Happy Birthday from Thursday 20 March to Wednesday 26 March – Sydney Allen, Matthew May, Talya Robinson, William Ryle-Hodges and William Sylvester
HELP WANTED – PARENTS – we need your help to ensure your child can compete at all their events this season!
Volunteering to help on the track or field at just a couple of our home and away fixtures in 2025, will give us certainty early on that the meetings can go ahead. It’s a fun way to be involved on the day, you will still be free to watch your child’s events, lunches and refreshments are always provided at our home fixtures and at most away ones too.
Please contact either GERALD ALTERMAN or ROSALIND ZEFFERTT for further information or complete this form SBH 2025 Summer Availability.
GERALD: (SBH Officials Secretary; athletics@marksman.plus.com: 07956 825781)
ROSALIND: (SBH Officials Co-ordinator: anglo.japan@outlook.com: 07973 822874)
SBH 2025 SUMMER FIXTURE CARD – Has now been published on the SBH Website on 20 March 2025. This is the link to the fixture card, which you can access and print for future reference – https://sbharriers.co.uk/fixtures-results/fixture-cards/
Details of all fixture information will be published on the SBH Weekly Newsletter, 6 weeks before the fixture date.
Eastern Young Athletes League for U13, U15 and U17 age-groups – Sunday 13 April at Cambridge, Sunday 18 May at Watford, Sunday 15 June at Stevenage, Sunday 27 July at StoneX Stadium, the EYAL Finals take place on 7 September, venue to be confirmed.
Middlesex Young Athletes League for U11, U13, U15 and U17 age-groups – Saturday 3 May at Perivale, Sunday 1 June at Finsbury Park, Saturday 28 June at Harrow, Sunday 20 July at Parliament Hill.
UK Youth Development League for U17 and U20 age-groups – Sunday 27 April at Bromley, Sunday 25 May at Eton, Sunday 6 July at StoneX Stadium, the National Finals take place on 7 September, venue to be confirmed.
National Athletics League for U20 and Senior age-groups (Under 17s can compete as rule 42) – Saturday 31 May at Eton, Saturday 5 July at Derby, Saturday 16 August at Birmingham.
SCVAC Veterans League for 35 years and above – Monday 12 May at Lee Valley, Monday 9 June at Stevenage, Monday 7 July at Lee Valley, Monday 26 July at Harrow.
The only criteria is you have to be a 2nd claim member of Barnet & District AC. You can just turn up, then you will either be selected, if not you can compete as a guest
This summer Shaftesbury are promoting 5 fixtures at StoneX Stadium, which are – Saturday 21 June SBH Track and Field Open Meeting, Sunday 13 July SBH Jumps Open Meeting, Sunday 10 August SBH Showcase Open Meeting, Monday 25 August SBH Club Open And Championships and Sunday 14 September SBH Late Season Throwsfest.
NEW CLUB RECORDS – Last week I published some 10 new indoor records, one of these was ANGEL-GIFFORD MAYA who was shown on the Power of 10 as an Under 20, in fact he is an Under 17, and has now been corrected on the Power of 10. Which means his time of (11.48i) will be a club record, superceding TYLER HOLDEN-AIKHOMU (11.55i) which was published last week.
The same error applies to IMIKAN EDOHO who was shown on the Power of 10 as an Under 13, in fact he is an Under 11, and has now been corrected on the Power of 10. Which means his time of (14.40i) will be a club record, superceding KENDRICK OGANYO (14.69i) which was published last week.
UPCOMING SUMMER OPEN MEETINGS – The following the 7 fixtures are now open to enter. Although the final fixture shown is the 30 August, please remember that sometimes there is a limit on the entries to an event, and that event Could Be Full in say 3-4 weeks time from now.
Open Meeting fixtures will be published in the SBH Weekly Newsletter . But Please Check between each issue of the Newsletter, if a fixture has just opened to enter, as sometimes there is a limit on the entries to an event, and that event Could Be Full by the time the Newsletter is published.
WATFORD OPEN MEETING – Takes place on Wednesday 2 April at the Woodside Stadium, Horseshoe Lane, Watford (Satnav WD25 7HH).
Age-Groups Under U13 and above Men/Women.
Timetable – 7.00pm 100m, 7.15pm 1500m no times over 5 minutes 30 seconds, 9.00pm 3000m no under 13s
Link to entries on roster athletics – https://meets.rosterathletics.com/public/competitions/details/about?id=26507
Entries Closing Date Monday 31 March
Note: You will have to enter yourself and pay the appropriate entry fee. There are no entries on the day, and there is a probability that the limits for some or all events will be taken up well before the closing date
LEE VALLEY OPEN MEETING – Takes place on Saturday 5 April at the Lee Valley Athletics Centre, 61 Meridian Way, Edmonton (Satnav N9 0AR)
Age-Groups Under U13 and above Men/Women.
Events – 100m, 200m, 300m, 400m, 800m, 70mH, 75mH, 80mH, 100mH, 110mH, 400mH, Discus, Shot (full), Hammer – £10 per event.
Link to enter on OpenTrack – https://data.opentrack.run/en-gb/x/2025/GBR/lvacopen/
Entries Closing Date Wednesday 2 April
Note: You will have to enter yourself and pay the appropriate entry fee. There are no entries on the day, and there is a probability that the limits for some or all events will be taken up well before the closing date
BFTTA OPEN MEETING – Takes place on Monday 21 Aprill at the Lee Valley Athletics Centre, 61 Meridian Way, Edmonton (Satnav N9 0AR)
Age-Groups Under U13 and above Men/Women.
Events – 75m, 100m, 150m, 200m, 300m, 600m (8 spaces remaining), 800m, High Jump, Long Jump, Triple Jump
Entry is now open via Open Track – https://data.opentrack.run/en-gb/x/2025/GBR/bft111125/
Entries Closing Date Monday 14 April
Note: You will have to enter yourself and pay the appropriate entry fee. There are no entries on the day, and there is a probability that the limits for some or all events will be taken up well before the closing date
BFTTA OPEN MEETING – Takes place on Sunday 18 May at the Lee Valley Athletics Centre, 61 Meridian Way, Edmonton (Satnav N9 0AR)
Age-Groups Under U13 and above Men/Women.
Events – 75m, 100m, 150m, 200m, 400m, 800m, High Jump, Long Jump, Triple Jump
Entry is now open via Open Track – https://data.opentrack.run/en-gb/x/2025/GBR/bft111118/
Entries Closing Date Saturday 10 May
Note: You will have to enter yourself and pay the appropriate entry fee. There are no entries on the day, and there is a probability that the limits for some or all events will be taken up well before the closing date
BFTTA OPEN MEETING – Takes place on Sunday 1 June at the Lee Valley Athletics Centre, 61 Meridian Way, Edmonton (Satnav N9 0AR)
Age-Groups Under U13 and above Men/Women.
Events – 75m, 100m, 150m, 200m, 400m, 800m, High Jump, Long Jump, Triple Jump
Entry is now open via Open Track – https://data.opentrack.run/en-gb/x/2025/GBR/bft111119/
Entries Closing Date Friday 23 April
Note: You will have to enter yourself and pay the appropriate entry fee. There are no entries on the day, and there is a probability that the limits for some or all events will be taken up well before the closing date
BFTTA OPEN MEETING – Takes place on Sunday 20 July at the Lee Valley Athletics Centre, 61 Meridian Way, Edmonton (Satnav N9 0AR)
Age-Groups Under U13 and above Men/Women.
Events – 75m, 100m, 150m, 200m, 400m, 800m, High Jump, Long Jump, Triple Jump
Entry is now open via Open Track – https://data.opentrack.run/en-gb/x/2025/GBR/bft111120/
Entries Closing Date Friday 11 July
Note: You will have to enter yourself and pay the appropriate entry fee. There are no entries on the day, and there is a probability that the limits for some or all events will be taken up well before the closing date
BFTTA OPEN MEETING – Takes place on Saturday 30 August at the Lee Valley Athletics Centre, 61 Meridian Way, Edmonton (Satnav N9 0AR)
Age-Groups Under U13 and above Men/Women.
Events – 75m, 100m, 150m, 200m, 400m, 800m, High Jump, Long Jump, Triple Jump
Entry is now open via Open Track – https://data.opentrack.run/en-gb/x/2025/GBR/bft111121/
Entries Closing Date Friday 22 August
Note: You will have to enter yourself and pay the appropriate entry fee. There are no entries on the day, and there is a probability that the limits for some or all events will be taken up well before the closing date
These are the BFTA. Lee Valley and Watford open meeting dates
BFTA OPEN MEETINGS – Takes place at Lee Valley, and all 5 fixtures are now open to enter on the Opentrack website – April 21, May 18, June 1, July 20, August 30.
LEE VALLEY OPEN MEETINGS – Takes place Lee Valley – Fixtures still to be published. Details/Entries can be found on the Opentrack website.
WATFORD OPEN MEETINGS – Takes place Watford – April 2, 16 and 30, May 14 and 28, June 11 and 25, July 9 and 23, August 6 and 20, September 3. Details/Entries can be found on the Roster Athletics website.
SHAFTESBURY BARNET HARRIERS SUBSCRIPTIONS – Our new Club year started on 1 October 2024. The current SBH annual subscription is £85 (following the recent 2024 SBH AGM) and the current England Athletics annual registration from 1 April 2024 is £19. The current total is £104 and should be paid NOW to; ACCOUNT NAME: SHAFTESBURY BARNET HARRIERS, BANK: HSBC, ACCOUNT NUMBER: 41308378, SORT CODE: 400426 – Please advise GEOFF MORPHITIS by email (geoffrey.morphitis@capeandd.com) when payment has been made.
Just to clarify, that the results I publish can be different to those that are shown on the Power of 10. The differences relate to seasons and personal best performances. For example in the recent EYAL results, an athlete in the 200m ran (24.1), and on his profile his season’s best was shown as (23.88) indoors. As the 200m indoors and outdoors are totally different type of events, I had shown the (24.1) as a season’s best. Regarding Master athletes any personal best performances relate to their current age-groups, as Club Records for Masters age-groups are in 5 year periods.
ENGLISH SCHOOLS CROSS COUNTRY CHAMPIONSHIPS – Took place at Ardingly Showground on 15 March
Junior Boys – The winner was Leo Blyton of Oxfordshire (8.22) 334 runners finished
Team Result – 1st Staffordshire (284 points), 2nd Sussex (295), 3rd Hertfordshire (315), 7th Middlesex (437), 31st Suffolk (1016) 41 teams finished
Junior Girls – The winner was Gabrielle Pinder of Cleveland (9.05) 333 runners finished
Team Result – 1st Essex (207 points), 2nd Merseyside (229), 3rd Sussex (280), 14th Hertfordshire (659), 18th Middlesex (725) 43 teams finished
Intermediate Boys – EUAN PHILLIPS U17 (Middlesex) 175th (16.29) the winner was Evan Grime of Greater Manchester (14.26) 326 runners finished
Team Result – 1st Kent (226 points), 2nd Surrey (252), 3rd Greater Manchester (260), 7th Middlesex (512), 22nd Hertfordshire (813) 42 teams finished
Intermediate Girls – POSIE SHAW U17 (Middlesex) 80th (13.58) the winner was Kitty Scott of Surrey (12.27) 328 runners finished
Team Result – 1st Surrey (89 points), 2nd Essex (266), 3rd Sussex (281), 30th Middlesex (1006), 36th Hertfordshire (1318) 42 teams finished
Senior Boys – GIANLEO STUBBS U20 (Hertfordshire) 36th (18.43), RAFI GAYER U20 (Hertfordshire) 37th (18.43), TOMMY NARVAEZ-WHITE U20 (Middlesex) 86th (19.15) the winner was Alex Lennon of Surrey (17.46) 318 runners finished
Team Result – 1st Hertfordshire (295), 2nd Surrey (304), 3rd Hampshire (305), 12th Middlesex (579) 39 teams finished
Senior Girls – ZULEIKHA COLLINS U20 (Middlesex) 159th (16.08), DINA SILVERMAN U20 (Middlesex) 192nd (16.30) AKHALIA COLLINS U20 (Middlesex) 241st (17.45) the winner was Zoe Gilbody of Shropshire (13.23) 302 runners finished
Team Result – 1st Sussex (221 points), 2nd Greater Manchester (245), 3rd Surrey (254), 21st Middlesex (904), 34th Hertfordshire (1114) 37 teams finished
60m – U15B Straight Final KAIDEN SIMMONDS U15 won the Gold Medal (7.51i)
Pole Vault – U15B Straight Final NOAH VAN DEN BERGH U15 won the Gold Medal (3.40mi) Championship Record
Pole Vault – U17M Straight Final THOMAS ROBERTSON U17 won the Gold Medal (PB 3.90mi) adding 5cm to his 25 January height, and is ranked UK No.7 U17 in 2025, ISAAC VAN DEN BERGH U17 won the Silver Medal (3.80mi), RAMSEY GILL U17 won the Bronze Medal (PB 3.80mi) adding 8cm to his 2024 height
Pole Vault – U20M Straight Final ISSA PHILLIPS-POPE U20 (2nd Claim) won the Gold Medal (3.50mi)
High Jump – SW Straight Final REBECCA WHEELER-HENRY U23 won the Gold Medal (1.60mi)
60m – U15B H1 BEN BAMISAIYE U15 2nd (PB 8.10i) in the Final BEN finished 6th (PB 7.99i) taking .18 of a second off his 2024 time
60m – U15G H3 KAYLA ESCOBAR REINA U15 6th (9.18i)
60m – U17M H2 TYLER HOLDEN-AIKHOME U17 3rd (7.44i), EESA ADEKUNLE ALI U17 5th (7.75i), H3 ASHER ESCOBAR-REINA U17 4th (PB 7.54i) equalling his 25 January time
60m – U17W H1 OLUWATISHE ADESANYA U17 6th (PB 9.13i), H2 ELLA BUCKLEY U17 1st equal (PB 8.26i) taking .12 of a second off her 11 January time, FAITH LAMPTEY U17 5th (PB 8.54i) taking .16 of a second off her 2024 time, in the Final ELLA finished 6th (PB 8.24i) taking .02 of a second off her H2 time
60m – U20M H1 NATHAN FERNANDES U20 2nd (PB 7.13i) taking .05 of a second off his 17 March time, H2 JAIAN SAUNDERS U20 1st (7.16i), H3 OLIVER LAURENS U20 1st (PB 7.17i) taking .02 of a second off his 1 February time, MIKO BRAI-ALOYE U20 3rd (PB 7.38i) taking .15 of a second off his 2024 time, in the Final NATHAN won the Silver Medal (PB 7.11i) taking .02 of a second off his H1 time, OLIVER won the Bronze Medal (PB 7.12i) taking .05 of a second off his H3 time, JAIAN finished 4th (7.13i)
60m – U20W Straight Final MAKAYLA BRAI-ALOYE U20 won the Gold Medal (PB 7.70i) taking .04 of a second off her 1 February time
60m – SM H2 SYDNEY MENDES U23 2nd (7.29i)
200m – U15B H1 LOUIS XUN U15 1st (PB 24.28i) taking 2.44 seconds off his 2023 time, H2 BEN BAMISAIYE U15 2nd (26.00i) in the Final LOUIS won the Silver Medal (PB 24.0i) taking .28 of a second off his H1 time, BEN finished 6th (PB 25.8i) taking .05 of a second off his 26 January time
200m – U15G H1 ANU JAIYEOLA U15 1st (27.23i), ALEXANDRA MAI U15 5th (PB 30.69i) in Semi-Final 1 ANU finished 1st (26.76i) in the Final ANU won the Gold Medal (26.17i)
200m – U17M H4 TYLER HOLDEN-AIKHOME U17 3rd (24.25i) in Semi-Final 1 TYLER (DQ)
200m – U17W H2 OLUWATISHE ADESANYA U17 5th (PB 31.28i), H3 ELLA BUCKLEY U17 1st (PB 27.14i) taking 6.51 seconds off her 12 January time, H4 SHENEL OKRAH U17 4th (PB 28.55i), in Semi-Final 1 ELLA finished 2nd (PB 26.89i) taking .25 of a second off her H4 time, in the Final ELLA finished 4th (PB 26.85i) taking .04 of a second off her SF1 time
200m – U20M H1 JAIAN SAUNDERS U20 1st (23.45i), H2 OLIVER LAURENS U20 1st (SB 23.55i), MIKO BRAI-ALOYE U20 3rd (23.83i) in the Final JAIAN won the Gold Medal (SB 22.30i) taking .03 of a second off his 2 February time, OLIVER won the Silver Medal (SB 22.89i) taking .66 of a second off his H2 time, MIKO finished 5th (24.23i)
200m – U20W Straight Final MAKAYLA BRAI-ALOYE U20 won the Gold Medal (PB 24.88i) taking .09 of a second off her 2 February time
200m – SM H2 SYDNEY MENDES U23 1st (22.71i) in the Final SYDNEY won the Silver Medal (PB 22.42i) equalling his 15 February time
300m – U15B Straight Final BEN BAMISAIYE U15 won the Bronze Medal (PB 41.66i) taking .66 of a second off his 2024 time
300m – U17W H1 ELLA BUCKLEY U17 1st (PB 42.43i) taking .02 of a second off her 8 February time, in the Final ELLA won the Silver Medal (43.01i)
400m – U20M Straight Final JADEN AULIS U20 won the Silver Medal (SB 55.22i)
400m – U20W Straight Final LARISSA WILSON U20 won the Silver Medal (59.30i), ADANNA MAZINWOSU U20 won the Bronze Medal (60.31i), DINA SILVERMAN U20 finished 4th (PB 61.44i)
400m – SM H1 RAPHAEL AARON U23 2nd (PB 58.05i) in the Final RAPHAEL finished 4th (PB 57.23i) taking .82 of a second off his H1 time
800m – U20M Straight Final JACOB CLEMENT U20 won the Gold Medal (2:01.65i)
60m Hurdles – U15G Straight Final ALEXANDRA MAI U15 6th (PB 11.11i) taking .30 of a second off her 11 January time
Pole Vault – SW Straight Final ROSALIND ZEFFERTT V60 won the Bronze Medal (2.40mi)
Long Jump – U17W Straight Final MILLI BRIDGMAN-ATHANASATOS U17 finished 4th (4.15mi nwr)
Long Jump – SM Straight Final SAMUEL COHEN U20 5th (PB 4.26mi nwr)
Triple Jump – U17W Straight Final MILLI BRIDGMAN-ATHANASATOS U17 won the Silver Medal (PB 9.67mi nwr)
Triple Jump – SW Straight Final ROSALIND ZEFFERTT V60 won the Silver Medal (SB 7.50mi nwr) adding 25cm to her 2 February jump, and is ranked UK No.4 V60 in 2025
Shot 3kg – U17W Straight Final ELSA SHABANI U17 won the Gold Medal (SB 12.35mi) and is ranked UK No.8 U17 in 2025, KEIRA LAKE-BRYAN U17 won the Bronze Medal (PB 11.10mi) adding 12cm to her 2023 put
NCAA D1 INDOOR CHAMPIONSHIPS – Took place at Virginia Beach, Virginia, USA on 14-15 March
400m – SM H3 JADEN SMITH U23 (Arkansas Washington) 3rd (46.50i)
Heptathlon – SM JAMI SCHEULTER (University of Washington) 12th (5619i points) 60m (6.98i), 1000m (SB 2:49.53i) taking 2.76 seconds off his 1 February time, 60m Hurdles (8.23i), High Jump (1.91mi), Pole Vault (4.57mi), Long Jump (6.61mi), Shot 7.26kg (PB 15.29mi) adding 70cm to his 2024 put
BE FIT TODAY TRACK ACADEMY INDOOR MEETING – Took place at Lee Valley on 9 March
A04 IMIKAN EDOHO U11 4th (PB 14.40i) taking .68 of a second off his 2024 time, A09 ANGEL-GIFFORD MIYA U17 1st (PB 11.52i) taking .68 of a second off his 2024 time, B07 ANGEL finished 1st (PB 11.48i) taking .04 of a second off his A09 time, and is ranked UK No.9 U17 in 2025, B25 IMIKAN finished 3rd (14.46i)
RUN THROUGH VICTORIA PARK HALF MARATHON – Took place at London Victoria Park on 9 March
PAUL LEWIS V50 45th (PB 1:25.45 1st V50) taking 5 minutes and 36 seconds off his 2022 when a V45
PARKRUN – Can you make sure that you are registered as ‘Shaftesbury Barnet Harriers’, as the link I use to select all results only shows SBH athletes. If anyone is also officiating can you please contact me and advise me where and when.
PARKRUNS MILESTONE VESTS – You can purchase these from 50 to 500, this is the link – https://shop.parkrun.com/collections/milestone-run-walk-vests
PARKRUNS IN THE UK – Last Saturday at parkruns in the UK, there were…
1,280 events – 256,531 walkers, joggers, runners and volunteers – 12,682 first timers – 37,732 PBs
PARKRUN 5K – Took place at Aldenham on 15 March
PAUL LEWIS V50 7th (23.21) this was his 250th Parkrun
PARKRUN 5K – Took place at Battersea on 15 March
ARTHUR PHILLIPS U17 12th (16.41) this was his 70th Parkrun, DAVID GREENSTEIN V60 154th (20.22) this was his 95th Parkrun
PARKRUN 5K – Took place at Bushey on 15 March
DANIEL NICHOLS V40 7th (PB 17.09) this was his 62nd Parkrun
PARKRUN 5K – Took place at Cafarella, Italy on 15 March
PAUL MACCARTHY V55 44th (23.59) this was his 229th Parkrun
PARKRUN 5K – Took place at Canon Hill on 15 March
EMILY HATHAWAY U23 17th (PB 18.27) this was her 39th Parkrun
PARKRUN 5K – Took place at Canons Park on 15 March
LENARD MICHEL V55 32nd (24.57) this was his 138th Parkrun, SHONA MICHEL V50 69th (28.38) this was her 141st Parkrun
PARKRUN 5K – Took place at Hackney Marshes on 15 March
BARRY CHISHOLM V65 363rd (31.11) this was his 365th Parkrun
PARKRUN 5K – Took place at Hull on 15 March
KAYLA MICHEL U23 159th (24.49) this was her 54th Parkrun
PARKRUN 5K – Took place at long Eaton on 15 March
FREYA STAPLETON U23 3rd (17.12) this was her 53rd Parkrun
PARKRUN 5K – Took place at Luton Wardown on 15 March
BEN WINFIELD U23 1st (PB 16.03) this was his 20th Parkrun
PARKRUN 5K – Took place at Maidstone River Park on 15 March
CLIFF GOLDING V70 80th (25.22) this was his 185th Parkrun
PARKRUN 5K – Took place at Malmo Ribersborg, Sweden on 15 March
ELLIOT BURCHER U20 3rd (19.51) this was his 9th Parkrun
PARKRUN 5K – Took place at Oak Hill on 15 March
JO KENT V55 30th (21.39) this was her 161st Parkrun, SCARLETT KENT U23 39th (22.05) this was her 83rd Parkrun, STUART SINGER V60 78th (24.09) this was his 461st Parkrun, BRADLEY SINGER V35 135th (26.00) this was his 314th Parkrun
PARKRUN 5K – Took place at Pymmes on 15 March
LEWIS WARD U13 5th (19.08) this was his 7th Parkrun, SAM DARCY U15 7th (PB 19.20) this was his 30th Parkrun, SIENNA DARCY U13 22nd (PB 21.40) this was her 2nd Parkrun
PARKRUN 5K – Took place at Rickmansworth on 15 March
DANIYAL JANMOHAMED U11 21st (19.28) this was his 31st Parkrun, LUCAS XIE U13 23rd (PB 19.32) this was his 3rd Parkrun, LILY JANMOHAMED U11 65th (21.18) this was her 33rd Parkrun
PARKRUN 5K – Took place at Roundhay on 15 March
ROBBIE LIGHTOWLER 291st (36.11) this was his 15th Parkrun
UPCOMING FIXTURES FOR THE NEXT 6 WEEKS, WHICH COVERS THE PERIOD THURSDAY 20 MARCH UNTIL WEDNESDAY 29 APRIL – The SBH 2024-2025 Winter Fixture Card can be found on the SBH website, in which you can Access/Print a copy for future reference. Also the majority of fixtures Information can be found on the SBH Website under the ‘Upcoming Fixtures’ section.
WORLD SENIOR INDOOR CHAMPIONSHIPS – Takes place in Glasgow from Friday 21 March to Sunday 23 March
Note: You will be selected following the UK trials
SHAFTESBURY BARNET HARRIERS THROWSFEST 1 – Takes place on Sunday 23 March at the StoneX Stadium, Greenlands Lane, Hendon (Satnav NW4 1RL).
Entry fee for SBH members is £6 for their first event, and £9 for subsequent events. Entry fee for non SBH members is £12 for each event.
Events are Hammer starts at 10.20am, Discus and Shot starts at 13.40am and Javelin starts at 17.00am.
Entries Closed
SHAFTESBURY BARNET HARRIERS THROWSFEST 2 – Takes place on Saturday 29 March at the StoneX Stadium, Greenlands Lane, Hendon (Satnav NW4 1RL).
Entry fee for SBH members is £6 for their first event, and £9 for subsequent events. Entry fee for non SBH members is £12 for each event.
Events are Hammer starts at 10.20am, Discus and Shot starts at 13.40am and Javelin starts at 17.00am.
Link to the online entries on Opentrack – https://data.opentrack.run/en-gb/x/2025/GBR/sbh-throwsfest-2/
Entries Closing Date Wednesday 26 March, No Entries On The Day
Note: Events may be full before the Closing Date, Therefore Please Enter As Soon As Possible
SOUTHERN MEN’S 12 STAGE AND WOMENS 6 STAGE ROAD RELAYS WHICH INCLUDE THE 15/U17 5K AND U13 3K ROAD CHAMPIONSHIPS – Takes place on Sunday 30 March at Milton Keynes.Bucks (MK14 6BN)/strong>
Start times – 11.00am U15/U17 5K, 12.00pm Men 6 Stages of 4.8K and 6 Stages of 7.2K, Women 4 Stages of 4.8K and 2 Stages of 7.2K
Entries Closed
WATFORD OPEN MEETING – Takes place on Wednesday 2 April at the Woodside Stadium, Horseshoe Lane, Watford (Satnav WD25 7HH).
Age-Groups Under U13 and above Men/Women.
Timetable – 7.00pm 100m, 7.15pm 1500m no times over 5 minutes 30 seconds, 9.00pm 3000m no under 13s
Link to entries on roster athletics – https://meets.rosterathletics.com/public/competitions/details/about?id=26507
Entries Closing Date Monday 31 March
Note: You will have to enter yourself and pay the appropriate entry fee. There are no entries on the day, and there is a probability that the limits for some or all events will be taken up well before the closing date
LEE VALLEY OPEN MEETING – Takes place on Saturday 5 April at the Lee Valley Athletics Centre, 61 Meridian Way, Edmonton (Satnav N9 0AR)
Age-Groups Under U13 and above Men/Women.
Events – 100m, 200m, 300m, 400m, 800m, 70mH, 75mH, 80mH, 100mH, 110mH, 400mH, Discus, Shot (full), Hammer – £10 per event.
Link to enter on OpenTrack – https://data.opentrack.run/en-gb/x/2025/GBR/lvacopen/
Entries Closing Date Wednesday 2 April
Note: You will have to enter yourself and pay the appropriate entry fee. There are no entries on the day, and there is a probability that the limits for some or all events will be taken up well before the closing date
EASTERN YOUNG ATHLETES LEAGUE ROUND 1 – The first of four fixtures takes place on Sunday 13 April at the Cambridge University Athletics Track, 18 Adams Road, Cambridge (Satnav CB3 9AD).
Age-Groups Under U13, U15 & U17 Men/Women.
Link to the timetable – EYAL-Timetable-2025-matches-1-and-3-v1 (1)
Note: You will have to be selected by your Team Manager, Those athletes who wish to compete as a non-scorer, please contact your Team Manager no later than Thursday 10 April as the declarations have to be in on Friday 11 April
WATFORD OPEN MEETING – Takes place on Wednesday 16 April at the Woodside Stadium, Horseshoe Lane, Watford (Satnav WD25 7HH).
Age-Groups Under U13 and above Men/Women.
Timetable – 7.00pm 200m no, 7.15pm 400m no under 13s, 7.30pm 800m no times over 2 minutes 45 seconds, 9.00pm 3000m no times over 11 minutes, no under 13s
Link to entries on roster athletics, although entries are not open yet –
Note: You will have to enter yourself and pay the appropriate entry fee. There are no entries on the day, and there is a probability that the limits for some or all events will be taken up well before the closing date
BFTTA OPEN MEETING – Takes place on Monday 21 Aprill at the Lee Valley Athletics Centre, 61 Meridian Way, Edmonton (Satnav N9 0AR)
Age-Groups Under U13 and above Men/Women.
Events – 75m, 100m, 150m, 200m, 300m, 600m, 800m, High Jump, Long Jump, Triple Jump
Entry is now open via Open Track – https://data.opentrack.run/en-gb/x/2025/GBR/bft111125/
Entries Closing Date Saturday 6 April
Note: You will have to enter yourself and pay the appropriate entry fee. There are no entries on the day, and there is a probability that the limits for some or all events will be taken up well before the closing date
UK YOUTH DEVELOPMENT LEAGUE PREMIER SOUTH ROUND 1 – The first fixture of three takes place on Sunday 27 April at the Thames Valley Athletics Track, Pococks Lane, Eton, Windsor (Satnav SL4 6HN).
Age-Groups Under 17 & U20 Men/Women.
Link to the timetable – YDL UAG Timetables 2025
Note: You will have to be selected by your respective Team Manager
ATHLETICS WEEKLY 1969 TO 1987 – RICHARD SAMUEL wishes to dispose of his collection of Athletics Weekly’s, which ranges from mid 1969 to mid 1987. Most years are complete but there are a few gaps. Mostly the condition is good but a few are a bit dog eared. RICHARD suggests a donation to club funds by anyone interested and they would have be collected.
Anyone interested please contact RICHARD by email at Richard.samuel1@btinternet.com
MINI LONDON MARATHON ALUMNI TO RETURN THIS SPRING – The following article was published on the Athletics Weekly website recently. Photograph of KEELY HODGKINSON and JAKE WIGHTMAN taken by MARK SHEARMAN
Former Mini London Marathon Championship runners have been invited to take part in the 40th edition of the event on 26 April.
The list of former competitors at the Mini London Marathon reads like a who’s who and includes MO FARAH, HANNAH COCKCROFT, KEELY HODGKINSON, JAKE WIGHTMAN, JOSH KERR, DAVID WEIR and ALISTAIR BROWNLEE. This year to mark the 40th edition of the young athlete event, organisers are welcoming former competitors to relive their experience and take part in a special wave. On Saturday 26 April, previous participants can return to the start line and take in the sights of the historic TCS-sponsored event. It will be an opportunity to see how the event has grown over the years, to join fellow alumni and the organisers for something to eat in hospitality on The Mall, as well as participate in the very special ‘40th wave’ covering 2.6km. BEN COOPER, Event Lead for the TCS Mini London Marathon, said: “In 2025, London Marathon Events will be celebrating the famous history of the TCS Mini London Marathon, and those who have helped make it what it is today.
“Over the last 40 editions, some of this country’s biggest names in sport have been born – including the likes of our Olympic gold medallists SIR MO FARAH and KEELY HODGKINSON – while numerous others have enjoyed a successful career in sport and activity, inspiring the next generation of young people to be active. “The 40th wave welcomes back some of those past participants and winners, and their families, to take in what the Mini London Marathon has become and to hopefully pass the magic of the event on to their families, friends and many more. We look forward to welcoming them back.”
ENGLAND ATHLETICS THROWS COMMUNITY NEWSLETTER – Just received the February issue from NICK RIDGEON of England Athletics – England Athletics February 2025 Throws Community Newsletter
SHAFTESBURY BARNET HARRIERS NEW INSTAGRAM ACCOUNT– Many thanks to SEAN SUTHERLAND who undertook a review on the best way forward, following this a decision was made to set up a new account, and SEAN has now set that account up.
To follow our newInstagram account, from your own account, by searching for ‘shaftesbury_barnet’ or by clicking https://www.instagram.com/shaftesbury_barnet/
To Members and Parents, if you wish for any photographs to be posted on Instagram, please email them to sbh.instagram@outlook.com If you can at the same time give details on when and where the photographs was taken, plus any other comments.
Please feel free to post photographs of any special occasion, for example, your wedding day, an addition to the family.
SHAFTESBURY BARNET HARRIERS ON INSTAGRAM – Since the account was setup, there has been an amazing amount of Videos and Photographs contributed with many comments. There is 1 post this week.
Video of JOHN OTUGADE, talking about his experience of the European Indoor Championships
SBH 2025 SUMMER FIXTURE CARD – The SBH 2025 Summer Fixture Card has now been published on the SBH Website on 20 March 2025. This is the link to the fixture card, which you can access and print for future reference – https://sbharriers.co.uk/fixtures-results/fixture-cards/
Information on each fixture will be published in the SBH Weekly Newsletter as and when available, this is the link to the current and previous SBH Weekly Newsletters – https://sbharriers.co.uk/news/
SBH 2024-2025 CROSS COUNTRY POINTS RACES – Take place throughout the season, the final winners hve now been determined.
Link to the final Men and Women’s points tables, following the National Championships at Parliament Hill on 22 February –Mens Cross Country Points Tables 2024-2025 Final Issue 22-02-25 Womens Cross Country Points Tables 2024-2025 Final Issue 22-02-25
SBH 2024-2025 CROSS COUNTRY CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP RACES – Take place throughout the season, the final winners hve now been determined.
Link to the final Men and Women’s Club Championship winners, following the 25 January Southern Championships – SBH Cross Country Club Championship Winners 2024-2025 Updated 25-01-25
STONEX STADIUM MEMBERSHIP – To use the StoneX Stadium facilities for training, SBH members are required to pay a fee. You can register as a member (which is free) which then entitles you to a discount. This is the link to the form to apply for membership – SBH StoneX Membership 2024-2025 The entrance fee on the membership form, cover the period 1 May 2024 to 30 April 2025.
If you wish to contribute your own memories and/or photographs of GEORGE, please email them to me, either within the email or as a separate attached word document.
CODES OF CONDUCT – SBH have now adopted the UK Athletics (UKA) and the Home Country Athletics Federations (HCAF) Codes of Conduct which set out national standards of conduct for all clubs, coaches, officials, volunteers and athletes in the sport. The purpose of the codes are to clarify what behaviours are acceptable and unacceptable, the standards of practice expected and the basis for challenging and improving practice. The Codes are similar to our previous Codes of Conduct which were part of the previous ClubMark scheme. All club member and anyone undertaking a relevant role must agree to abide by the codes of conduct. The Codes of Conduct have now been put onto our Website, please read these to understand the commitments you are making by being a member of SBH.
Link to the Code of Conduct document – Codes Of Conduct Booklet 2021 (1)
Section ‘About Us’, includes Annual Reports, Best Performance Trophy Awards, Individual And Relay Best Performances By Year, Club Records and SBH All-Time Top 10 T&F Performances.
Section ‘Team Managers And Competitions’, shows details of Track & Field, Cross Country and Road Relays Team Managers.
Section ‘Future Information/Results’, includes Information On Each Fixture, Summer & Winter Fixture Cards, Winter X/C Points Tables and Winter Club Championships Winners.
SHAFTESBURY BARNET HARRIERS NEW CLUB KIT – They are now available to purchase from our club kit supplier, Supreme Sports – click on the link for the full range – https://www.supreme-sports.co.uk/webshop/schools-and-clubs/shaftesbury-barnet-harriers/
By opening the link, you will be on the front page, which displays the men’s items. Click on SBH LADIES for the women’s items, or click on SBH KIDS for the young athletes’ items.
CLUB HOODIES– With well over eight hundred hoodies already in circulation, this is your opportunity to join the club. The bright red hoody is made to order and has your name embroidered on the front along with the club badge and has the Club name on the back. We now have 2 styles, the original pull over style at £37 + P&P or the new one with a full zip at £40 + P&P.
Here is the link to the Supreme Sports website which if you click on it, will take YOU to the new Club Hoody and allow you to then view the full range of Club kit online – https://www.supreme-sports.co.uk/webshop/schools-and-clubs/shaftesbury-barnet-harriers/
ACCESS TO SBH CLUBHOUSE – The new Keyholders to the outside door are TY HOLDEN, CLYDE GORDON, NEVILLE THOMPSON, GREG THOMPSON, COLIN GODFREY and YAMILLE ALDAMA who all use the Clubhouse outside of normal stadium opening hours. GEOFF MORPHITIS and DAVE BEDFORD will also have a key. All other key fob holders can continue to gain access to the clubhouse via the (New) West Stand Entrance and the Trackside Door to the Clubhouse.
Link to note and details for further information – SBH Club House Door 20-01-23
PHOTOGRAPH’S – From time to time we have photographs of our members taken at meetings or presentations which we would like to use both on the website or incorporated within our report to our local newspaper. Can you please let me know if you do NOT want your photograph to be published. Also, I would appreciate if you could send me any photographs, which I can then publish on the website and newsletter.
FACEBOOK – Photographs can be found on the SBH page.
CAN YOU HELP PLEASE – I would welcome any contributions From Yourselves, any impending marriages, or additions to the family, any running or competing incidents, also past warm weather training/holidays (No Club 24 please). Currently the response has been excellent, but if you have anything that could make it into next week’s Newsletter – please email me.
CURRENT DISTRIBUTION OF SHAFTESBURY INFORMATION – Currently I notify members (by email) using “MailChimp”. The reason I changed, was in November 2017 “Gmail” put a limit of 100 addresses that users could send to in a 24-hour period, and currently I send to approximately 850 members each issue.
On seeking technical advice “MailChimp” was recommended as the best way for SBH to go forward. There is one thing you should be aware off is that when you receive an email from me, the footer at the bottom has 4 options, of which one is “Unsubscribe Me From List”. Could I ask you not to select this as if you do you will be automatically removed from my distribution list.
SBH MIDWEEK POLE VAULT CLUB AT STONEX STADIUM – The current arrangements until further notice are that Pole Vault training is on Monday’s and Wednesday’s from 18.30pm to 21.00pm. Please contact the session administrator CLYDE GORDON at clydeg67@hotmail.co.uk in advance and let him know if you are planning to attend.
SBH HIGH JUMPS GROUP AT STONEX STADIUM – High Jump training takes place on Monday’s from 19.00pm to 21.00pm. These sessions will be run by our High Jump Coach GRANT BROWN. There will be a charge of £10 per session.
Please contact the session administrator CLYDE GORDON at clydeg67@hotmail.co.uk in advance and let him know if you are planning to attend
SBH TRAINING AND COACHING – Please see the 2024-2025 Winter Fixture Card, which gives details of Training and Coaching – A SBH Winter 2024-2025 Fixture Card Front Sheet Issued 02-09-24
POLE VAULTERS REQUIRED FOR 2025 – To all athletes young & old – are you aware of the SBH Pole Vault sessions held at StoneX Stadium on Monday & Wednesday evenings from 18.30pm. We have room to coach more of you, why not come along and watch a session and the get involved – give it a try NOW.
Please contact the session administrator CLYDE GORDON at clydeg67@hotmail.co.uk for more details.
STEEPLECHASE TRAINING AT STONEX STADIUM – Check with your Coach for details of training times.
SBH PRIVACY STATEMENT – In becoming a member, SBH will collect certain information about you. Can you please read the attached ‘Privacy Statement’ which contains Information on General Data Protection Regulations – SBH Privacy Statement Final April 2018
STONEX STADIUM – Main Switchboard telephone number is 020 3675 7250.
STONEX STADIUM AWARDED TRACKMARK STANDARD – Congratulations on achieving the UK Athletics Quality Assurance Standards for StoneX Stadium. This is the letter from UK Athletics and certificate showing all area that achieved compliance – StoneX Stadium Award Letter 09.11.21StoneX Stadium Certificate