hamlets to 51 points.
The Under 13 Girls unfortunately had no runners, slipped to 9th overall.
The Under 15 Boys and Under 17 Men finished in 3rd place as at Perivale, with 11 runners again, they have now slipped to 3rd place overall 79 points behind Woodford Green & Essex Ladies.
The Under 15 Girls and Under 17 Women with 2 runners, finished in 11h place, although they still managed to finish in 7th place overall.
The Senior Men improved even further from their result at Perivale, managing to finish in 8th place, moving the team up from 13th place to 9th place overall. .
The Senior Women with our lone runner NICOLA finished in 9th place, and are still in 10th place overall.
The Veterans Men finished 13th place at Perivale, and finished in the same position this time.  Looking ahead if we have our normal turnout in the final 2 fixtures, the 2 clubs below us will find it quite hard to catch us.

These are our individual top 10 finishers – Under 11 Boys – WILLIAM STOCKDALE 1st, ARI RUBENSTEIN 6th, DANIYAL JANMOHAMED 9th – Under 11 Girls KEENYAH ADELISE 8th – Under 13 Boys DENNYS PASCAL 1st, JENSON DAY 9th – Under 15/U17 Men CALEB HILTON U15 10th, ARTHUR PHILLIPS U17 6th, EUAN PHILLIPS U17 8th – Under 20 Men ADAM O’GORMAN 1st, TOMMY NARVAEZ-WHITE 2nd – Senior Men THOMAS BUTLER 2nd

Under 11 Boys (2000m)WILLIAM STOCKDALE 1st (7.06), ARI RUBENSTEIN 6th (7.18), DANIYAL JANMOHAMED 9th (7.31), LUCAS XIE 10th (7.34), ETHAN SLUTKIN 14th (7.51) 40 runners finished
Team Result – 1st Woodford Green & Essex Ladies A (141 points), 2nd SBH A (138), 3rd Ealing, Southall & Middlesex (94), 11th SBH B (27) 16 teams finished.
Team Result After 3 Fixtures – 1st Woodford Green & Essex Ladies A (489 points), 2nd SBH A (469), 3rd Woodford Green & Essex Ladies B (352), 18th SBH B (27)

Under 11 Girls (2000m)KEENYAH ADELISE 8th (8.16), ELSIE BETTRIDGE 24th (9.08), RUBY KONVISER 29th (9.37) the winner was Sophie Davis of Thames Valley Harriers (7.21) 34 runners finished
Team Result – 1st Woodford Green & Essex Ladies A (111 points), 2nd Thames Valley Harriers (66), 3rd Woodford Green & Essex Ladies B (59), 8th SBH A (44) 14 teams finished.
Team Result After 3 Fixtures – 1st Woodford Green & Essex Ladies A (339 points), 2nd London Heathside (202), 3rd Thames Valley Harriers (198), 6th SBH A (136), 16th SBH B (6)

Under 13 Boys (3000m)DENNYS PASCAL 1st (11.01), JENSON DAY 9th (11.43), LEWIS WARD 11th (11.44), HARRISON HENDERSON 12th (11.45), TAHA COCKERILL 23rd (12.41), HARRY SAMUEL 33rd (13.12) 51 runners finished
Team Result 1st SBH A (183 points), 2nd Herts Phoenix (171), 3rd Victoria Park & Tower Hamlets (164), 10th SBH B (52) 18 teams finished.
Team Result After 3 Fixtures 1st SBH A (548 points), 2nd Victoria Park & Tower Hamlets (497), 3rd Herts Phoenix (436), 13th SBH B (114)

Under 13 Girls (3000m) – No SBH runners, the winner was Violet Muralidhar of Ealing, Southall & Middlesex (12.09) 49 runners finished
Team Result – 1st Ealing, Southall & Middlesex (121 points), 2nd Woodford Green & Essex Ladies A (103), 3rd Victoria Park & Tower Hamlets (92) 16 teams finished.
Team Result After 3 Fixtures – 1st Woodford Green & Essex Ladies A (408 points), 2nd Ealing, Southall & Middlesex (365), 3rd Victoria Park & Tower Hamlets (328), 9th SBH (189)

Under 15 Boys/Under 17 Men (4000m)ARTHUR PHILLIPS U17 11th (13.53 6th U17), EUAN PHILLIPS U17 14th (13.57 8th U17), CALEB HILTON U15 28th (14.39 10th U15), AIDAN MCAVOY U17 34th (14.52 18th U17), JARED MORRIS U17 36th (14.55 19th U17), MATTHEW MAY U17 41st (15.04 21st U17), EDWARD PASCAL U15 47th (15.13 20th U15), ETHAN MOSS U15 60th (15.42 20th U15), SAM CLEMENTS U15 61st (15.45 20th U15), LADDIE SHAW U15 79th (16.52 20th U15), JACOB SUGARMAN U15 92nd (17.45 56th U15) the U15 winner was Arjuna Pflug of Highgate Harriers (13.08) and the U17 winner was Luke Dunham of Herts Phoenix (12.59) there were 59 U15 runners finished and 41 U17 runners finished
Team Result – 1st Woodford Green & Essex Ladies (373 points), 2nd Herts Phoenix (370), 3rd SBH A (317), 12th SBH B (220), 22nd SBH C (71) 30 teams finished.
Team Result After 3 Fixtures – 1st Woodford Green & Essex Ladies (1109 points), 2nd Herts Phoenix (1078), 3rd SBH A (1030), 14th SBH B (573), 24th SBH C (125)

Under 15 Girls/Under 17 Women (4000m)AMBER JACKSON U15 19th (17.35 13th U15), OLIVIA ABOTT U15 29th (18.12 20th U17) the U15 winner was Jorjia March of Barnet& District (14.41) and the U17 winner was Leoni Delvendahl of Highgate Harriers (15.49) there were 40 U15 runners finished and 14 U17 runners finished.
Team Result – 1st St Marys Richmond (202 points), 2nd Victoria Park & Tower Hamlets (189), 3rd London Heathside (178), 11th SBH (66) 22 teams finished.
Team Result After 3 Fixtures – 1st St Marys Richmond (597 points), 2nd London Heathside (580), 3rd Victoria Park & Tower Hamlets (538), 7th SBH (332)

Senior Men (8000m)THOMAS BUTLER 2nd (26.50), ADAM O’GORMAN U20 23rd (28.56 1st U20), JACK PARSLOW 29th (29.18), TOMMY NARVAEZ-WHITE U20 31st (29.22 2nd U20), FINN MACCARTHY U23 57th (30.33), OLIVER GREENSTEIN 58th (30.34), JACOB CLEMENT U20 129th (32.53), JOEL PHILLIPS V45 155th (33.36), MARK COTTLE V35 169th (34.11), KEVIN WALDEN V40 183rd (34.29), JONNY SHAW V50 256th (37.01), PAUL LEWIS V50 281st (38.04), TIM UNDERHILL V55 328th (40.17), PAUL MACCARTHY V55 337th (40.42), ANDREW PORTER V50 346th (41.11), BARRY HAWS V50 350th (41.24), TIM PARKIN V45 380th (44.15), PHILIP CUNNINGHAM V60 390th (46.38) the winner was Alexander Lepretre of Highgate Harriers (26.01) 407 runners finished.
Team Result Senior Men Division 1 1st Highgate Harriers A (1897 points), 2nd Victoria Park & Tower Hamlets (1812), 3rd Woodford Green & Essex Ladies (1471), 8th SBH (1093) 15 teams finished, Veteran Men Division 1 1st Victoria Park & Tower Hamlets (473 points), 2nd Serpentine (471), 3rd London Heathside (373), 13th SBH (170) 15 teams finished.
Team Result After 3 Fixtures Senior Men Division 1 1st Highgate Harriers A (5652), 2nd Victoria Park & Tower Hamlets (5630 points), 3rd Woodford Green & Essex Ladies (4374), 9th SBH (2481), Veteran Men Division 1 1st Victoria Park & Tower Hamlets (1446 points), 2nd London Heathside (1233), 3rd Serpentine (1195), 13th SBH (561)

Senior Women (8000m)NICOLA PAYNE 26th (34.38) the winner was Annabel Gummow of Herts Phoenix (30.15) 179 runners finished
Team Result Division 2 1st Victoria Park & Tower Hamlets (295 points), 2nd Thames Valley Harriers (239), 3rd London Heathside (234), 9th SBH (670) 13 teams finished
Team Result After 3 Fixtures Division 2 1st Victoria Park & Tower Hamlets (972 points), 2nd London Heathside (800), 3rd Thames Valley Harriers (621), 10th SBH (348)

Howard Williams Trophy Juniors – 1st Woodford Green & Essex Ladies (85 points – 11 wins), 2nd SBH (72 points – 2 wins), 3rd London Heathside (69 points – 1 win)

Howard Williams Trophy Seniors – 1st Victoria Park & Tower Hamlets (45 points), 2nd Highgate Harriers (43), 3rd London Heathside (43), 16th SBH (19)

Link to the Start Fitness Metropolitan League results –


Link to the individual positions for each age-group, to find your own age-group select it from the column ‘Category’ –

The points allocated per race for each age-group are as follows – Under 11 and 13 Boys and Girls 1st 100 points, 2nd 99, then downwards – Under 15 and 17 Men and Women 1st 200 points, 2nd 199, then downwards – Under 20, Senior and Veteran Men 1st 600 points, 2nd 599, then downwards – Under 20, Senior and Veteran Women 1st 300 points, 2nd 299, then downwards

SBH leading position for each age-group;
Men Under 11 Boys DANIYAL JANMOHAMED 4th (282 points), Under 13 Boys DENNYS PASCAL 1st (298 points), Under 15 Boys EDWARD PASCAL 14th (461 points), Under 17 Men EUAN PHILLIPS 6th (563 points), Under 20 Men ADAM O’GORMAN 8th (1139 points) has competed in 2 of the 3 races, Senior Men FINN MACCARTHY 14th (1607 points) THOMAS BUTLER has competed in 2 of the 3 races, Veteran Men V45 JOEL PHILLIPS 8th (1692 points), Veteran Men V50 JONNY SHAW 9th (1504 points), Veteran Men V55 TIM UNDERHILL 11th (1380 points), Veteran Men V60 PHILIP CUNNINGHAM 13th (1222 points)

Women Under 11 Girls KEENYAH ADELISE 7th (277 points), Under 13 Girls SIENNA DARCY 28th (184 points) has competed in 2 of the 3 races, Under 15 Girls AMBER JACKSON 124th (542 points), Under 17 Women PHOEBE KEMP 16th (333 points) has competed in 2 of the 3 races, Senior Women NICOLA PAYNE 41st (539 points) has competed in 2 of the 3 races


The current record for consecutive appearances is held by JOHN KELLY, who completed 28 races between 1985 to 1990.


Men – Under 11 Boys 1st DANIYAL JANMOHAMED (20 points), 2nd LUCAS XIE and ARI RUBENSTEIN (15), Under 13 Boys 1st DENNYS PASCAL (23), 2nd HARRISON HENDERSON (17), 3rd BEN KASPAR (15), Under 15 Boys 1st EDWARD PASCAL (22), 2nd SAM CLEMENTS (18), 3rd CALEB HILTON (16), Under 17 Men 1st EUAN PHILLIPS (20), 2nd AIDEN MCAVOY and ARTHUR PHILLIPS (19), Under 20 Men 1st ADAM O’GORMAN (16), 2nd TOMMY NARVAEZ-WHITE (14), 3rd ABDIRAHIM HAMUD (8), Senior Men 1st FINN MACCARTHY (21), 2nd THOMAS BUTLER (16), 3rd MARK COTTLE (10), Masters Men 40-49 1st JOEL PHILLIPS (21), 2nd DANIEL NICHOLS (15), 3rd GARY PELOSI (8), Masters Men 50-59 1st JONNY SHAW (23), 2nd TIM UNDERHILL (19), 3rd PAUL LEWIS (15), Masters Men 60-69 1st PHILIP CUNNINGHAM (23), 2nd DAVID GREENSTEIN (8)

Women – Under 11 Girls 1st KEENYAH ADELISE (24 points), 2nd ELSIE BETTRIDGE (13), 3rd RUBY KONVISOR (11), Under 13 Girls 1st SIENNA DARCY (16), 2nd ABIGAIL ROSS and GRACE ROONEY (7), Under 15 Girls 1st AMBER JACKSON (23), 2nd OLIVIA ABBOTT (13), 3rd AIMEE PORTER (8), Under 17 Women 1st PHOEBE KEMP (16), Senior Women 1st NICOLA PAYNE (16), 2nd EMILIA ECONOMU (14), 3rd ELANA DIMMER (8)

Link to full list of Men and Women points total following the Start Fitness Metropolitan League fixture at Uxbridge on 30 November – Mens Cross Country Points Tables 2024-2025 Updated 30-11-24  Womens Cross Country Points Tables 2024-2025 Updated 30-11-24

Link to full list of Men and Women Club Championship winners following the Start Fitness Metropolitan League fixture at Uxbridge on 30 November – SBH Cross Country Club Championship Winners 2024-2025 Updated 30-11-24

PHOTOGRAPHS TAKEN BY GRAHAM SMITH – Meny thanks to GRAHAM, who produced an amazing set of photographs, covering the Senior Men and Women’s races. Many of the photographs were taken whilst crossing the stream.











NORTH WEST LONDON LEAGUE – The third of five fixtures took at Trent Park on 23 November.
Theese are the Team results, the overall results after 3 fixtures have not been published as yet

Under 11 BoysTeam Result 1st SBH (16 points), 2nd London Heathside (59), 3rd Highgate Harriers (72)

Under 11 GirlsTeam Result 1st Windsor, Slough, Eton & Hounslow (32 points), 2nd SBH (66), 3rd Thames Valley Harriers (83)

Under 13 BoysTeam Result 1st SBH (39 points), 2nd Ealing, Southall & Middlesex (53), 3rd Highgate Harriers (55)

Under 13 GirlsTeam Result 1st Windsor, Slough, Eton & Hounslow (43 points), 2nd London Heathside (48), 3rd Barnet & District (58)

Under 15 BoysTeam Result 1st Highgate Harriers (45 points), 2nd London Heathside (46), 3rd Trent Park (54), 6th SBH (77)

Under 15 GirlsTeam Result 1st Harrow (51 points), 2nd Thames Valley Harriers (55), 3rd Windsor, Slough, Eton & Hounslow (57)

Under 17 MenTeam Result 1st London Heathside (53 points), 2nd Ealing, Southall & Middlesex (56), 3rd Maidenhead (70), 8th SBH (94)

Under 17 WomenTeam Result 1st Dacorum (27 points), 2nd Highgate Harriers (31), 3rd London Heathside (40)

BRITISH MASTERS 5K CHAMPIONSHIPS – Took place at Battersea Park on 1 December
5000m – M45 KOJO KYEREME V45 won the Gold Medal (SB 15.31)

LEE VALLEY DECEMBER OPEN MEETING – Took place at Lee Valley on 1 December
60m – SM A01 JOSHUA NAMIECH-OYEBOLA 5th (PB 7.22i), A04 SAVAN MALLIK U20 1st (PB 7.39i), A08 BEN BAMISAIYE U15 5th (PB 8.17i) taking .09 of a second off his 17 March time, B02 JOSHUA finished 3rd (7.24i), B03 SAVAN finished 4th (7.42i), B09 BEN finished 3rd (8.20i)
300m – SM 6 BEN BAMISAIYE U15 3rd (42.32i)
300m – SW 1 HOLLY RYAN U17 3rd (42.05i)
60m Hurdles – U13B A01 SETH SAUNDERS U13 1st (PB 10.41i) taking .28 of a second off his 19 October time, and is ranked UK No.4 U13 in 2024, B01 SETH finished 1st (10.56i)
60m Hurdles – M50 A02 GARY SMITH V50 (2nd Claim) 1st (8.75i), B02 GARY finished 1st (8.74i)
Pole Vault – SX A ISAAC VAN DEN BURGH U17 1st Equal (PB 4.04mi) adding 4cm to his 27 July height, RAMSEY GILL U17 5th (3.54mi), THOMAS ROBERTSON U17 7th (3.44mi), NOAH VAN DEN BURGH U15 7th (3.34mi), SX D ROSALIND ZEFFERTT V60 5th Equal (PB 2.44mi) adding 4cm to her 16 March height, and is ranked UK No.1 V60 in 2024, also ranked UK No.3 on the UK All-Time list
Shot 4kg – SX A NENE HARRISON V40 3rd (SB 10.00mi) and is ranked UK No.3 V40 in 2024

LONDON UNIVERSITIES INDOOR CHAMPIONSHIPS – Took place at Lee Valley on 30 November
60m – SM H5 SYDNEY MENDES U23 (Middlesex University) 2nd (7.28i)
60m – SW H5 ESTHER AKITI U23 (Middlesex University) 2nd (8.47i) in the Final ESTHER finished 7th (8.45i)
200m – SM H6 SYDNEY MENDES U23 (Middlesex University) 1st (23.25i) in the Final SYDNEY won the Bronze Medal (23.06i)
60m Hurdles – SM Straight Final RUBEN HEDMAN U23 (St Mary’s University) won the Gold Medal (8.09i)

PARKRUN – Can you make sure that you are registered as ‘Shaftesbury Barnet Harriers’, as the link I use to select all results only shows SBH athletes. If anyone is also officiating can you please contact me and advise me where and when.

PARKRUNS MILESTONE VESTS – You can purchase these from 50 to 500, this is the link –

PARKRUNS IN THE UK – Last Saturday at parkruns in the UK, there were…
1,214 events – 203,535 walkers, joggers, runners and volunteers – 7,019 first timers – 19,864 PBs

COMPLETELY USELESS RANDOM FACT – On average there are roughly 17 volunteers per event. Every single one has a valuable role, we thank you

PARKRUN 5KTook place at Aldenham on 30 November
DAVID BROOKS U23 6th (20.56) this was his 12th Parkrun, PAUL LEWIS V50 15th (25.14) this was his 238th Parkrun

PARKRUN 5KTook place at Canons Park on 30 November
KAYLA MiICHEL U23 41st (24.57) this was her 45th Parkrun, ELLIE MCNAMARA 55th (26.38) this was her 42nd Parkrun, SHONA MiICHEL V50 85th (29.07) this was her 132nd Parkrun

PARKRUN 5KTook place at the Dunstable Downs on 30 November
JAMES DAVIS U23 10th (24.26) this was his 70th Parkrun

PARKRUN 5KTook place at East Coast Park, Singapore on 30 November
STUART MOORE V65 162nd (43.06) this was his 232nd Parkrun

PARKRUN 5KTook place at Hackney Marshes on 30 November
BARRY CHISHOLM V65 271st (31.39) this was his 354th Parkrun

PARKRUN 5KTook place at Kesgrave on 30 November
ROSS HAMMOND U20 1st (18.30) this was his 62nd Parkrun

PARKRUN 5KTook place at the Northala Fields on 30 November
LILY JANMOHAMED U11 21st (PB 21.47) this was her 28th Parkrun

PARKRUN 5KTook place at Oak Hill on 30 November
EMILY HATHAWAY U23 3rd (PB 18.26) this was her 36th Parkrun, BRADLEY SINGER V35 71st (23.59) this was his 297th Parkrun, STUART SINGER V60 84th (24.29) this was his 444th Parkrun

PARKRUN 5KTook place at Panshanger on 30 November
RUSSELL DEVITT V75 268th (53.15) this was his 325th Parkrun

PARKRUN 5KTook place at Rickmansworth on 30 November
DAN WATTS V35 1st (17.01) this was his 18th Parkrun

UPCOMING FIXTURES FOR THE NEXT 6 WEEKS, WHICH COVERS THE PERIOD THURSDAY 5 DECEMBER UNTIL WEDNESDAY 15 JANUARY – The SBH 2024-2025 Winter Fixture Card can be found on the SBH website, in which you can Access/Print a copy for future reference. Also the majority of fixtures Information can be found on the SBH Website under the ‘Upcoming Fixtures’ section.

SOUTHERN INTER COUNTY CHAMPIONSHIPS – Takes place on Saturday 7 December, venue TBC.
Timetable – 11.00 U13 Girls (Approximately 3k), 11.20 U13 Boys (Approximately 3k), 11.40 U15 Girls (Approximately 4k), 12.25 U15 Boys (Approximately 4k), 12.50 U17 Men (Approximately 5k), 13.15 U17 Women (Approximately 5k), 13.40 U20 Women and Senior Women (Approximately 6k)
Note: You will have to be pre-entered by your County Team Manager

SOUTHERN MASTERS CHAMPIONSHIPS – Takes place on Saturday 7 December, venue TBC.
Timetable – 11.45 Women 40+ 50+, 60+ (Approximately 6k), 14.10 Men 40+, 50+, 60+ (Approximately 10k)
Entries Closing Date Friday 22 November
Note: If you wish to be entered please contact your Team Manager

LEE VALLEY MINITHON – Takes place on Saturday 7 December, at the Lee Valley Athletics Centre, 61 Meridian Way, Edmonton (Satnav N9 0AR).
For school years 3 to 7.
To enter please use this link –
Note: You will have to enter yourself and pay the appropriate entry fee – Please be advised that events may be full before the fixture date.

20TH EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIPS – Takes place on Sunday 8 December at Antiayla, Turkey.
Note: You will be selected following the trials on the 23 November

BE FIT TODAY INDOOR OPEN MEETING – Takes place on Sunday 8 December, at the Lee Valley Athletics Centre, 61 Meridian Way, Edmonton (Satnav N9 0AR).
Events are 60m, 200m, 300m, 600m, 800m, 60m Hurdles, High Jump (2 spaces left), Long Jump and Triple Jump. For all age-groups including U13s.
To enter please use this link –
Entries Closing Date Sunday 1 December – Please be advised that events may be full before the closing date.
Note: You will have to enter yourself and pay the appropriate entry fee

SOUTHERN U15/U17/U20 AND SENIOR COMBINED EVENTS INDOOR CHAMPIONSHIPS – Takes place at Lee Valley Athletics Centre are 61 Meridian Way, Edmonton (Satnav N9 0AR) on Saturday 14 December and Sunday 15 December.
To enter please use this link –
Entries Closing Date Tuesday 3 December
Note: You will have to enter yourself and pay the appropriate entry fee

BOXING DAY BONANZA RUN – Takes place on Thursday 26 December at StoneX Stadium.
DAVE BEDFORD will be organising this event, with the racing starting at 11.00. 
The issuing of numbers, refreshments and prize giving takes place in the Indoor Track area. Distance 2 miles and  1 mile for Under 11. Only £2 entry fee! There will be prizes, raffle (bring cash) and free refreshments……why not come in fancy dress.
A run or even walk for all the family including pets!. Last year we had 50 runners!  Donations to the raffle welcome with winners galore!

LEE VALLEY NEW YEARS INDOOR OPEN MEETING – Takes place on Wednesday 1 January, at the Lee Valley Athletics Centre, 61 Meridian Way, Edmonton (Satnav N9 0AR).
To enter please use this link –
Entries Closing Date Sunday 29 December – Please be advised that events may be full before the closing date.
Note: You will have to enter yourself and pay the appropriate entry fee

MIDDLESEX AND HERTFORDSHIRE CHAMPIONSHIPS – Takes place on Saturday 4 January at Trent Park, Cockfosters (Satnav EN4 0JZ).
Race HQ: Will be at the western end of Trent Park.
Registration: The races will be chip timed.  Numbers, disposable chips and pins will be available from the registration area for Team Managers and those runners who entered individually.  Registration will open from 10.00am.
Changing Facilities: There are no changing rooms, so please arrive ready to run.
Public Toilets: Are located close to the main Cockfosters Road car park.
Refreshments: It is hoped that the cafe will be open for refreshments.
Team Tents and Assembly Area: Team Tents and meeting points should be along the Limes Avenue footpath, in the area beyond Go Ape.  Please be aware that the ground can become very muddy.
Travel: Parking is available within Trent Park via the main entrance on Cockfosters Road, but will be limited.  Given the proximity of Trent Park to Cockfosters and Oakwood underground stations (Piccadilly Line), use of public transport is strongly recommended.
If you intend to drive, please car-share as much as possible. There is NO parking available at Southgate Hockey Club.  You must not attempt to park there.
Cockfosters tube station car park has 311 spaces, cost £8, and Oakwood tube has 114 spaces, cost £8.  There may be street parking on Mount Pleasant and roads off this (EN3 9HQ.  This is about 10-minutes walk from Trent Park.  Please be aware that Spurs will be playing at home with a 12.30pm kick-off.
Start / Finish: Will be at the western end, close to Go Ape.
Start Times 11.00am U11 Boys (1500m), 11.05am U11 Girls (1500m), 11.15am U13 Boys (3000m), 11.20am U13 Girls (3000m), 11.40am U15 Boys (4500m), 11.42am U15 Girls (4500m), 12.00pm U17 Men (6000m), 12.05pm U17 and U20 Women (6000m), 12.40pm U20 Men (8000m), 12.40pm Senior Women (8000m), 1.30pm Senior Men (11750m).
Entries Closing Date Friday 27 December
Note: You will have to be pre-entered by your respective Team Manager 

VICTORIA PARK SPORTS MEDICINE METROPOLITAN LEAGUE – The fourth fixture of five takes place on Saturday 11 Janauary at at Stanborough Park, Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire (SatNav AL8 6DF).
The following information is from the 2023 race, and will be updated when published.
Race Headquarters – Race HQ and Registrtion will be adjacent to the Start/Finish at the south side of the North Side of the park.
Changing Facilities – There will be no dedicated changing rooms or showers, so please arrive ready to run. Toilets are available in the amenity block by the Splashlands playground. Extra toilets will be provided at the end of the car park, close to the amenty block. There are also toilets located at the Sailing Centre on the south side of the Park.
Refreshments – Will be from the kiosk in the amenity block on the north side of the park or from the cafe at the Sailing Centre on the south side of the Park.
Course Location – North Side Stanborough Park – See course maps.
Course Description – Start and Finish in grassed field, remainder undulating parkland course suitable for spikes.
Public Transport – Welwyn Garden City Station (Main Line) 1.25 miles.
Directions From Major Roads – Leave the A1(M) at Junction 4, (after the Hatfield Tunnel). At the roundabout take the second exit to A414/A6129. At the next roundabout take the first exit A6129. At the bottom of the dual carriageway take the second exit out of the roundabout. The entrance to the car park on the north side is on your left after around 100m. The entrance to the car park on the south side is more or less opposite but you cannot gain access from the left side of the carriageway. As early arrivers will undoubtedly fill the car park on the north side, you may be advised to go straight to the one on the south side.
Parking – There is a fairly large car park on the north side of the Park, adjacent to the course. There is a very large car park on the south side of the Park, 5 minutes walk to the course.
These car parks are camera operated and you must pay or you may incur a fine. You can pay at a meter by card.  However, payment does not have to be immediate. We have not been able to negotiate a reduced rate.
There is a footpath under the road bridge, providing traffic-free access between the South Side and the North Side of the Park.
Course Details – The start and finish are in grassed parkland.  The remainder is an undulating parkland course with two short woodland sections on each longer loop and a short climb and then descend on each of the shorter loops, all being suitable for spikes.
Additional Notes – The finish has been relocated and is now adjacent to the boundary with the school, and is outside the large loop of the course.
Link to the full information, include Course Maps
Timetable12.00 U11 (Over 9) Boys (2km), 12.02 U11 (Over 9) Girls (2km), 12.10 U13 Boys (3km), 12.12 U13 Girls (3km), 12.30 U17 Men and U15 Boys (4km), 12.32 U17 Women and U15 Girls (4km), 12.50 U20, Senior and Veteran Women (8km), 13.30 U20, Senior and Veteran Men (8km)..
Note: You do not have to be pre-entered, just turn up and run.
Please collect your race numbers from the respective team managers – SIMON KEENE, JEREMY SOTHCOTT and JO KENT
Please go to Start Fitness Metropolitan League web site for any other final information.

VICTORIA PARK SPORTS MEDICINE METROPOLITAN LEAGUE RACE NUMBERS – I have been asked to remind you that your race number must be kept by yourselves, and is to be used for all 5 fixtures.

WINTER XC POINTS CHAMPIONSHIPS – The Metropolitan League fixture is the fifth fixture for the Under 11 Boys and Girls in their six race series. It is the fourth fixture for the Under 13 and above age-groups

SOUTHERN U13, U15 AND U17 INDOOR CHAMPIONSHIPS – Takes place at Lee Valley Athletics Centre are 61 Meridian Way, Edmonton (Satnav N9 0AR) on Saturday 11 January and Sunday 12 January.
To enter please use this link –
Entries Closing Date Monday 30 December
Note: You will have to enter yourself and pay the appropriate entry fee

LEE VALLEY INDOOR FIXTURES – The following 4 fixture are now open to enter from 1 October. Please remember to enter as early as possible, to avoid not to be disappointed. New Years Open Meeting 1 January (Closing Date Sunday 29 December), London U20 and Senior Indoor Games 18/19 January (Closing Date Thursday 9 January), London U13, U15 and U17 Indoor Games 25/26 January (Closing Date Thursday 16 January) and Middle Distance Open Meeting 19 February (Closing Date Sunday 16 February)
Link to the 4 fixture details – Lee Valley 4 Indoor Fixture Fixtures Opening 1 October 2024

LEE VALLEY MINITHON INDOOR FIXTURES – Is for School years 3 to 7, in which you compete in 3 events from the following – 60m, 200m, 600, 60m Hurdles, High Jump (Year 6 and 7 only), Long Jump, Shot Put and Javelin (Year 6 and 7 only).
There are 2 fixtures on Saturday 17 December and Saturday 22 March.
Link to information guide on the Minithon – Information Guide For Lee Valley Minithon
To enter please use this link –
Entries Closing Date Wednesday 16 October – Please be advised that events may be full before the closing date.
Note: You will have to enter yourself and pay the appropriate entry fee

PHOTOGRAPHER MARK SHEARMAN HANGS UP HIS CAMERA  The following article was published on the Athletics Weekly website recently. Photograph of MARK SHEARMAN.

After a remarkable 62 years of capturing images of athletes, AW’s long-time snapper is moving into retirement. At first glance, TREVOR BURTON’S attempt at the British record for the men’s pole vault in May of 1962 might not seem like it should rank too highly in terms of athletics’ landmark moments. However, that day at Tooting Bec in London set in motion another career that has expertly captured and chronicled just about all of the most significant performances in the sport’s recent history.

An image of BURTON in action from that meeting graced the cover of the May 19 edition of Athletics Weekly. The man who took the picture? A certain MARK SHEARMAN. It was the first time the keen runner would see one of his images grace the front of this magazine, but it would certainly not be the last.  Now, after 62 years behind the lens, having covered 14 Olympic Games, every single World Championships with the exception of Eugene 2022 and countless other events both international and domestic in between, the world-renowned photographer has decided to call it a day. There are few top athletes, certainly from British shores, who have not had every stage of their careers caught on SHEARMAN’S camera and the 81-year-old whose work has appeared in publications throughout the globe steps into retirement possessing an encyclopaedic archive of athletics images. Receiving an MBE from the Queen for his services to sports photography ten years ago is one of his most treasured accomplishments, while the 2012 Olympics in his home city of London is at the top of his list when it comes to the exhaustive list of events he has covered. 

SHEARMAN’S final assignment, as it turned out, was the English Cross Country relays in Mansfield towards the end of last year. Going back to his first, as part of an interview he did with AW in 2021, he told me: “In 1962, my twin brother, who was quite a good runner and ran for Wimbledon Athletics Club, said to me: ‘There’s a guy trying to break the British record for the pole vault at Tooting Bec. Why don’t you come along and take some photographs?’ “The athlete’s name was TREVOR BURTON from Stoke AC. I went along and I took one or two pictures, one of which was an image of him going over the bar. My brother said: ‘There’s a magazine called Athletics Weekly. Why don’t you send it to them? They might be interested’. It was the very first picture I sent to the magazine and they published it on the cover. “I thought: ‘that was easy, let’s continue down this road!’. Of course I learned very quickly that it wasn’t always that easy but that’s how it started. I didn’t look back.”

SHEARMAN, a (2:48) marathon runner at his peak, set about honing his craft and became a fixture by the side of tracks and in the field of athletics stadia – not to mention his work at major road races. Having joined the Fox Photos agency after leaving school, he began working for himself in 1972. Tokyo 1964 was his first Olympics and, though he didn’t have any accreditation either there or at Mexico 1968, he still expertly photographed the action from various points in the stands. It was the Munich Games of 1972 when he first officially got behind the ropes. “It can be like a battle plan,” he said of how he approached the job at hand. “You work out where you’re going to be for one event and then how you’ll go into another. I always go through the timetable beforehand and pick out what events are the most important.”

As SHEARMAN puts it, when it came to getting just the shot he wanted: “I didn’t get a second chance. In the eight years running up to London 2012, every time I drove past the stadium being built I used to get really a queasy stomach. I felt physically sick with worry, knowing that I was going to have to perform when the Games took place. That’s the only Games where I’ve had this feeling that ‘it’s the home games, I’ve got to come away with a good set of pictures’. It was nervous tension and I suppose that obviously helped. “I’ve got to perform. In the 100m they run 10 seconds and that’s it. I’ve got to perform eight hours a day for seven, eight, ten consecutive days, so it is quite demanding and I don’t think a lot of people appreciate that.” The appreciation for his work is widespread, however, and it’s the athletes and officials – many of whom he came to count as good friends – plus the camaraderie of his fellow photographers that SHEARMAN will miss most. “It is very satisfying when you get the right shot,” he added. “It’s even more satisfying when you get a shot that you plan to do.” On that basis, he is retiring with a lifetime of job satisfaction to remember.

Tributes… SEBASTIAN COE – Two-time Olympic 1500m champion and World Athletics president For me and every other leading British athlete of the last 50 years, MARK SHEARMAN has been a constant – the man behind the camera preserving many of the most important moments of our lives. MARK has been there in good times and bad, whether we were sweating in anonymity or dancing under the lights, to paraphrase MUHAMMAD ALI. The measure of a great sports photographer is not just the ability to capture the moment, but also the emotion, and MARK us. MARK, I congratulate you on an outstanding career, I’m most grateful for your contribution to my own career and our sport. Photograph taken by MARK of SEBASTIAN COE.

PAULA RADCLIFFE – Former marathon world record-holder and broadcaster MARK photographed my wedding. I am sure it was a different challenge for him than the usual action ones! It was nice, though, to have a friendly face we knew behind the camera. I am trying to remember when I first met Mark and I can’t because it seems like he was always there. It was always great to see his reassuring presence on the infield or press truck as I progress from English Schools to European and World Juniors and on to Senior World Championships and the Olympics. If I look back through my scrapbook his name comes up all the time in the photo credits!. Of course I treasure the race photos but also those lovely shots MARK shared of post-race times with my coach ALEX and his wife, my team-mates and of course my parents and family.

KATHARINE MERRY – Olympic medallist and broadcaster It’s going to be a very different environment not to have MARK walking around with his camera, because I just don’t know an athletics stadium without him. He’ll be greatly missed. Some of the most treasured images from my athletics career were taken by him and what he’s given to the sport, not to mention the way he’s told so many stories through his lens, has just been phenomenal.

GEOFF WIGHTMAN – Coach, broadcaster and former international marathon runner There will never be another like ‘The Shearmanator’. His retirement from our sport leaves a void that can’t be filled. No-one will ever again cover 14 Olympics behind the lens. MARK is now on to his third generation of photographing some families in athletics and has been a familiar and well-liked figure trackside, roadside and especially at wet and windy cross-country finish lines for seven decades. After a while, you get to recognise a SHEARMAN photo. They are always well-framed, capturing the crucial split second of action clearly and always showing the spirit and energy of our sport. That is true from long before the advent of motor drives on cameras and digital imagery re-touches. MARK was always the one to get the shot. His photo archive will serve the sport well for many years to come and we look forward to seeing him socially at athletics events and for a glass of something fruity to accompany lunch at Denbies vineyard. Cheers and thank you, old boy. It’s your round. 

WENDY SLY – Olympic medallist and managing director of AW MARK has been present in my life on and off for the 50-odd years that I’ve been involved in athletics. Firstly as a young athlete running cross country, an international and Olympic athlete on the track, then in my time with UK Athletics working as a team manager and now on the board. We have also worked together for a long time in the publishing world, first at Athletics Today and more recently in my role as MD of AW. At AW we constantly look to MARK and his back catalogue for pictures, whether they be of current athletes when they were young, iconic images from days gone by or sadly pictures that capture a passing athlete’s greatest moments. A familiar figure on the infield and at finish lines in the mud, rain, wind and sun, MARK will be sorely missed by so many in the sport past and present. Have a wonderful retirement MARK, especially relish the extra time you’ll have to enjoy your favourite coffee and cake. It’s well deserved!

JACK BUGNER – Former European 5000m champion and UKA chief executive MARK SHEARMAN has been a wonderful ever-present figure in athletic stadiums my whole athletics life. Like generations of athletes, MARK SHEARMAN photographs are on my wall and in my photo album. He has photographed almost every moment of athletics significance for more years than I can remember. More importantly he is a lovely man with a huge passion and affection for our sport. His photography library is a treasure trove of athletics and helps us promote the sport today. Enjoy your retirement MARK – we shall miss you dashing across the stadium but your many friends in the sport will keep in touch.

DAVE MOORCROFT – Former 5000m world record-holder and former UKA chief executive  MARK is, and always will be, a star of our sport. For many, many years his passion for athletics at every level has shone through in his photography. His photos have helped capture the drama and emotions of athletes and athletics over the decades but it is not only his continuing presence at major championships that will be missed, he has also been equally committed to local and grassroot competitions at all levels. Thank you, MARK. You have helped tell the story of thousands and thousands of athletes for many years and we will always treasure your work.

PAUL DICKENSON, BBC COMMENTATOR, OLYMPIC HAMMER THROWER AND COACH, DIES  The following article was published on the Athletics Weekly website recently.

Two-time Olympian and long-time television commentator at events like the Summer and Winter Olympics, Superstars and World’s Strongest Man was 74. As an athlete, PAUL DICKENSON competed in the 1976 and 1980 Olympics with a hammer best of 73.20m. As a coach, he advised among others the current UK No.1 JAKE NORRIS. As a television commentator he worked at the Olympics from 1992 to 2014. “DICKO”, as he was known to many, was perhaps best known for his television work and will be sorely missed after dying on Tuesday just a few days before his 75th birthday. He specialised in field events coverage for BBC but was versatile enough to commentate on other disciplines in addition to competitions such as World’s Strongest Man, Superstars and the Winter Olympics. Knowledgeable and with a strong and authoritative voice, he was a popular and familiar commentator in track and field especially for many years. As a young athlete, DICKENSON featured in Athletics Weekly in 1965 when he was featured in the ‘Spotlight on Youth’ column and was described as “the most exciting youth hammer thrower Britain has ever had”.

He was introduced to the hammer by his PE teacher at Tynemouth Grammar School, CARL JOHNSON, who later became his long-time coach. After winning five consecutive English Schools titles in the mid-1960s, he went on to break the UK record in 1976 with a performance that still places him 21st on the UK all-time rankings nearly half a century later. He went on to compete in the 1976 and 1980 Olympics and the Commonwealth Games of 1978 and 1982, finishing just outside the medals in the latter. A lifelong athlete, he was still throwing competitively well into his 60s and hammer throwers he has coached include the 2018 world under-20 champion NORRIS, plus brothers TAYLOR and BAYLEY CAMPBELL.

In broadcasting, his first job was a trackside interview with CARL LEWIS at the 1987 World Championships and in 1990 he was promoted to the commentary box at the Commonwealth Games. He was once asked for the secret of good commentating and said: “You’ve got to sound knowledgeable and you’ve got to make it sound easy. I might be commentating to an auntie or an uncle who might not know anything about athletics, so you’ve got to make it sound very simple. That requires a huge amount of background reading and preparation.”

MICHAEL JOHNSON; “I THINK I CAN SAVE TRACK, BUT NOT TRACK AND FIELD”  The following article was published on the Athletics Weekly website recently.

Former world 200m and 400m record-holder tells BBC why his new Grand Slam Track series features runners only. MICHAEL JOHNSON believes his new Grand Slam Track events in 2025 have the potential to save “track” but not “track and field”. The first meeting takes place in Kingston, Jamaica, on April 4 next year followed by Miami, Philadelphia and Los Angeles. But it features running events only, which has drawn criticism. “I love this sport,” he told BBC on Wednesday (Nov 27). “But I have had time to reconcile the fact that if we continue to just do the same thing, tell people that ‘you should love this’ or ‘you should understand this’ – that doesn’t work. “Grand Slam Track is track, that is what we’re doing. I am going to save what I think I can save; I think I can save track, I don’t think I can save track and field. “Putting the two together works at the Olympics and World Championships, but I’m not sure it works when you’re trying to create a professional sport outside of those global competitions.” He added: “My objective is to make the sport of track and field more popular but you have to pick your battles to do that. “Based on today’s audience, if you were going to build a sport then you would not build ‘track and field’ because it would not work. It doesn’t work to have four or five all in one and to then call it one sport, because that’s what track and field is.

“There’s no similarity at all between pole vaulters and sprinters or shot putters and triple jumpers. As a sport it’s very difficult to change that but with us (Grand Slam Track) coming from the outside and creating something very new, we can change it. “We needed to get around a single narrative. Only the fastest is that narrative. Whether we can ultimately create something for the field events for today’s audience is to be determined and I’d love to be able to do that, but they are very different events.” JOHNSON, 57, believes field events are not television-friendly due to the length of time they take to complete.

SYDNEY MCLAUGHLIN-LEVRONE, JOSH KERR and MATT HUDSON-SMITH are among the athletes who have signed up to the series so far with more recent signings including sprinters GABBY THOMAS and DARYLL NEITA. However, big names like JAKOB INGEBRIGTSEN, FEMKE BOL and KEELY HODGKINSON have not signed. Or not yet anyway. “My objective is to create the opportunities that athletes have always wanted and to put them on a stage that is worthy of their greatness, with races that mean something,” JOHNSON continued. “To do that you have to have the best competing against each other. That is what is compelling about the biggest sports in the world. That’s what we’re creating. “We want to create a little bit more jeopardy, higher stakes and better narrative.”

JOHNSON also wants to ensure competitors are rewarded financially as as well as a $12.6m prize pot, 48 contracted ‘racers’ will receive a base salary to compete at all four slams. At each slam the racers are joined by 48 challengers in one of six groups of men and women – they are short and long sprints, short and long hurdles, and short and long distance – with each athlete running in two events. Athletes receive points for their finishing position in both races. The combined results determine each slam’s champion – and the recipient of $100,000.

The series has also drawn mild criticism for being very US-centric but JOHNSON says this was part of his plan. Responding to recent claims by UK Athletics that the British governing body turned down the opportunity to get involved, he said: “UK Athletics didn’t decline to have a Grand Slam Track event. We engaged with 10 interested cities around the globe and we decided for year one that we wanted to focus our energy on the US. “We will continue to engage with interested cities. As we look to expand and rotate, that [a UK event] certainly will be a possibility.” Grand Slam Track also finds itself in competition with established events like the Diamond League circuit. World Athletics has also recently been creating new events such as its World Athletics Ultimate Championships in 2026 and there is talk of a new treadmill world championships. “We have had numerous conversations with World Athletics and we have listened to a lot of what they have said over the years,” said JOHNSON. “They want to grow the sport in the US, for athletes to be paid more, to encourage more innovation in the sport. “When we sat down to build Grand Slam Track we listened to that – we built Grand Slam Track to do all those things.”

SHAFTESBURY BARNET HARRIERS NEW INSTAGRAM ACCOUNT– Many thanks to SEAN SUTHERLAND who undertook a review on the best way forward, following this a decision was made to set up a new account, and SEAN has now set that account up.

To follow our newInstagram account, from your own account, by searching for ‘shaftesbury_barnet’ or by clicking
To Members and Parents, if you wish for any photographs to be posted on Instagram, please email them to  If you can at the same time give details on when and where the photographs was taken, plus any other comments.
Please feel free to post photographs of any special occasion, for example, your wedding day, an addition to the family.

SHAFTESBURY BARNET HARRIERS ON INSTAGRAM – Since the account was setup, there has been an amazing amount of Videos and Photographs contributed with many comments. There is no posts this week.


SBH 2024-2025 WINTER FIXTURE CARD – The Updated SBH 2024-2025 Winter Fixture Card and Information Sheet is now available on the SBH Website. Please access these and print a copy for your reference

The Fixture Card has been updated on 14 November, and those changes are as follows – Cross Country – SEAA Inter-County Championships on 7 December, venue is now Croydon – BUCS Championships on 1 February, venue is now Cardiff – CAU Inter Counties on 8 March at Nottingham – English Schools on 15 March at West Sussex – Indoors all at Lee Valley – VAC and EMAC on 9 February – British Masters on 16 February – Middlesex, Hertfordshire and Kent Championships on 15/16 March – Essex and Eatern Championships on 1/2 March.

Link to the Fixture Card and Information Sheet –
Document explaining what is contained on the Fixture Card and Information Sheet – SBH 2024-2025 Winter Fixture Card – Information on Front Sheet, Fixtures And Information Sheet
Any changes/information will be published in the SBH Weekly Newsletter as and when available, this is the link to the current and previous SBH Weekly Newsletter –

SBH 2024-2025 CROSS COUNTRY POINTS RACES – Take place throughout the season, these are races that are available to run.
Under 11 Boys and Girls – All 5 Start Fitness Metropolitan League fixtures, plus Hertfordshire or Middlesex Championships. Best 4 out of 6 results to count.
Under 13, Under 15, Under 17, Under 20, Senior and Masters Men and Women – All 5 Start Fitness Metropolitan League fixtures, plus Southern and National. Best 5 out of 7 results to count.
Link to the updated Men and Women’s points tables, following the 30 November Start Fitness Metropolitan League fixture at Uxbridge –

SBH 2024-2025 CROSS COUNTRY CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP RACES – Take place throughout the season, these are races that are available to run.
Under 11 Boys and Girls – Start Fitness Metropolitan League on 11 January at Welwyn Garden City.
Under 20 Men, 5 Miles Senior Men and Masters Men 40+ – Start Fitness Metropolitan League on 30 November at Uxbridge.
Under 13, Under 15, Under 17, and 9 Miles Senior Men – Southern Championships on 25 January at Beckenham.
Under 13, Under 15, Under 17, Under 20, Senior and Masters 40+ Women – Southern Championships on 25 January at Beckenham.
Link to the updated Men and Women’s Club Championship winners, following the 30 October Start Fitness Metropolitan League fixture at Uxbridge –

STONEX STADIUM MEMBERSHIP – To use the StoneX Stadium facilities for training, SBH members are required to pay a fee. You can register as a member (which is free) which then entitles you to a discount. This is the link to the form to apply for membership – SBH StoneX Membership 2024-2025  The entrance fee on the membership form, cover the period 1 May 2024 to 30 April 2025.

If you wish to contribute your own memories and/or photographs of GEORGE, please email them to me, either within the email or as a separate attached word document.

CODES OF CONDUCT – SBH have now adopted the UK Athletics (UKA) and the Home Country Athletics Federations (HCAF) Codes of Conduct which set out national standards of conduct for all clubs, coaches, officials, volunteers and athletes in the sport.  The purpose of the codes are to clarify what behaviours are acceptable and unacceptable, the standards of practice expected and the basis for challenging and improving practice.  The Codes are similar to our previous Codes of Conduct which were part of the previous ClubMark scheme.  All club member and anyone undertaking a relevant role must agree to abide by the codes of conduct. The Codes of Conduct have now been put onto our Website, please read these to understand the commitments you are making by being a member of SBH.
Link to the Code of Conduct document – Codes Of Conduct Booklet 2021 (1)

Section ‘About Us’, includes Annual Reports, Best Performance Trophy Awards, Individual And Relay Best Performances By Year, Club Records and SBH All-Time Top 10 T&F Performances.
Section ‘Team Managers And Competitions’, shows details of Track & Field, Cross Country and Road Relays Team Managers.
Section ‘Future Information/Results’, includes Information On Each Fixture, Summer & Winter Fixture Cards, Winter X/C Points Tables and Winter Club Championships Winners.

SHAFTESBURY BARNET HARRIERS NEW CLUB KIT They are now available to purchase from our club kit supplier, Supreme Sports – click on the link for the full range –
By opening the link, you will be on the front page, which displays the men’s items. Click on SBH LADIES for the women’s items, or click on SBH KIDS for the young athletes’ items.

CLUB HOODIES– With well over eight hundred hoodies already in circulation, this is your opportunity to join the club. The bright red hoody is made to order and has your name embroidered on the front along with the club badge and has the Club name on the back. We now have 2 styles, the original pull over style at £37 + P&P or the new one with a full zip at £40 + P&P.
Here is the link to the Supreme Sports website which if you click on it, will take YOU to the new Club Hoody and allow you to then view the full range of Club kit online –

ACCESS TO SBH CLUBHOUSE – The new Keyholders to the outside door are TY HOLDEN, CLYDE GORDON, NEVILLE THOMPSON, GREG THOMPSON, COLIN GODFREY and YAMILLE ALDAMA who all use the Clubhouse outside of normal stadium opening hours. GEOFF MORPHITIS and DAVE BEDFORD will also have a key. All other key fob holders can continue to gain access to the clubhouse via the (New) West Stand Entrance and the Trackside Door to the Clubhouse.
Link to note and details for further information – SBH Club House Door 20-01-23

PHOTOGRAPH’S – From time to time we have photographs of our members taken at meetings or presentations which we would like to use both on the website or incorporated within our report to our local newspaper. Can you please let me know if you do NOT want your photograph to be published. Also, I would appreciate if you could send me any photographs, which I can then publish on the website and newsletter.

FACEBOOK – Photographs can be found on the SBH page.

CAN YOU HELP PLEASE I would welcome any contributions From Yourselves, any impending marriages, or additions to the family, any running or competing incidents, also past warm weather training/holidays (No Club 24 please). Currently the response has been excellent, but if you have anything that could make it into next week’s Newsletter – please email me.

CURRENT DISTRIBUTION OF SHAFTESBURY INFORMATION Currently I notify members (by email) using “MailChimp”. The reason I changed, was in November 2017 “Gmail” put a limit of 100 addresses that users could send to in a 24-hour period, and currently I send to approximately 850 members each issue.

On seeking technical advice “MailChimp” was recommended as the best way for SBH to go forward. There is one thing you should be aware off is that when you receive an email from me, the footer at the bottom has 4 options, of which one is “Unsubscribe Me From List”. Could I ask you not to select this as if you do you will be automatically removed from my distribution list.

SBH MIDWEEK POLE VAULT CLUB AT STONEX STADIUM – The current arrangements until further notice are that Pole Vault training is on Monday’s and Wednesday’s from 18.30pm to 21.00pm. Please contact the session administrator CLYDE GORDON at in advance and let him know if you are planning to attend.

SBH HIGH JUMPS GROUP AT STONEX STADIUM  High Jump training takes place on Monday’s from 19.00pm to 21.00pm. These sessions will be run by our High Jump Coach GRANT BROWN. There will be a charge of £10 per session.
Please contact the session administrator CLYDE GORDON at in advance and let him know if you are planning to attend

SBH TRAINING AND COACHING – Please see the 2024-2025 Winter Fixture Card, which gives details of Training and Coaching – A SBH Winter 2024-2025 Fixture Card Front Sheet Issued 02-09-24

POLE VAULTERS REQUIRED FOR 2025 To all athletes young & old – are you aware of the SBH Pole Vault sessions held at StoneX Stadium on Monday & Wednesday evenings from 18.30pm. We have room to coach more of you, why not come along and watch a session and the get involved – give it a try NOW.
Please contact the session administrator CLYDE GORDON at for more details.

STEEPLECHASE TRAINING AT STONEX STADIUM  Check with your Coach for details of training times.

SBH PRIVACY STATEMENT – In becoming a member, SBH will collect certain information about you. Can you please read the attached ‘Privacy Statement’ which contains Information on General Data Protection Regulations  SBH Privacy Statement Final April 2018

STONEX STADIUM – Main Switchboard telephone number is 020 3675 7250.

STONEX STADIUM AWARDED TRACKMARK STANDARD – Congratulations on achieving the UK Athletics Quality Assurance Standards for StoneX Stadium. This is the letter from UK Athletics and certificate showing all area that achieved compliance – StoneX Stadium Award Letter 09.11.21StoneX Stadium Certificate